Aoba Office

Chapter 1249 Strong Light (6)

"How could this happen? It's must be a dream! Yes! I must be dreaming! I'm still dreaming!" Zheng Motian squatted on the ground and muttered to himself for a long time before jumping up again.

He rushed to his car, opened the driver's door, jumped in without even fastening his seat belt, started the car, and stepped on the accelerator.

The man and woman hadn't gone far yet, they were leaning on the roadside and moving forward slowly.

Zheng Motian kept his eyes straight, deliberately not looking at them, and raised the speed to the highest speed.

The car's engine roared, and the tires rubbed against the ground, making the sound particularly loud.

After driving like this for a long time, Zheng Motian's violent breathing did not weaken.

I felt his equally violent heartbeat.

The blood vessels all over his internal organs and muscles showed their presence.

Zheng Motian let out a pitiful whimper and muttered something. I didn't hear clearly, and he probably didn't know what he was talking about.

After a long time, he slowly calmed down.

He regained his composure, and it can also be said that he successfully deceived himself, firmly believing that the problem was not with him, but with the person just now.

His eyes moved to the radio in the car.

The radio station that had just been broadcast had stopped, and the LCD screen had dimmed, showing nothing.

Zheng Motian hesitated for a long time, staring at the screen, unable to make a decision.

When he casually glanced at the road ahead, he saw two figures in the bright light.

The car was still driving in the middle of the road, and on the side of the road, a man and a woman were walking.

Zheng Motian slammed on the brakes. The tires made a screeching sound as they rubbed against the ground.

Such bright light and noise did not disturb the man and woman.

The car has now arrived next to them, and is alongside them. Through the car window, you can see the irritability, restlessness and anger on their faces.

Their position is at the edge of strong light, and their appearance is not that clear, but it is enough for people to see a lot of things.

Zheng Motian's heartbeat was so loud that he could hear it just sitting in the car.

His previous "dream" appeared in his mind, and he became trance-like.

Before the pair of men and women stepped out of the range of the high beam, there were two more balls of light in front of the high beam.

In front of the road, two groups of light suddenly appeared. It was an oncoming vehicle with its high beams on.

In this dark night, only the light can be seen, not the condition of the car.

Zheng Motian's heartbeat accelerated a little faster. In the extreme, the heart rate is increased. This made him very uncomfortable. All the blood vessels in my body felt like they were going to explode.

I already guessed something.

The man and woman on the road knew nothing. When he saw the car, he was overjoyed and shouted, hoping that the other party would stop the car.

The car approached and the steering wheel turned slightly, as if it saw the two people and was about to pull over. But the speed of the car did not slow down at all. On the contrary, it had a tendency to accelerate.

The woman didn't notice anything and was still waving. The illuminated face was undoubtedly filled with a smile of surprise.

But the man was alert. He lowered his hand, stopped shouting, moved a little, and then turned around and ran to the nearby woods without hesitation.

The surprise on the woman's face turned into fear. She only had time to let out a scream before she was hit by the car and flew up. She spun around in the air and landed heavily on the ground.

The car did not slow down, hit the woman, and headed straight for the man.

The vehicle drove off the road. Due to the high speed and the height difference of the roadbed, it bumped directly. When it landed, the vehicle tilted. It drove a meter or two in front of it and rolled over directly to the bottom.

The man escaped, and when the bright light hit him, people could see his bloodless face.

In the overturned vehicle, the passenger door was pushed open and a man climbed out.

The two men faced each other, like two wild beasts meeting on a narrow road.

I couldn't see what the man who got out of the car looked like, but I knew that his Yin Qi was exactly the same as the driver I had seen before. This should be Mr. Yu.

Without hesitation, Mr. Yu jumped out of the car and pounced on the man.

He roared, ferocious and crazy.

The man was obviously frightened, and after screaming, he ran away. He wanted to run to the road, but as soon as he stepped onto the road, he was knocked down from behind by Mr. Yu and punched twice in the back of his head.

This is not a grappling, nor is it a technical fight. Both men are not good at this, and they probably don't have much experience in this. They just keep rolling and tearing on the road, and the fists they raise can't hit the vital parts.

