Aoba Office

Chapter 1397 New Life (8)

I was dragged by that monster all the way through the crowd, the streets, and the city.

My back was so rubbed that it was probably bleeding all the way. The strange thing is that even though it hurt like this, I didn't feel numb at all.

My pain seemed to be infinitely amplified, while other senses were weakened.

I could only feel the pain in my body, but the fear I had before disappeared unconsciously.

It wasn't until I was taken into the courtyard by the monster and saw the dead tree that I felt a little more afraid.

The entire courtyard was covered with a strange red color. The air was filled with the smell of burning. The temperature is very high, making it even more uncomfortable than a hot summer day. There doesn't seem to be any moisture in this place. All the moisture has evaporated.

My airways and lungs developed a burning sensation and started to hurt.

Just like in my dream, the thing tied my neck with a leather rope and hung me on the tree.

I couldn't feel the burning sensation for a moment, and the only feeling left was the pain of suffocation.

My cervical vertebrae seemed to be torn apart, and the pain was so painful that stars appeared in my eyes.


The whip struck me with a cracking sound.

Along with my clothes, a piece of flesh on my chest was torn off.

My back was still bleeding, and now there was a wound on my chest. The blood was flowing along my skin. After falling on the ground, it evaporated instantly and gave off an unpleasant smell of blood.

The monster laughed, raised his hand, and whipped down again.

I cried out in pain, my mind going blank.

But I'm actually still thinking.

A question popped up in my mind.

I don't understand why the monster in front of me is torturing me like this.

Just because it is a demon, it deceives people's souls and then tortures them for fun?

Thinking about it this way, this thing is very sad.

It is born because of people and lives according to people's impressions of it.

Does it have autonomous consciousness?

Or is it like a programmed program that can only run like this?

Suddenly, I didn’t understand that I would have such an idea.

The whip crackled as the thing whipped me around. Instead of experiencing the decay after death, I was cut off by it, leaving a set of white bones.

Something crawled out of the cracked earth.

Those things were only the size of a mouse, and they were all red, just like the monster. It had a head and limbs, and the same long tail. It's just that its face is uglier, with no horns or beard.

They jumped on me and chewed my bones.

The pain came again.

But along with this pain, I felt like there was something extra on my body.

The bone marrow flows out and strangely turns into muscles and blood vessels.

My internal organs also grew, filling in my breastbone and ribs.

Those ugly little things were wrapped up in my body, scurrying around in my body, and continued to gnaw at my body.

The pain became more intense.

I fell into a trance again, only feeling pain, and wanted to beg for mercy, but when I opened my mouth, I only moaned.

Even though it was so painful, I still had a clear thought in my heart.

It was as if my personality was split into two people. One person was screaming, the other was watching indifferently.

This kind of pain seems unbearable, and it seems like nothing. I've experienced far worse pain.

When did that happen?

Blood seeps from the wound.

Those little monsters bit out passages in my body, got out, and jumped back into the ground.

The monster snapped his fingers and I fell out of the tree.

It stamped its foot, and the ground cracked, revealing the rolling magma underneath.

I had a premonition of something, but my body was out of control.

It grabbed me and threw me into the lava.

I was suddenly burned and blistered all over. The pustules suddenly burst and spurted out a large amount of blood.

My flesh was cooked and scalded, and there were charred marks on my bones.

The monster reached out and fished me out again.

This time, it moved slowly, not as decisively as when it threw me in.

I was pulled out of the lava, and muscles grew back bit by bit on my body.

I was restored again and the pain gradually subsided.

It threw me to the ground.

After I took a breath, I began to beg for mercy.

It's either life or death, but now I am worse off than alive.

I cried bitterly, but my tears couldn't come out.

Every time I took a breath, my lungs felt like I was breathing in a ball of fire.

My voice became hoarse and my voice gradually became softer.

The monster hung me back on the tree.

It seemed to have something to do, so it turned around and walked out.

After I opened the door and went out, I saw that it had transformed into a foreigner I had seen before.

I still wanted to beg for mercy, I wanted to struggle, and the rope around my neck tightened.

The tree began to branch out, sprout, and glow with life.

But the branches that grew out plunged into my body and hung me on the treetop.

The branches inside me are still growing. Branches and leaves penetrated my body and grew out of my eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

My body trembled and trembled slightly, but I couldn't get rid of these branches.

I couldn't see or hear, but I felt the searing fire on my skin.

The tree seemed to scream.

I smell something burnt.

The flames spread to my body and burned me and the tree to ashes.

When the wind blows, the ashes scatter and scatter.

My body is gone, but my consciousness is still there.

I felt myself breaking through something and starting to grow.

Under my feet was flowing hot lava, and above my head was the fiery red sky, with no sun, moon or stars visible.

My consciousness became void.

I don't know when, the vast red color disappeared and turned into blue sky, white clouds and green grass.

I was startled and heard the sound of the door opening.

The foreigner came in with someone, looking very polite.

My brain tingled.

I could feel things crowding around me.

"help me……"

"help me……"

"Let me go, please..."

"Someone is coming..."

The things murmured to themselves, their voices mingling together into a noisy hum. good


The soul captured by the devil...

I tried my best to distinguish them and found that many of the sounds were getting weaker and weaker and gradually disappeared.

These souls have no independent consciousness and are trapped in the tree. They may become part of the tree and part of this hell at any time.

I vaguely thought that I had seen a soul trapped in a tree.

I have rescued souls like that.

As long as I use my ability, these can be reversed.


What ability?

My brain aches violently.

The memory fades away. I vaguely remember that I have important relatives. But now all I can think about is "help". I even forgot the meaning of "help".

This thought is the only obsession left after suffering pain. Pointless.

However, it shouldn't be like this. It's not just that.

"Please come in, Mr. Wang."

I heard the sound, but I didn't understand what it meant at first.

I felt someone was watching me.

"Help, help, help, help..."

I wanted to slap that annoying sound away.

swish swish...

The leaves swayed.

"Ah!" Someone exclaimed, "Can this thing move?"

This time, I heard the meaning in the voice and understood the language.

"Mr. Wang, let's go inside and talk about your father." Another voice sounded.

I felt the lava beneath my feet surge up, as if it was dragging me deep into the ground.



I now, I should now...


My ability!

In an instant, something poured out of my body.

I heard another scream and an angry roar.

I followed the voice and looked over, and saw the ferocious demon rushing towards me.

I reached out my hand.

The branch hit the demon's arm and was burned to ashes in an instant.

But my hand stretched out from the ashes and grabbed the demon tightly.

The palms of my hands ached and were about to be burned.

My abilities kept pouring out, but instead of reversing my injuries, it made the devil's face change greatly, showing an expression of horror.

"Let's make a deal," I said.

There are only two updates today.

Good night everyone~

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