Aoba Office

Chapter 143 No. 028-Little Poltergeist (3)

On December 21, 2005, the client was contacted. Telephone recording 200512211042.mp3.

"Hello, Miss Zhou."

"Hello. Did you find out anything?"

"Yes, we are now certain that you have encountered a supernatural event. Can you come to the office to discuss the specific matters?"

"Okay. I'll come over in the evening."

"Then we'll wait for you to come over and discuss it in detail."

On December 21, 2005, the client was contacted. Audio file 02820051221.wav.

"Miss Zhou, please come in."

"What did you find?"

"Please don't worry. We have already edited the recording file, and this is the problematic part."


"Dong! Plop tap tap... Hee hee!..."

"Is this...a child's laughter? Is it him?"

"Our current judgment is that this thing is not a ghost, but another species, most likely a monster in disguise. You can substitute various mythological and fantasy-themed works, and it's pretty much that kind of thing."

"Are you serious?"

"The yin and yang eyes did not see the yin energy belonging to ghosts. This thing is neither a ghost nor a human. This is the result of the elimination method."

"...I...can't accept this result."

"This is not a question of whether you can accept it. We also have some methods to deal with this kind of thing. Judging from the results of the investigation at your house that day, the first situation is that this thing is not in your house, so we were at your house that day The conversation was unclear, and it continued to move, but there was no targeted action; the second situation is that this thing followed your parents, it was something belonging to your parents that took the form of a human, and did not hear our conversation, so it is unknown. Our plan, so it will continue to operate as usual. The former is okay, but if it is the latter, you need to think about it carefully. "

"What's the meaning?"

"In the first case, we can catch it by setting up a trap in your house. Don't worry, the trap is not dangerous to people. We just need to be there to do this. Will your parents agree to us doing this? If not, you Can they be allowed to leave home temporarily?”

"I...I can try to let them go out. So you said that the second situation needs me to think carefully. Do you want me to keep that thing?"

"Yeah. If it's something that belongs to your parents, you need to keep it. Because you can't convince your parents to accept that, right?"


"Based on its shape and behavior, it is a naughty child, playing pranks, and has malicious intentions towards you. Have you ever damaged anything belonging to your parents?"

"How could I do this?"

"You may have done this, but you didn't realize it yourself. Dead objects are meaningless in the eyes of living people. You can throw away the old key ring and replace the glasses with new ones if they are not of the correct prescription. But if those things become monsters , can transform, the situation is different. Of course, commodities mass-produced on the assembly line such as key rings and glasses are unlikely to transform. Natural things are more likely to transform. Living things such as animals and plants, Transformation is probably the biggest. Do your parents have any belongings made of this material?"

"Wait a minute, let me think about it..."

"As you please."

"Huh... tobacco... does it count? My father smokes, and I have always advised him to quit smoking. He also smokes cigars, and I have thrown away his cigarettes. Is this... considered a plant product?"

"The existence of this kind of thing itself is very short-lived. The meaning of its existence is to be consumed, and it is impossible to transform."

"Then let me think about it... I gave my mother a wallet, so she doesn't use her original leather wallet."

“‘No more’ means not taking it with you, or throwing it away?”

"Put the cabinet...oh, the cabinet is in the bedroom, it shouldn't be that one."

"The thing must be with your parents. If you deny its existence value and persuade your parents to abandon it, they should refuse. In addition, you can think about whether you have destroyed something."

"If you accidentally fall to the ground or step on your foot, you can also consider this."

"Isn't this scope too big? How can I even think about it?"

"Then, you can use carpet search."


"This is the amulet of our office. You can wear this and ask your parents for personal belongings."

"Will it resist?"

"If you don't transform, the means of resistance will be weak. For example, if your hand slips and falls on the ground, etc. With the amulet on, you don't have to worry about safety issues. Once the identity is determined, it will be easier for us to deal with it. The best thing is still You can narrow down the scope first. Time is also a condition. Things should happen before the supernatural phenomenon occurs. What did you do during that time?"

"I don't know. I don't usually pay attention to this."

"If that monster is particularly cautious, not only what he does, but also what he says may make him hate you. It is difficult to narrow down the range."

"The worst outcome is that you can communicate with your parents, even make a deal with them, and get them to agree to us setting up the spell. If the monster is caught, your parents will change their mind, and if they fail to catch it, you may have to go to the hospital."


"We can't make a decision for you on this matter. Miss Zhou, we can only provide you with various solutions and explain the pros and cons."

"I have the amulet, can't I?"

"That thing has a body. It's just a small amount of damage now, but what about the future? The amulet can't protect you from getting bricked to death."

"Scared...that it will attack me?"

"It's no longer content with destroying your painting."


"If you want to pick up something, you must notify us in advance and hand it over to us immediately after you get it. We can wait at your door in advance, and you can come out and hand it over to us after you get it."

"Let me think about it...I won't go home until the weekend."


December 22, 2005, audio file analysis. Audio file 02820051219G(1).wav.

"Mushroom, what did you find?"



"Boom! Snap, snap, snap..."


"What's wrong?"

"Although I'm not a great detective, based on my many years of experience, I think this sound is very problematic."

"what is the problem?"

"This thing is very heavy."


"Listen to this sound."

click! click!



"For a child, first of all, it won't be very big. To have this kind of sound effect, unless it falls from a certain height, a very high height. The items you carry with you won't be placed high, right?"

"Well, that makes sense."

"Secondly, there is the sound of running behind."


"Pap, tap, tap..."


"How is it? It's still very heavy, right? It's the same. It's small and the sound is loud, which means it's heavy! At least, it's definitely heavier than a human child, and it's a lot heavier, more than ten times."

"And it's an object that can be carried with you. It's very dense."

"Could it be that the monster became heavier after it transformed?"

"The monster also has to look at its body. The body of this thing itself cannot be a light thing. Considering other conditions, it may be a metal product or an ore."

"Ore? Does anyone carry something like that?"

"Jade, precious stones, it's all possible."

"That narrows it down."

"Inform Zhou Liuyan and let her think again."

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