Aoba Office

Chapter 1423 Mutation

As soon as the call was connected, I heard Wu Ling's anxious voice, "Lin Qi, where are you now?"

"I'm in the community, Gongnong Village 6. What's wrong?" My heart was lifted.

Just hearing Wu Ling's voice, I felt something was wrong.

"Qiao Yan is missing. The last place she appeared was Minqing Airport. She should have come to Minqing." Wu Ling said.

Qiao Yan should be the Miss Qiao who used black magic.

I didn't understand, "Was she taken care of by the devil, or... did she make a deal with the devil?"

There are only two dangerous situations I can think of. If Qiao Yan was just possessed and controlled by the devil, she shouldn't have exposed her situation and shouldn't have disappeared. Instead, she should have contacted Wu Ling openly. The second possibility is more likely. That Qiao Yan studies black magic, or is the descendant of some cult believers, maybe she has an unclear relationship with the devil.

When I thought of this, I found the loophole in Wu Ling's previous plan.

"I lost her. When I was in the capital, I didn't find that she had any contact with the devil." Wu Ling's voice was low.

I was surprised and felt naive.

I am not that sensitive to the things in the supernatural circle, and my thoughts are a bit sloppy. Wu Ling obviously won't make such a mistake. It seems that letting Qiao Yan contact the devil is just a test by Wu Ling.

"She wants to attack me?" I got to the point immediately.

I have lost my ability now. In the eyes of people like Qiao Yan, I am no different from an ordinary person. She can kill me easily. But think about it carefully. Even if I have the ability, I will be attacked and plotted against by a black magician like Qiao Yan. I have no good way to deal with it.

The current situation is not bad. At least I know in advance that Qiao Yan might attack me.

"Nangong and Mushroom can't find her. I'm coming to Gongnong Village 6 now. You go to Ye Qing first." Wu Ling ordered.

"Okay." I didn't act pretentiously.

This is not the first time I have sought help from Ye Qing.

I hung up the phone in a hurry, said something to Director Mao, and went into the bedroom again, whispering a few words to Guo Yujie.

Guo Yujie expressed her understanding, patted my shoulder hard, and told me to be careful.

My shoulder ached, but I didn't bother to complain to Guo Yujie.

Chen Aihua's wife suddenly rushed out of the room at this time and wanted to quarrel with Chen Minhua again. Guo Yujie had to divert her attention.

I was busy with my own affairs, so I ignored these two troublesome women.

After coming out of Building No. 7, I walked a few steps to Building No. 6. When I was about to take out the key to open the door on the sixth floor, I felt a strange breath.

The malicious Yin Qi made me shudder.

I heard a low roar from behind the door, as if some monster was wandering in the room.

It was the thing that Ye Qing locked up!

I already had a guess about the true identity of that thing.

It might be a monster that appeared in the future world, similar to the Qilin.

Although I don't know whether Ye Qing locked up that thing for research or for other purposes, I know its danger clearly.


There was a collision sound from the wall on the other side.

I felt Ye Qing's Yin Qi fluctuate violently in the house separated by a wall.

The sound of bells rang out, ding-ding-ding-ding non-stop, as if urging people to leave.

I took a step back and felt the crisis of the situation.

This is really a bad situation that makes things worse.

Ye Qing definitely doesn't have time to help me now. I don't know when Qiao Yi will come to my door. I have no idea what to do.

I called Wu Ling anxiously.

"...The thing behind the door is..." The call was connected, and I just said two sentences when I heard the noise coming from the phone.

Bang bang!


The roar of a beast came from the office, and the whole building seemed to be shaking.

I turned around suddenly and looked behind me.

On the stairs behind the railing, where there is an entrance to the alien space, abnormal fluctuations are coming!

The entrance to the alien space is about to open!

I blurted out a Chinese curse.

This is not making things worse, it's a blizzard and hail!

I stepped back subconsciously, and my back was against the wall at the end of the road.

I swallowed and told Wu Ling the bad news.

"I might really end up here... If I become a ghost, what should I think about now?" I asked.

My mind was blank.

This kind of death was something I had never expected before.

For a moment, I was talking to Wu Ling based on instinct.

I still remember that I should become a ghost after I die, preferably a fierce ghost, but a rational and sober fierce ghost like Ye Qing. I need to protect my family and friends, and at the same time, I have to complete my mission.

After becoming a ghost, I should find my abilities back, and then find an old ghost that has survived from a long time ago to today, and change the source of this world...

My blank mind was suddenly filled with ideas.

"Calm down. Get out of the building first and find an open space. Black magic requires a medium. Don't let your belongings and body organs come into contact with Qiao Yong. Don't be afraid if she manipulates other things to deal with you. I believe that evil spirits and demons are spirits. You must also believe this." Wu Ling's voice was extremely calm. "Compared to Qiao Yong, the door to the other dimension is more troublesome." "Oh..." I just responded and felt the whole residential building shake again.

This time the shaking was more severe. I could already hear the exclamations outside, and someone was shouting about an earthquake.

I stuffed my phone into my pocket, looked at the middle of the stairs below, where the entrance to the different space was, grabbed the railing with both hands, and turned over.

My movements are a bit stiff and not that flexible.

In terms of skill alone, I'm really not that good. Pull-ups are a bit more difficult for me. However, it is not too difficult to hang on the railing and swing your body a few times before jumping down from the gap in the stairs.

This kind of old corridor has narrow stairs and a relatively large space in between.

I jumped to the walkway on the fifth floor. After my feet landed, I landed directly on my butt. I leaned up and my back hit the railing of the walkway on the fifth floor.

I gasped in pain, and when I wanted to stand up, the monster on the roof wreaked havoc again, and the house shook again.

There was no one on the fifth floor, but footsteps and shouts could be heard from the third and fourth floors below.

I stood up holding on to the railing, glanced at the faintly visible entrance to the different space, and ran downstairs.

There was a line of people going downstairs, and they were basically all old people, some in their fifties, sixties, seventies or eighties, and they were all property owners I knew.

"Oh, Xiaolin. You are here too." Someone even greeted me.

"Uncle Wu. Come downstairs quickly. Are your legs and feet okay?" I asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's okay." Uncle Wu, still holding a cane in his hand, went downstairs sideways, moving extremely slowly. He did not forget to comfort me, "This earthquake was not severe. Minqing is not in the earthquake zone. I still remember there was an earthquake in 1990. Everyone ran downstairs, and after a while, they all went home again. What? Nothing happened. No one was hurt."

I had nothing to say, so I could only support Uncle Wu and go downstairs as quickly as possible.

When I got downstairs, I saw many people in the community.

These uncles and aunts were not nervous enough and just regarded it as a small earthquake.

I looked back at the sixth floor.

Through the window next to the stairs, you can clearly see a black shadow on the stairs leading from the fifth floor to the sixth floor.

I lost my powers, but I still retained my yin and yang eyes, and I could still feel the yin energy.

From the sixth floor to the rooftop, there was a gloomy air.

The beast's roar shakes the soul.

The strange thing is that it seems that only I can hear this sound, and no one else hears the monster's sound.


The ground shook again.

I felt clearly that the vibration was not coming from the ground, but was being transmitted down from the roof of the sixth floor.

I swayed and turned my head to look around.

I saw Guo Yujie.

Chen Minhua and Ni Yanping, who had been quarreling just now, stopped, but they were still glaring at each other like cockfighting cocks.

Guo Yujie said something to Director Mao and ran towards me.

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