Zheng Motian held his breath.

I saw Zheng Motian's flushed face in the rearview mirror, and turned my head to look at the overturned vehicle.

I didn't smell any gasoline, but I saw the yin gas in the car.

The two struggling men rolled back from the road onto the grass. Mr. Yu was grabbed by his collar and pressed against the car.

"You lunatic! There is something wrong with you! Aren't you going to kill someone just to take over and be cuckolded?" The man was furious, "You don't even know what kind of virtue you are! If I hadn't caught you as a shield, you would have been pretty A woman wants to rent a room with you?"

"Damn! You idiot!" Mr. Yu punched the man in the face, knocked the man to the ground, and spat bloody saliva on the man, "Bah! You think I don't know! You He's just a Phoenix man from the countryside! If he hadn't favored that rich woman, would you still want to be a boss? Damn you, you idiot! Damn you couple! Don't even try to escape!"

Mr. Yu punched and kicked the man on the ground.

The man was hunched over, holding his head, wailing and moaning.

I gradually noticed a change in the yin energy around me. This change was very slow, and by the time I noticed it, something was already coming.

I turned my head quickly and looked at the other end of the road.

Two beams of light lit up on the road, approaching rapidly.

What surprised me was that not only Zheng Motian and I saw the light of the car lights, but Mr. Yu and the man also saw it. Mr. Yu stopped the one-sided beating and looked at the approaching car in panic. The man on the ground jumped up, using his hands and feet, and shouted loudly to stop the car.

The driver of that car didn't know whether he was asleep or blind. He pressed the accelerator to the bottom without any change in the speed of the car. He directly hit the man who couldn't avoid it and continued to move forward.

The man froze in fear.

Mr. Yu's eyes widened and his body trembled.

The car just disappeared on the road.

The man collapsed on the ground, ""

"It's a ghost car... it's that ghost car..." Mr. Yu stuttered out a few words, then suddenly the ghost screamed and rushed onto the road to escape.

But at this moment, the man stretched out his hand, and with quick eyes and hands, he grabbed Mr. Yu's feet and threw him heavily to the ground.

"What the hell..." Mr. Yu just wanted to get angry.

I followed the man's gaze.

The woman lying on the ground after being knocked away is slowly getting up. She was covered in blood, her body probably had multiple fractures, and her posture when she stood up was extremely weird.

There was a snap.

Something fell out of her legs. The ball of flesh squirmed on the ground, and together with the woman, approached the two men.

The man tightened his grip on Mr. Yu's leg and made an inarticulate cry.

At this time, there was a rustling sound from the overturned vehicle, and the radio sounded.

"My surname is Lin. Well, I'm getting married this weekend... Shasha... My husband and I met on a blind date. He is a very good person. He and his parents are very supportive of me and understand me very well. We... Shasha... are going to have a wedding with the blessings of our relatives and friends. I am so excited that I can't sleep. He is right next to me. ...Shasha... He was also very, very happy." The woman's voice came intermittently in the dark night.

"...Shasha... I want to order a song called "Really for You" by Mia, for my husband and for myself..."

The woman's singing sounded immediately.

The headlights go out.

That area was mostly dark. Only the edge of the light from the headlights of Zheng Motian's car could make out something clearly, and the rest was blurry.

I saw the two shadows, one large and one small, coming in front of the two men, followed by the screams of the two men.

Zheng Motian did not dare to make any sound, stepped on the accelerator, and left the terrifying scene behind him.

His car hadn't been driving for long when he saw a light coming from the front.

The minivan that disappeared just now appeared in front.

Zheng Motian's speed was much faster than it, and he drove past him before he could react.

When the two cars were side by side, Zheng Motian didn't dare to look at them at all.

I turned my head and saw what was going on inside the car.

There were five or six people in the car. I couldn't see clearly what the rear passengers looked like because of the shading on the windows, but I could see the people in the driver's seat and passenger seat clearly.

Those are two skeletons...

The two skeletons were still moving. It looked like they were arguing or even moving.

Behind them, a hand with only bones stretched out.

I only had time to see this before the car driven by Zheng Motian drove away.

Good night everyone~

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