Aoba Office

Chapter 1261 Positioning (3)

I'm a little unsure of the current situation.

Naturally, I have never touched drugs, and the popular science introduction will not explain in detail how to identify the difference between white powder and flour.

Although these people have reached a unified opinion, I can't believe it. They are losing their lives and turning into ghosts. In other words, they have entered the game and been caught by the ghost, and their senses will be controlled by the ghost at will. What they see and hear may not be real. Even if there is no such incident, what a group of drug addicts and drug dealers say is still suspicious.

The six people quarreled, trying to catch the person who had exchanged goods.

The crooked mouth is the calmest one. He waited for the others to argue for two rounds before he said, "Did you check everything when you got the goods?"

"Aren't you there too?" Birdhead said in a choked voice.

"Yes, I am too. They even entertained us when we went there." He sneered with a crooked mouth and raised the corner of his lips, looking sinister and terrifying.

The other five people also reacted.

"Damn it! Those turtles lied to us!"

"Maybe they attracted the police too!"

The five men were furious.

The scene on the day they got the goods emerged in Qiuzi's memory. The person who sold them the goods came to them proactively. Several of them put their money together and collected the money. They knew the seller, but they were not familiar with him. He was their boss's boss. During the transaction, the other party was very polite and generous. He tried several kinds of goods for them and took care of them. They were drunk, paid the money, checked the goods casually, and left. No one thought to investigate in detail afterwards. After that, they got wind of the incident and the police took action in advance, so they hurriedly stole the car and ran away overnight.

Things were sorted out, and all six of them were cursing.

The six people finally shared the same hatred and no longer fought in the nest.

But this discovery was of no help to their current predicament.

The topic came back again.

When I was on the road, it became an unsolved mystery whether I had smoked too much and my mind was not clear.

"If that doesn't work, just go back the way you came." Xiao Pingtou said.

No one objected.

The morale of several people was extremely low, and they were on fire again. The atmosphere in the car was dull.

The little boss turned the car around and drove fast.

Time just flowed away silently. The crew cut and the crooked mouth dozed off, and the bird's nest head scratched their hair from time to time. The scenery outside the window remains unchanged, which makes people even more depressing.

Qiuzi said softly: "How long have we been driving?"

No one in the car answered.

"Is it..." Qiuzi stuttered again.


The car braked suddenly and the people inside staggered around.

Little Flathead and Crooked Mouth both woke up and didn't know what had happened.

Birdhead looked at his phone and said, "It's two thirty-seven now..."

"Why is it only after two o'clock?" Xiao Pingtou said subconsciously.

The car was quiet again.

"Telephone, what time was the call just now?" Weizui asked.

Birdhead flipped through the call records, but said nothing.

Xiaopingtou became impatient and grabbed the phone. After seeing the screen clearly, he fell silent.

The little boss in the driver's seat asked impatiently: "What time is it?"

"Two o'clock...two thirty..." Xiao Pingtou's voice was dry.

"We've only been driving for seven minutes?" Niaowotou asked as if seeking confirmation.

"It's impossible." Waizui took out a cigarette, "It will take five or six minutes to check the goods, right?"

The car became quiet again.

"Sure...sure enough..." Qiuzi cried.

"This means that after we turned around, time... stopped?" Lao San couldn't believe it.

"It's your phone that's broken!" Xiao Pingtou said loudly, touching his phone. His mobile phone was even more shabby. It was a flip phone with scratches on the casing and some loose lids. After he turned on his phone, he glanced at the broken screen and his body began to tremble.

"Impossible...impossible! It must must be too much...yes, too much. I must have been too much." Xiao Pingtou said tremblingly.

He didn't show the time to others, but his performance said it all.

"It's not that you smoked too much. You should feel good after smoking too much. You must be addicted and hallucinating." Birdhead suddenly cheered up and said seriously.

Little Flathead echoed again and again.

The two of them turned around and grabbed the snakeskin bag.

At this point, no one stopped them.

I watched the two men eagerly pour the pills into their mouths and swallow them, with expressions on their faces as if they were surviving the disaster.

Others could no longer sit still and took drugs, smoked them, or swallowed them. The car was filled with smoke, and everyone had a strange look on their face.

I felt something was wrong.

