Aoba Office

Chapter 1415 No. 072-Cause of death remains a mystery (6)

On September 14, 2011, I went to the client’s school. Audio file 07220110914(1).wav.

"Miss Cao, Miss Sun, hello you two."



"Ms. Wang should have told you about the progress of our investigation. Now, we suspect that there is something wrong with some of our favorite anime characters, or something has been done with the help of those anime characters. Have you two noticed anything unusual recently? ?”


"I don't quite understand... what I just said on the phone was that Lenasha killed Zhou Min and Yuanyuan... How is this possible? They must have disappeared, right? They were abducted, maybe... Zhou Min was abducted , Yuanyuan may have discovered something, go find it yourself..."

"Ms. Cao, you should also know about Lenasha, right?"


"It's quite similar. I mean, what you are talking about... Lenasha uses ice magic and likes to freeze people into ice sculptures, and the ice sculptures melt... water... these are all consistent."

"That's too ridiculous! Even if you say it's haunted, it's better than this..."

"Ms. Cao, we hope you can view the current events with an open attitude. The first thing we have to do is to ensure the safety of you. Have you seen any unusual phenomena recently? Or is it? Is there something strange happening around you?"


"of course not!"

"Did they mention anything to Miss Zhou and Miss Cai before their accident?"



"Did they do anything special before the accident? For example, some dangerous games, horror games, or going to some strange place, praying or making wishes in a strange way?"


"I think should not be……"

"Miss Sun, what did you think of?"

"Well, you said making a wish... Yuanyuan bought an Ema from "Hero" before. This is used for making wishes in Country J..."

"That's the peripherals! They haven't been opened before, and they are produced in domestic factories! Does this kind of thing count?!"

"That's what I thought of..."

"Ms. Zhou, have you ever bought something similar?"

"what do you mean!"

"You also said that those are peripheral products produced in domestic factories. Whether it is on the assembly line or sales channels, they have gone through many hands. It cannot be ruled out that someone has done something."


"Zhou Min didn't buy it. Yuanyuan bought a set for herself and hung it on the wall of her bedroom. She... after her accident, she packed away all her things. Her parents should have taken them back."

"Besides this, is there anything else?"

"No. She didn't mention it. Zhou Min didn't mention it either."

"Okay. So, have you heard of similar incidents recently or earlier? It might be a mysterious disappearance or a mysterious death."


"how could it be possible!"

"In this way...if you two find anything, you can call us directly."

"Is this how you investigate? Wang Yan, are you looking for this kind of liar?!"

"I think...their idea is not...maybe who did what. Lenasha cannot appear in the third dimension, but if someone did something..."

"Neither Zhou Min nor Yuanyuan have offended anyone else. Who would kill them two like this?"

"Ms. Cao, I can understand your mood. However, this is the most reasonable explanation at present. The abduction you mentioned is not true. The water in Miss Cai's bedroom is an unexplainable doubt. Combine the two disappearances Listing the common points of the incident, the intersection is the anime character Lenasha. This may be just a superficial phenomenon, and there is a deeper reason. For example, as I just assumed, someone intervened in the peripheral production and sales process. Whether his purpose was to retaliate against society, or whether it was accidental, it was possible for an item to turn into something murderous. It was also possible that the two of them had done something unintentionally, or offended someone, and Lenasha was still just that. An intermediate link, a transitional prop.”

"You are just saying that there is magic in this world? We are addicted to the second dimension, but we are not as crazy as you! You should go see a doctor!"

"Your attitude has pros and cons. If you can adhere to materialism, you may be able to be immune to ghosts and have a strong will. It is also possible that when you see a ghost with your own eyes, you will have a mental breakdown and be easily invaded by ghosts. , kill directly."


"Okay, stop arguing."

"We hope you three can stay vigilant. That thing attacked Miss Zhou and Miss Cai, and it is likely to attack their friends. You have common hobbies and may become the next target. I think this is why Miss Wang came The reason for entrusting us to investigate.”


"Okay, okay, we get it. We won't go with strangers, we won't eat food given by strangers, and we'll get into their cars, that's it!"


"Let's go. Wang Yan, are you leaving? Let's go to the Second Canteen to eat together."

" go."

"Then, send us a message when you're done. Let's go, let's go."

"Don't hold me back. She must have been deceived by those people..."

Da, da, da, da...

"I'm sorry. I didn't expect..."

"That's okay. Everyone has different ideas and views on the world."


"Ms. Wang, is there anything else?"

"Were they...really killed?"

"...Yes. I can't tell you how we know, but we are certain that two of your friends have been killed."


"Please forgive me, Miss Wang."

"If, if they die... what you just said... you mean that there are ghosts in this world, right?"

"Do you want us to summon spirits?"


"We need some props to summon spirits. We need the blood of their close relatives. I don't think we can get the consent of their parents. Like you, they should still have hope, and like Miss Cao, they don't believe in this."

"...Is there no other way? For example, Pen Fairy or something. It should be possible... Then we can know what happened to them. The two of them have no enemies. We all like the second dimension, and we have nothing to do with people in school. Conflict. They are very nice people. Even on the Internet, we only post our works on social networking sites and forums. Really, it is impossible for anyone to kill them intentionally!"

"Do you agree with my other conjecture that the peripheral products have been tampered with at some point?"

"...If this is the case, it would be too much... We... Speaking of it, people who don't understand think we are a little stupid. We are joking to ourselves, recharging our faith and so on... We buy those things simply because we like it. To put it bluntly, What is the purpose? It is also to hope that the sales will be better, the work can have a sequel, the author can live a better life, and can create better works... We... If what we like kills us... you said... ...You told me about that possibility. Speaking of Lenasha...I just thought that Xiao Min might really be...she saw Lenasha. That Lenasha might have deliberately seduced her, and might have said something to her. What... She must have been very happy at the time... She definitely wasn't afraid... She ran outside the yard, she ran into the woods... and then she was... At that time... Lenasha's ice magic was killing people bit by bit. Frozen, starting from the feet... She should be able to call for help... And Yuanyuan... The whole magic should take a few seconds, ten seconds... In the animation, it is ten seconds, various special effects, and the characters speaking lines Something like that... They, if that was really the case... they should be able to speak, should be able to call for help... no one heard... they must have been unable to believe it or react at that time... ...Woo... Wuwu... If someone did such a thing, it would be too cruel... Really, it would be too cruel..."

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