Aoba Office

Chapter 1426 Passing (1)

I didn't answer the call the first time.

My mother glanced at me and continued: "Since you were transferred to the demolition office, these things have happened one after another, and you have been hospitalized several times. Your friend, Xiaoguang, is Aguang's... He has also been hospitalized several times. Right? Your dad and I are scared... It's not that Mom is superstitious, it's really not good. You can rest at home for a while and find another job. It doesn't matter if the money is less. ”

"Mom, I'm halfway through, why should I resign? I was in charge before, and now we're negotiating the demolition contract. I know the situation of each household best. There's no one in the demolition office anymore. I'm leaving. What should we do with this situation? We can't just leave it alone, right?" I said helplessly.

I don’t have a special liking for demolition work, nor do I want to make achievements in my career.

To be honest, when I took the civil service exam, it was entirely due to the atmosphere. People around me were about to graduate, and there were a lot of postgraduate and public examinations, just like before, I took the exams together. I passed the exam and the job was pretty good, so I kept doing it. The superiors transferred me to the demolition office and was in charge of six villages of workers and peasants. As a small civil servant, of course I obeyed.

I don't know how much destiny, how much Ye Qing's calculation, how much pure coincidence there is in this. Before everything happened, I just thought of this as a job, a career. As long as what I do is worthy of my salary.

The current situation is that it is impossible for me to simply throw away this job.

If I really change my job, I have no reason to keep going to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, let alone cope with the situation at home.

My mother had an expression of hatred, as if she was blaming me for being so serious and responsible, and so stubborn.

I had to pretend that I was conscientious.

If possible, I might resign before transferring to the demolition office.

But if I think about it carefully, even if I resigned at that time, found another job, worked for a private boss, or simply switched to a company other than Minqing, I would probably be caught back and still encounter these supernatural events.

I comforted my mother, but my pale words didn't have much effect. She still frowned and tried to persuade me earnestly.

"...This is all an accident, and I can't help it. You think too much. Maybe I have been unlucky in the past two years. Otherwise, why don't we go to the temple to burn incense?" I tried to persuade you from another angle.

The enthusiastic uncle in the next bed interrupted at this time and recommended Universal Mountain, saying that the incense there was strong and very effective.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Mom is not interested in this topic either. She is not really a superstitious person and believes that praying to gods and worshiping Buddha can be useful.

I changed the subject, "Why haven't the discharge procedures been completed yet?"

I took out my cell phone and called my dad. There's still a queue over there.

I had to face my mother face to face and continue to listen to her nagging.

After the discharge procedures were completed, I went to see Chen Xiaoqiu.

Standing in the ward were Guo Yujie and Chen Yihan.

I haven't seen Chen Yihan for a while. He looked more dusty than before, as if he had just come from somewhere.

"Are you okay?" I greeted Chen Xiaoqiu.

Chen Xiaoqiu's leg was hanging without a plaster.

"Steel plates need to be installed." Chen Xiaoqiu said calmly, "When I fell, I was crushed."

I wanted to ask about the specific situation at that time, but the noisy ward was obviously not suitable for talking about this.

After chatting for a while, Guo Yujie and I left together.

Guo Yujie sent me to the entrance of the hospital.

I called a car and my parents got in first.

"You should have a good rest. I will go to the community to check on the situation later. Over there... Building No. 6 is quite seriously damaged," Guo Yujie said.

My heart sank as I thought about the office's house, and was a little worried that those responsible for the aftermath would do unnecessary things.

"Don't worry, we will watch. You have a good rest." Guo Yujie patted me, making me stagger.

She pushed me into the taxi, and I had to smile bitterly and wave goodbye to her.

I was restless all afternoon, and even got a little distracted during dinner.

It wasn't until I was lying in bed at night, scrolling through the news for a long time that nothing new came up, that I saw Slender Man and others speaking out in the group.

"... Now it is regarded as a small-scale earthquake. Building No. 6 was the most severely damaged, and the roof collapsed. The rescue team is going up. When they learned about the situation, Director Mao and we told him that no one lived on the top floor. They should Maybe I didn’t check it carefully..."

"I saw Taoist Xuanqing. I just caught a glimpse of him and didn't know if it was him." The fat man interrupted.

"Really? Why didn't you tell me?" The thin man was surprised.

"It's not in Building 6, it's outside the community. So, I don't know if it's him." The fat man made an innocent expression.

"What's next?" I asked.

"It has nothing to do with us, does it? They deal with the disaster relief first. Building No. 6 is now a dangerous building, and there are other people, injured and dead, who have to deal with the aftermath. That is not our responsibility." The thin man said.

Fatty added: "What the old leader wants, we have to express our attitude at this time. Although the house is damaged, the conditions negotiated before will remain unchanged, and the compensation plan will remain the same and will not be affected."

"I guess many people are urging them to move out now," said the thin man.

This is a no-brainer.

I took leave the next day and went to visit Wu Ling and the others.

Yesterday, they rushed to Gongnong Village from the airport. They had a car accident on the way and were sent to a nearby hospital. The hospital was a bit far away from Gongnong Village.

Guo Yujie wrote down their wards and sent them to me. When I looked over, I saw Wu Ling with his head wrapped in gauze, sitting on the bed and looking at his phone.

She had a keen sense, and when I entered the door, she raised her head and met my eyes.

"You're here." Wu Ling put down the phone.

"Well, come here to see you. Are you okay?" I asked while glancing at the empty hospital bed next to me.

Wu Ling's hospital conditions were much better than mine. There was a room for two, and the bed next to her seemed to be unoccupied and neatly tidied.

This makes it easier for us to talk.

I closed the ward door with my backhand.

"It's nothing serious. Nangong's driving skills are very good and he stopped in time." Wu Ling said lightly, "What's your situation?"

I pulled up a chair and sat down beside the hospital bed, recounting everything that happened yesterday, "...I didn't see that it was Chen Xiaoqiu who was at the scene."

I made an agreement with Chen Xiaoqiu yesterday, so I called Chen Xiaoqiu at this time.

Chen Xiaoqiu probably found a quiet place, maybe even transferred to a ward, and didn't think much of what he said.

"...When I arrived, there were a lot of people downstairs, in twos and threes. I heard the monster's voice and could feel the Yin Qi. The Yin Qi should be Ye Qing's. The other is the entrance and exit of the different space. I I saw it. But through the window, I couldn't see it very clearly. After the earthquake... that is, after the monster made a big move, I saw its claws... broken stones falling down. Coupled with some dust and smoke... I also fell down, so I couldn't keep a close eye on it. That Qiao Ji must have also seen these things. She was standing downstairs and didn't move. She seemed to... want to go upstairs. But there was some hesitation." Chen Xiaoqiu considered it, "I saw her take something out of her pocket, like a mirror, a small makeup mirror that could be fully held with one hand. If you put it in your pocket, you should be holding something."

"Are you sure it's Qiao Bi?" Wu Ling asked.

"Yes." Chen Xiaoqiu replied, "I couldn't at the time. I just thought her behavior was the strangest. Now I can confirm it. The list of casualties in yesterday's accident has come out. She was among the dead, the one I saw."

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