Aoba Office

Chapter 136 Disappearance

Everyone in the Manufacturing Bureau was afraid of Ye Qing. Yu Xinrong didn't know how Ye Qing got those four houses. He only knew that the four families moved quickly and lost contact with the people in the Manufacturing Bureau.

"I don't know if he's dead." Yu Xinrong pulled at his shriveled cheeks and showed a weird smile.

I felt bad when I heard it.

It turns out that Qingye's people didn't embrace the leadership of the manufacturing bureau, but Ye Qing was shunned, fearful and disgusted.

"We have asked the old residents there, and they seem to have no impression of Ye Qing, the lone star of the Heavenly Evil." The thin man raised his own question.

"After his whole family died, he was sent to an orphanage." Yu Xinrong drank tea slowly. "Later, a fire broke out in the orphanage and burned it completely. He was sent to the orphanage again. He was adopted from other orphanages several times and killed many people, but he finally grew up. When he comes back, if he doesn't give his name, few people will remember him."

"Mr. Yu is very concerned about him." Chen Yihan spoke at the right time.

"Can I stop paying attention? I don't want to die in an unknown way. I'm not the only one paying attention to him." Yu Xinrong's smile became normal this time.

The top leaders of the Manufacturing Bureau were wary of Ye Qing, while the ordinary employees of the Manufacturing Bureau were fearful and wished he had never appeared before, so they quickly forgot about him.

How does young Ye Qing feel?

I thought about those members of Aoba again. No matter what, he found a place to live and someone to keep him company. But those people, and himself...

"If you don't want to die, don't touch that house." Yu Xinrong put down the tea cup and expressed his intention to see off the guests.

"The Qingzhou Manufacturing Bureau should know about the demolition." Chen Yihan straightened his back and said calmly, his eyes a little sharper.

Yu Xinrong was silent for two seconds, "Xiao Chen, you are a smart man. For the sake of the Chen family, I have to say something to you. If you walk out of my house, this matter has nothing to do with me. We are now The new communist society will not engage in feudal superstition."

If you don't do it, you won't do it. Some people will believe it.

After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly realized it. The leaders of the Gyeongju Manufacturing Bureau did not want to have a time bomb like Ye Qing, but they also did not want to risk being the ones to defuse the bomb themselves. The government wants to demolish the buildings. Is there any better chess piece than this? After all, the leaders of the Qingzhou Manufacturing Bureau cannot be blamed for this matter. If Ye Qing really kills people again, he won't be able to defeat them.

"You haven't thought about hiring an expert..." I couldn't help but ask.

"Who are you inviting?" Yu Xinrong asked a strange question.

If you have money and power, it is never difficult to find someone. But Yu Xinrong just asked this.

"Have Mr. Yu ever heard of a person named Xuan Qingzhen?" I asked again.

Yu Xinrong's eyes were strange, "Young man like you, do you still know the real person Xuan Qing?"

"I know it from Qingye." I answered calmly.

Chen Yihan glanced at me.

Yu Xinrong said a long "Oh", "I have never met the real person, but an old brother went to invite him." Yu Xinrong laughed twice more strangely, and finally coughed, which took a long time to calm down. In that tone, he said: "Later, that old brother went abroad with his family, as if he was on the run."

The more Ye Qing listened, the more evil he became. Could it be that he had instigated the rebellion of Master Xuan Qing and asked him to help him? I recalled Ye Qing's voice in those files and felt that this was quite in line with his character.

"Then do you know what happened to the people at Qingye Supernatural Agency?" I changed the question.

"It's gone." Yu Xinrong didn't hesitate at all, "You can't see anyone alive, but you can't see a body after death. Even Ye Qing, it's just a few of us brothers who suspected that he was dead. The same thing is that you can't see anyone alive, but you can't see a body after death. You want The only way to go through the demolition procedures is to put up a notice and then demolish it like that.”

"You don't know who the original property owner is?"

"I know, but I told you to cut off contact. The property rights of the house are not in their hands."

"The real estate bureau can't find the sales record."

"Of course they can't be found." Yu Xinrong raised his eyelids, "If you want to check Ye Qing, you won't find anything. Around 2017, they all disappeared."

All of us were stunned.

"Disappeared...cannot be found means that records cannot be found in various public systems?" Chen Yihan has somewhat accepted Qingye's specialness, but has not yet fully adapted to it.

"We found Liu Miao in the public security system, a college student who dropped out of school and a native of Minqing City. His parents were victims of a major homicide. He started to disappear in 2000," Shouzi said.

Yu Xinrong said lightly: "Oh, a tall young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, right?"

I had never seen Liu Miao, so I couldn't help but look at Chen Xiaoqiu. I remember that this person was selected by Chen Xiaoqiu from the big list.

Chen Xiaoqiu looked dazed, "There are no photos of him in the public security system."

"There's no ID photo?" The thin man was surprised.

"No. If it hadn't been mentioned, I wouldn't have paid attention." Chen Xiaoqiu frowned.

"Is that Liu Miao really? Then we have found the right person." Fatty said.

"Yes, it's that Liu Miao. There are three others." Yu Xinrong made no secret of this, "They joined one after another, disappeared one after another, and finally even Ye Qing disappeared. You don't have to bother to check, Ye Qing After the disappearance, all the information on them could not be found. There was no entry or exit, no phone records, no records of highways, airports, train stations, long-distance buses... There were no records of them. Even in the surveillance video, their faces were blurred. of."

Everyone else found it strange, and even Chen Yihan showed a bit of emotion.

I have seen the road surveillance intercepted by Qingye, and in it, the faces of the four people in Qingye are blurred. I thought they had processed the video, but now it seems that what they dealt with was not the content of the video, but themselves. But was all this really done by Qingye’s people? Maybe there is another reason?

"So I said, you don't need to bother to investigate the demolition. If you want to live a good life, just ignore their affairs." Yu Xinrong persuaded him nonchalantly, mainly for Chen Yihan's ears.

Ordinary demolition office because of Ye Qing's bad luck, even if it is a bloody disaster, Yu Xinrong probably won't frown if he knows about it. Something happened to the Chen family's daughter, and the Chen family must find some clues. They Qingzhou Manufacturing Bureau If the leader knew about it but did not report it, not only would he be retaliated by the Chen family, but he would also be hated by the Chen family. This is not worth the gain.

After I clarified my thoughts, I became more and more curious about Ye Qing, and also more worried.

Seeing that he couldn't find out anything else, Chen Yihan stood up to leave. He made a decision, and those of us who were brought along by him followed.

"That young man, have you met Ye Qing?" Yu Xinrong didn't see the guest off, but suddenly called me.

I turned to look at this graceful old man, and said after careful consideration, "I'm not sure if it's Ye Qing I'm seeing."

Yu Xinrong nodded and said no more.

After leaving the Yu family, Chen Yihan led the way, found a hotel box, and treated us to dinner.

The food was on the table and no one moved their chopsticks.

Chen Yihan looked directly at me with that oppressive gaze, "What on earth is going on in that firm?"

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