Their expressions were very deliberate, and there was still fear in their eyes.

Qiuzi's consciousness was very clear, and her mind was full of thoughts about taking drugs to relieve her drug addiction.

Finally, the crooked mouth put away that expression and his face became distorted.

"No! This is fucking wrong!" He suddenly burst out, stood up, and leaned forward to grab the drugs in the snakeskin bag. "I must have picked it up by mistake just now!"

Others behave the same way.

Like a strong wind passing by, they unpacked all the drugs in small packages and stuffed them into their mouths.

However, the hallucinogenic and paralyzing effects of the drug did not appear.

They knew clearly and desperately where they were now and what they had encountered.

Qiuzi whimpered, gradually crying louder and louder, and finally burst into tears.

Others didn't look much better.

"What the hell...what the hell is going on..." Birdhead pulled his hair.

"We, we really hit a ghost..." Waizui said.

Several people trembled.

Little Flathead grabbed the third child by his collar, "Where did you take us? Where did you take us!!!"

The third child roared: "I've told you everything I know!"

"Phone! That phone! Call me again! Call me!!" Waizui yelled.

Bird's nest was in a hurry, looking for his cell phone.

The last entry in the call record is the call they made to the third brother and second brother just now.

The call was dialed again, and after the same beep, the call was connected.

The third child shouted: "Second brother! Second brother! Please save us! We have encountered a ghost! We have encountered a ghost!!!"

"Who is it? It's so late at night..." The man muttered.

"Second brother! Me! It's me! Second brother—"


"Second brother, we encountered a ghost on Guangyuan Highway! The ghost hit the wall! We can't get out!"

"Third brother...ah...oh...Guangyuan came here from Suining?"

The third child wanted to say something more, but the little leader covered his mouth.

No one spoke in the car.

After a while, the person on the other end of the phone said to himself: "Let's get on the road and drive for half an hour and you should see the tunnel. Once you get out of the tunnel, drive for another half an hour and you'll be in the suburbs here. "The man said and yawned.

No one moved, but the man paused for a while and continued: "No, there is only one road, straight and straight, leading from Tai'an Mountain. What kind of car are you driving? A three-wheeler?"

Accompanied by the man's hearty laughter, the phone slammed to the ground.

"Your friend? Where did you come from? From Sui Ning to Mengxiang, there is only one Guangyuan Highway. That's the same road in Tai'an Mountain. How could you have gone wrong?" A man's voice came from under the seat, his voice muffled. Bored, "What are you doing, third child?"

"You haven't smoked too much, have you? Are you all on drugs? Third child, what are you going to do when you come back? Are you bringing someone with you?"

As the words fell, the phone was not hung up.

The man's voice sounded again, but his tone changed.

"Hey, I remembered something. The Guangyuan Highway was the first to open a tunnel and led to Tai'an Mountain. A lumberyard opened on Tai'an Mountain at that time. Once, a fire broke out and several people were burned to death. Let me Think about it... six people died. How many people are there in your car? Hahahaha... It seems to be exactly six... Have you seen Tai'an Mountain? Have you seen that lumberyard? You should have seen it, right in front, right in front..."

As if their bodies were being controlled, several people turned their heads and looked at the front of the car.

In the darkness, the outline of a mountain appeared in front of them. The mountain was so close to them that the car lights could illuminate the winding road that extended to the mountain. A fire suddenly lit up on the dark mountain, and the fire was raging, illuminating everything.

In the distance, you can see the outline of a lumberyard. In the light of the fire, a human-shaped ball of fire rushed towards the car. They waved their hands, bared their teeth and claws, and seemed to be monsters made of flames.

Suddenly there was a smell of urine in the car.

Birdhead screamed and was about to pull the car door and run away.

Waizui yelled: "Drive quickly! Go! Go quickly!"

The little boss came to his senses and turned the car key several times, but the car would not start.

The third child was busy trying to help.

The little flat head caught the bird's nest head. Crooked Mouth bent down to fumble around and picked up Birdhead's cell phone.

"Let me go! Help! Help!" Birdhead struggled desperately and opened the car door.

Waizui took the opportunity to throw the phone out and grabbed the bird's nest head again.

The car started successfully at this time.

The little boss stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel, and the car turned around and sped away.

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