Aoba Office

Chapter 134

"What are we going to do? Burn it? Will the soul inside die?"

"Be quiet, idiot."

"Hey, aren't I asking a reasonable question? Boss, what is this tree?"

"The products and feedback of thoughts can be said to be a kind of spiritual body, but it itself has no consciousness."

"In other words, this tree just allows the man and woman who picked up the leaves and wrote their names to be together forever?"

"Is this the form of each having half the face? Is this considered happiness?"

"How can a tree care whether humans are happy or not?"

"That's what happened to Amelia Su?"

"Idiot, can't you just use your brain to think?"

"Can it also promote 'unresolved love between humans and ghosts'? This tree is a bit unnatural. Boss, what should we do?"

"Dig it up and take a look."

"Then you have to come at night."

"Yeah. Let Nangong handle the surrounding cameras."

September 25, 2010, audio file analysis. Audio file 06720100925G.wav.

"...The products and feedback of ideas can be said to be..."

"There were no other sounds. The tree didn't speak, and neither did the people on the bark."

"Are they completely dead, with only a shape left?"

"It's not the people on the bark, it's the people inside the trunk."

"Boss, do you mean..."

"There are always dozens of pairs."

"How long has this been going on? How long has the idea of ​​a love tree been around?"

"It has only become a tourist attraction in recent years. It was very common before. I checked the municipal records and found that the trees on Kangxin Road have been planted for more than 30 years. During this period, there were four records of purchasing trees."

"Then it would be impossible to determine which batch the tree belongs to, nor its origin."

"That's right."

“What’s the age of this tree?”

"All I know is that the tree rings have to be cut down."

"It's thousands of years old."

"Boss, do you understand this?"

"I saw a half-patterned face, and the makeup was different from modern times."

"So, this tree...did anyone talk about the love tree in ancient times?"

"It may not be a love tree. Have you forgotten the red lines on the leaves? This tree may be a marriage tree planted in the temple, with red lines hanging on it, and then it changed."

"This is your imagination, Ling."

"It makes sense. Do you have any other ideas?"

"I don't make assumptions, I just pay attention to the facts."

"The reality is you're digging holes at night."

On September 25, 2010, the roots of the love tree were dug up and two white bones wrapped in the roots were found. They were saved and burned.

On September 30, 2010, the love tree withered, its trunk rotted and became hollow, and all its leaves disappeared.

On October 2, 2010, we received the news of Su Wan's death. Su Wan committed suicide on September 15, 2010, and the cause of death was drowning. Before his death, a wedding was held in a local church without a groom or guests. The groom's registered name was Liu Yibai.

On October 2, 2010, the investigation was concluded.

On October 18, 2010, a new tree planted at the site where the love tree grew appeared to have abnormal behavior.

Attached: News clippings.

The news report titled "The Love Tree Reappears" was accompanied by a photo. The tree trunk grew into a twist shape, and the leaves were fiery red. If you look closely, they are composed of red silk threads. There are no strange faces on the tree trunks.

On October 19, 2010, the love tree was excavated and two bones were found hugging each other under the roots.

On October 23, 2010, I contacted Xuan Qing for investigation.

The investigation was concluded, and the outcome of the incident: it was confirmed that the skeleton was a special spirit body, and the medium could not be found; it was tentatively scheduled to be suppressed by regular rituals; the incident was transferred to Xuan Qing for handling. This incident is classified as "Unfinished", and the keywords "Love Tree" and "Red Line Leaves" are set. If related incidents occur, the investigation will be restarted and the media will be found.


I searched the Internet for the love tree on Kangxin Road and found many pictures, but they were all a bit old. Ten years later, this scenic spot is not as lively as it was before. The most recent photo was a nostalgic feature for the local newspaper in Minqing City, which took new photos of the love tree. In the photo, there are two spliced ​​faces of a man and a woman on the tree trunk. Four people died in ten years, but to say that this tree killed people is a bit inaccurate.

I was lost in thought when I suddenly realized a problem.

Qingye handed over the matter to the master Xuan Qing and regularly suppressed it. How could there still be victims?

Thinking about the empty Qingye Supernatural Office, I couldn't help but have a bad suspicion. This conjecture can only be a conjecture. I can't find the real person Xuan Qing to confirm it, and I can't solve the problem of the love tree.

During lunch break, everyone eats together.

Chen Xiaoqiu went to answer the phone and came back and said to us: "Are you free on the weekend?"

"What? It's your birthday? Or do you have something to celebrate?" the thin man asked casually.

"My brother-in-law wants to take us to see Yu Xinrong."

Guo Yujie and I were puzzled, "Who is Yu Xinrong?"

The thin man slapped the table, "That Yu Xinrong?"

Chen Xiaoqiu nodded.

"Who is it? Stop playing riddles." Guo Yujie pushed the thin man.

The thin man fell to the ground and got up in embarrassment, "Don't do anything, I said it's not okay?"

Guo Yujie smiled sheepishly.

Fatty said: "Yu Xinrong is a leader of Qingzhou Manufacturing Bureau, the kind of boss behind the scenes."

"Ah! Then you can inquire about those four houses?" Guo Yujie suddenly realized.

The thin man got over his excitement and confirmed to Chen Xiaoqiu: "Just a meeting? You don't want to have a cup of tea, so you can send us away, right?"

"No. My brother-in-law will accompany us there." Chen Xiaoqiu said, "He made an agreement with Yu Xinrong, and Yu Xinrong agreed to tell us about Qingye."

"Qingye's matter is not the matter of the four houses?" Fatty caught Chen Xiaoqiu's words.

Chen Xiaoqiu glanced at me and said, "Yes, it's about Qingye. My brother-in-law said that Yu Xinrong's tone is not normal."

"So you want to take us there together." I understood.

The three thin men were stunned.

"It's better to know about Qingye than to catch him blind." The thin man picked up the chopsticks again.

"Thank you very much, uncle." I sighed.

The old leader has wide connections and great face, but his face is based on friendship, which is different from Chen Yihan's "face". This distinction makes me uneasy. Chen Yihan can handle things that the old leader cannot resolve based on his reputation, but I'm afraid Qingye's matter is not a good thing.

When I thought about Chen Yihan again, I couldn't help but glance at Chen Xiaoqiu.

After what happened in No. 18 Middle School, Chen Yihan never came to see me. I don’t know what he thinks of that weird thing. I asked Chen Xiaoqiu afterward, but Chen Xiaoqiu said that he would not ask further questions and that we should not make trouble. Now it seems that Chen Yihan did not stop asking, but changed the way to ask, otherwise he would not have helped us contact Yu Xinrong.

The weekend is here in a blink of an eye.

I haven't bothered to look at Aoba's files lately.

The five of us plus Chen Yihan took two cars and went to Yu Xinrong's home. Chen Xiaoqiu and Chen Yihan were in a car, and the four of us were in a car. When we set off, we only saw Chen Yihan in the driver's seat, and he didn't even say hello to us. I felt more and more something was wrong.

"Should I call this arrogance or arrogance?" the thin man asked us while driving.

"If the old leader hadn't mentioned his resume, you would have scolded him for showing off." Guo Yujie said unceremoniously.

The thin man had nothing to say.

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