Aoba Office

Chapter 1259 Positioning (1)

The Yin Qi behind him was like a man-hungry beast, struggling and roaring in a cage.

I heard a faint ringing sound, rapid and out of tune, and very hard, shaking violently as if the bell was about to be shattered.

I dragged the little death-charming expert downstairs in a hurry until he reached the first floor and rushed out of the building before I let go of his hand.

I turned and looked up.

That cloud of yin energy lingers on the sixth floor. In my eyes, it looks like a weird mushroom cloud shape. It was as if the moment of the nuclear explosion was frozen. Then, everything was rewound, and the cloud of yin energy quickly shrank back into the office, leaving no trace at all.

There was a jingle, the sound was distant and peaceful, and everything returned to normal.

I exhaled with fear.

The Yin Qi erupting in the office is completely different from the Yin Qi on Guangyuan Highway. The Yin Qi here is more dangerous and violent, as if it was born to destroy.

I'm a little worried about Ye Qing.

Although the Yin Qi was suppressed, who knows what price Ye Qing paid? The huge crack in the office wall is still fresh in my memory. I also remember all of Ye Qing's weak state. Unfortunately, Ye Qing is now weak again.

"Hey, are you from the office? Did you come out of the office just now?" The little death-defying expert calmed down and asked enthusiastically.

He looked as if he had recovered from his thrilling escape at the abandoned farm. He didn't seem to feel the yin energy of the office.

I looked at him for a long time and saw no sign that he was lying.

"Really? Don't be afraid, I won't reveal it casually. Hey, I happen to have something to do. I had already given up on this line." The little master of suicide kept talking, but the content of what he said was unclear. No head or tail, I don’t know what it means.

I don't want to talk to him, but I can't ignore him. He is like a cowhide plaster. I want to ignore it, but I can't.

"I am an employee of the demolition office here. I only have the key here because of my work." I said to the little expert in committing suicide.

The little master of suicide opened his eyes wide and said to me with a playful smile: "Brother, don't do this. I really don't want to reveal it. I just want to ask you for help. I want to check a place. It is haunted. If you can Help me, you can talk about anything. Don't look at me like this, I'm quite rich. I'm a network anchor. You should know, right? I was the one who stabbed the farm in the suburbs. from."

I frowned when I heard this.

How many people died in that incident, and the little expert who committed suicide was also frightened during the live broadcast. Now when it comes to this incident, he actually acts like a normal person.

I looked at the little expert again to make sure there was nothing wrong with him. If there is nothing wrong with him physically, then there is something wrong with his mind.

I thought of Zheng Motian, and a feeling of irritation came over me.

I waved my hand at the little expert in committing suicide, interrupted him, and left immediately.

As expected, the little master of committing suicide was like a cowhide plaster. He followed me. Seeing that I was not getting enough, he asked about Qingye and why I was running in such a hurry just now.

I'm so annoyed.

When I was approaching the neighborhood committee, I saw a woman walking towards me and my steps stopped.

"Team Leader Lin." Reporter Yuan from Tianxia Weekly looked surprised. He looked at me and then at the little mastermind.

"Reporter Yuan, you know this brother too." The little master of suicide was equally surprised.

Reporter Yuan nodded, his eyes wandering between the two of us, "Team Leader Lin is the team leader of the demolition office responsible for the demolition of the six worker and peasant villages. We have dealt with each other before. Team Leader Lin also has the key to the Qingye Supernatural Office. ”

"Oh, is it really a demolition project?" The little master of suicide was disappointed, but he immediately cheered up, "Team Leader Lin, did you see something in the office just now? Was it a ghost?"

Reporter Yuan’s eyes lit up at this time.

"I'm just doing a routine thing to check if anyone is back there." I said coldly.

What else could the little master who committed suicide have to say? Two people walked out of the neighborhood committee.

Guo Yujie and Chen Xiaoqiu came out arm in arm. When they saw us, they said hello.

Guo Yujie glared at the little expert who committed suicide. She obviously doesn't like guys like the little expert who seek death and drag others down. Chen Xiaoqiu's expression was calm.

The little expert at committing suicide shrank his neck and dodged Guo Yujie's fierce eyes.

I was a little surprised, and then I remembered that this guy had also stayed in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants for a while, and wanted to investigate Qingye's affairs. Maybe he had heard about Guo Yujie's strange powers.

Guo Yujie was a cheerful and enthusiastic little girl most of the time in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, and she was very popular with the aunts and mothers. However, once last year, she helped an old aunt carry things and showed her strength to carry a box of cooking oil up to the fifth floor without even breathing. It turned out that the aunts and mothers who were diligently trying to match Guo Yujie Just keep silent about those good guys.

Guo Yujie and Chen Xiaoqiu took advantage of their free time to go shopping. As soon as they got distracted, the little mastermind could no longer pester me. Reporter Yuan didn't have the spirit of persistence like him, so I just happened to enter the neighborhood committee.

I feel a little uneasy when I think of the little master of suicide and that reporter Yuan getting together. These two people have an "adventurous" spirit. If they just risk their own lives, they are afraid that they will drag down innocent people.

Looking back, I realized that this matter had nothing to do with me, so I let it go.

After I got home from get off work, I remembered the last words Ye Qing said to me.

He asked me to prepare myself for what I was going to do tonight. Although he didn't finish speaking, I could guess what he was going to say. It’s nothing more than preparing to enter dreamland tonight and go to Guangyuan Highway.

It would be risky for Wu Ling and the others to go to Guangyuan Mountain Resort. But when I entered the dreamland like this, the risk was much less. Originally, I was not afraid of Ye Qing as my companion. But something happened again in the office today, which made me very worried about Ye Qing's situation.

I went to bed early, tossing and turning, but couldn't sleep.

I don’t know how many times I turned over it, but just when I thought I wouldn’t dream tonight, my conscious mind suddenly fell into darkness.

I listened to the car and felt a strong sense of anxiety.

I opened my eyes and saw an old van. There were six people in the van, and the person I possessed was sitting on the small bench at the end, with several bulging snakeskin bags stuffed beside him.

The five people in front were arguing. One said they should go east, the other said they should turn ahead, and the remaining three were accusing, scolding, and complaining. The person I possessed was not quiet either. It seemed like he was trying to persuade someone to fight, but in fact he was instigating it in a weird way.

"Okay, shut the fuck up!" The driver stepped on the brakes and yelled.

The car became quiet.

He raised his head, took out a cigarette and lit it. The others took a sip and started puffing away.

"Third brother, what's going on? Are you on the right road?" the driver blew out a smoke ring and asked the man in the passenger seat.

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