Aoba Office

Chapter 1324 No. 094-Possession by Evil Spirit (5)

On January 4, 2015, group member Chen Song was contacted. Audio file 09420150104.wav.

"Mr. Chen, you just said you heard a sound. Please continue."

"Oh, um... I heard it... I can't tell you. It's just that... many, many sounds..."

"What kind of sound?"

"There was a dripping sound. I was sleeping well. Suddenly I heard a dripping sound, like something was leaking and dripping on the floor. I thought the air-conditioning pipe was leaking or something, but I got up and looked. The ground was all dry. When I got up, I didn't hear the sound anymore. As soon as I lay down and turned off the light, there was another sound... I didn't know where the sound came from. I searched carefully and listened very carefully. I searched carefully, but there was nothing there. There was nothing wet, and there was no leakage. I couldn't tell... Sometimes I would hear some noise while sleeping. Maybe it's the neighbor next door, maybe it's the water pipe in the building... I didn't care at first. If the leakage is really serious, I will find it. If I don't find it, I won't know why. Recently...that voice...that voice is very scary, I think it is very scary..."

"Is there just the sound of dripping water?"

"It's's the sound of dripping water, but it's different. Sometimes it's the sound of 'plop' and 'plop' falling on the floor. Sometimes it's the sound from the water pipes, like the water from flushing the toilet upstairs. After that loud sound of water flowing, there are some... I haven't heard it before, and I haven't noticed it. My hearing seems to be very good these two days, and then I can't sleep. I keep listening. Listen... When I get to the company, I will also... I don't know if it's due to lack of sleep... I heard it once, just before going to the toilet, at the door of the toilet, I heard the sound of water flushing inside, but when I went in, there was no one inside. . I don’t know... I didn’t think much about it when I went in. When I was washing my hands after going to the toilet, I kept thinking. The more I thought about it, the more wrong it seemed that there was someone in the toilet that I couldn’t see... ...I feel like there is someone in the toilet that I can't see...that person is staring at me...from behind, from behind the toilet cubicle, and from the front, in the mirror...I don't know how to put's just like this Yeah, I feel like my back is numb. I’m scared. I’m really scared...well..."

"Have you ever looked back?"

"No! How dare I! I lowered my head and washed my hands, and ran out immediately. The toilet door, the toilet door is the kind that closes automatically. When I pushed the door out, the door closed behind me. ...I heard it again...I heard the sound of flushing water again...I...My colleagues all said that I looked like I had seen a ghost, my face was ugly and all white. I felt that too...I felt that too. Myself... I don’t know what to say, I don’t know what to do... Really... Huh... I will drive myself crazy if I go on..."

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Chen. Remember it carefully. Apart from these, do you notice anything unusual?"

"No more. What more abnormalities are there? It scares me to death! You can do something about it, right? You just said that you can do something about it, right?"

"We need to meet with you. If you buy your ticket now, the nearest flight is the one at ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow...will we have another night? there any other way? Is there any other way?"

"This is the only way for now."

"Okay. must come here! You must come here!"

"Please rest assured, Mr. Chen."

On January 4, 2015, I received a call from Chen Song. Telephone recording 201501042348.mp3.

"Hello, Mr. Chen?"


"Mr. Chen?"


"Mr. Chen, where are you now?"

"Home...I'm at home...that thing...there's something...oooooooooo...I...I hear...ah...oooo...haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

"Mr. Chen, don't worry. Did you hear something? Or saw something?"

"Didn't you hear it? Behind me! Right behind me! It's coming...I heard it! Footsteps!'s coming...from the toilet...the water was running before...the shower head was turned on. I It's obviously closed... now it... it... ah... ah... ah... ah... oooh... help... help me... help... ahhhhhhhh!"

Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

"Mr. Chen! Chen Song!!"



"Ahhh-ahhhh! Don't come here! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!"



On January 5, 2015, Chen Song was confirmed dead. Cause of death: fall. After police investigation, there were no signs of intrusion in Chen Song's home. The reason for Chen Song's fall is unknown. Attached: On-site inspection photos.

The photo shows a bedroom with the quilt lifted and slippers placed on the other side of the bed. On the bedside table, the lamp was upside down. Except for these two messy places, everything else is normal.

In another photo, one corner of the window was broken, and there was blood on the edge of the glass gap. The window is open.

The third photo is of the toilet and bathroom. There were still water stains in the shower room and there were water droplets on the glass that had not yet dried. There were no footprints on the floor and the water stains were only in the shower room.

On January 5, 2016, group member An Yifeng was contacted. Audio file 09420160105.wav.

"Are you telling the truth? Little J is dead? He...he is also dead? Why...why in the group..."

"Mr. An, have you encountered something recently?"


An Sir, you are in danger now. If some measures are not taken, you will be like Mr. Chen and other dead members..."

"I...I was...I found something...I...I don't know, I don't know if I was too worried...I just heard, heard the barking of dogs...dogs, and cats. Maybe it's because someone keeps a dog in the community, it's annoying... At night, it keeps barking... Haha, it's nothing, right? It's not, it's not a very, very serious thing. ...You said it was so scary. And Xiao J, was it just an accident? If you said it was an accident, then it was probably an accident..."

"Mr. An, you should have noticed it yourself."

"It's not like I haven't heard dogs barking before. It's just dogs barking in the middle of the night... it's just... it's just..."

"Mr. An, please think carefully. We want to help you."

"... Huh... Huh... I... I really feel... I really feel that it's just... I... that dog barking... that dog barking is like, like someone is abusing the dog, and... It's like there's a burglar in the house...I...that barking sound should be that of a big dog...very big...I don't know if it's in the community, I, I haven't seen it before...I...and, also There were cats meowing, and it was also very scary... endless... I heard it when I got home, from around six o'clock, around seven o'clock, until night, midnight... When I entered the community, there was nothing. When I heard it, I got home and opened the door... I didn't know what was going on. I called the police and called the police... That sound was not normal, not an ordinary pet dog, not an ordinary big dog. , also, it’s not normal...the police came, but they didn’t find it...I don’t know...what you said...what you said...I..."

"Is it convenient for us to meet, Mr. An? It only takes us two hours by high-speed rail. If it is convenient for you, we can meet at the station. In two hours, we will see each other. By then, we will also know what happened. ”

"The high-speed it at the high-speed rail station here?"

"Yes, it's at the high-speed rail station over there. Is it convenient for you to go there?"

"Okay, okay... I'm asking for leave now. I... should be able to do it. Is there really anything you can do?"

"We'll figure this out."

"Okay... um..."

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