Aoba Office

Chapter 1385 Claiming Life (2)

The phone book is no bigger than the palm of your hand, and has magnets on both sides. When unfolded like an accordion, it becomes a long strip. The writing on it goes from oldest to newest and has obviously lasted for many years.

I've only seen phone books like this on TV and movies. After I was born, mobile phones have become a necessity for everyone, so naturally there is no use for this kind of phone book.

Zhu Yun opened the phone book and read the latest records directly.

The name written down in pencil is a bit strange. There is only one surname - Chao. The phone number is a landline number. There are also several numbers marked below, namely "15000", "3000", and "25000". Don't know what it means either.

Zhu Yun happily took the phone book, returned to the bed, and picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table.

Zhu Yun's husband grabbed Zhu Yun's hand and asked, "Wait a minute. this person really good? Aren't your parents both..."

The man hesitated to speak, his face clearly showing disapproval and looking ugly.

Zhu Yun paused and then his face darkened, "What do you mean?"

"Otherwise, I will accompany you to burn incense at the City God's Temple tomorrow. If you don't feel at ease, we can go further and go to Guanyin Temple," the man said.

Zhu Yun raised his head in anger and stared at the man, "Zhang Junyi, what do you mean? What do you mean!"

"Don't yell. Don't wake up your daughter." The man frowned, showing an impatient look, "It's not that I didn't know about your parents. I just didn't tell them back then. What do they want with the old man's money? That's it. We have hands and feet, a job, a house and a car, and the two elders have helped us a lot in the past. We can take care of our daughter..."

"What do you mean?" Zhu Yun gritted his teeth and interrupted the man.

The man glanced at Zhu Yun and said, "What do I mean? Don't you understand? In those years, your parents threw 35,000 yuan into it. It doesn't matter if they believe something. Many old people believe this. Please. I pray to God and wish my children and grandchildren well. But what are they doing? They are old, so why don’t you start doing it now? Her grades are not good yet. , I may want to study abroad in the future. How can I give you so much money? If you are not worried, I will go to a regular temple to burn incense and do whatever you want. …”

"After all, you just don't believe me!" Zhu Yun said.

"How do you expect me to believe it? You said you saw a ghost. Where did the ghost come from? Your parents didn't get it right in the end. Tell yourself what it was like when your parents died! You don't even dare to bring it up yourself Take your daughter to see them!" The man also became angry, "Is there something wrong with your family? It's hard to live a good life without something like this happening."

"I really saw it." Zhu Yun said stiffly, sitting slumped on the bed, "I really saw it..."

"I will accompany you to the hospital tomorrow. Then we will go to the temple. Okay?" The man also softened his tone.

Zhu Yun didn't listen.

I saw Zhu Yun's memory.

In the fragmented memory fragments, there is an old couple.

They are worried, they are troubled and embarrassed, and they are always frowning.

There was something inexplicable weirdness in their eyes as they looked over.

The next second, I saw another person.

The man had a goatee that was rare in this era, and his temples were gray. He looked older, but his skin was as delicate and smooth as that of a young man.

The man was so weird that Zhu Yun stared at him for a long time.

Goatee and Zhu Yun looked at each other for a moment, then looked away and motioned to the old couple to take the child out.

Zhu Yun was kicked out and waited in the hall outside.

The decoration of the hall is antique.

I couldn't help but think of Bai An, the man who raised the green-faced ghost.

From what I saw in my dream, the place where he lived seemed to be like this too.

This makes me wonder if these people use the same decoration team to do the decoration.

This thought just passed by in a flash.

Zhu Yun sat on the mahogany chair, feeling a little uneasy. She should be young now, maybe in the senior grade of elementary school or just entering junior high school.

She stared at the bonsai on the small table for a long time, then gradually became distracted and her mind went empty.

The room was quiet, and no sound came from the inner room. You can actually hear the chirping of insects and birds outside the window.

I don't know how long it took, but the door to the inner room opened and Zhu Yun's parents came out.

Zhu Yun jumped off the chair and looked up to see the sad expressions of his parents.

She was pulled away by her mother. The father turned around and seemed to say something else to the people in the room.

This memory ended quickly.

There is an extra Bodhisattva in Zhu Yun's home. But compared to the Bodhisattva she had seen before, this statue had a yin and yang face, with the left half of the face smiling and the right half crying. The things it holds in its left and right hands are also different. The left hand holds a sword with blood drops painted on it; the right hand holds a flower with dew on the petals.

Zhu Yun stared at the Bodhisattva for a long time.

She would take a look at it every day and see how her parents knelt down to worship the Bodhisattva devoutly. Three sticks of incense every day, never stopped.

The Bodhisattva also maintained his yin and yang face until his father died.

Her father died after she graduated from college. He was delirious for a few days before his death. He always said that he was going to die and someone was going to kill him. He hid in various places, even stole the family's money and the Bodhisattva, and hid in another place. The police from out of town came over. When she and her mother rushed over, they saw her father's body.

The father committed suicide. The day after he left home, he hanged himself in the rental house. The police said that at that time, he only had one or two pieces of clothing in the house, as well as the Bodhisattva.

The left face and right face of the Bodhisattva were reversed. The left cheek is crying and the right cheek is smiling.

Zhu Yun had goosebumps all over his body at that time, and even the sadness over his father's death was diluted.

The mother was frightened and went crazy.

She went to find Master Chao more actively. Spend the money like water.

The face of the Bodhisattva at home has changed again. The left cheek smiles, the right cheek cries.

After the mother was killed in the stairwell, the Bodhisattva fell into two halves, and blood-like liquid flowed out from the hollow in the middle. The left half of the Bodhisattva's face turned into a crying face, and the right half of his face turned into a frightened expression.

Zhu Yun covered his face when he thought of this.

She used to think that it was Master Chao who killed her parents. My parents encountered that kind of charlatan and were deceived into insanity. The weirdness of the Bodhisattva can be explained by mechanisms and magic.

But after she met it herself, she didn't think so.

"I really... really saw it..." Zhu Yun choked up.

The memories and feelings are so clear.

That voice, that figure, the hand pressing on my back, and the breath on the back of my neck were all real.

Zhu Yun's husband patted her back and said a few comforting words, but he still didn't believe her.

Zhu Yun was pulled to lie on the bed. The husband turned off the light and coaxed her like a child, but he fell asleep before she did.

Zhu Yun heard her husband's snoring, opened his eyes, and stared at the dark ceiling, as if he saw the shadow.

She immediately closed her eyes, but the shadow seemed to be imprinted on her retinas and could not be erased no matter what.

Zhu Yun escaped.

I recalled Zhu Yun's memory over and over again.

There was something wrong with Wu Ling's speculation. They probably didn't investigate Zhu Yun's parents.

The car accident in elementary school, his parents' request for help and death, and then what happened to Zhu Yun.

And that figure...

That look...

No matter how you think about it, they are all demons!

The sharp horns on the head, the tail on the back, and the red and black skin color... it is a typical image of a Western devil. Moreover, it is not the strange demon like Kaziana, but the image of demons in Western legends, classical paintings, art, and even modern movies and animations. It is the image that most people think of when they think of demons.

If there is not really a demon in this world, then it is a spirit in the image of a demon.

But why the devil?

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