Aoba Office

Chapter 1245 Strong Light (2)

I didn't really see the monster, but just feeling the change in the yin energy made me feel like I had fallen into an ice cellar, and my whole body fell into fear.

The driver next to me did the same thing. I don't know if he has special abilities or if the yin energy is so strong that ordinary people can feel it. In short, he felt the same fear as me.

After all, I had been through a lot. Although my heartbeat was racing and my breathing was erratic, I sat calmly in my seat and just tensed up my nerves.

The driver was completely panicked, slamming on the brakes and turning the steering wheel, trying to escape from the monster.

It's too late, but it's soon.

Amidst the harsh sound of brakes, the car with excellent performance turned more than 180 degrees and turned around.

This driver was also very skilled. After making a U-turn, he stepped on the accelerator without even thinking, and let the car speed away.

I'm afraid he didn't know what happened, but he just relied on instinct and wanted to escape.

I heard his gasp. In the car, his breathing echoed endlessly.

I glanced back.

The mountains behind the car have not changed much. That yin energy was entrenched in the mountains, and it was still staring at me. But it didn't move.

I turned my head again.

Logically speaking, if a car returns the same way it came, it should go straight forward. Because the way you came is straight. But after the car turned around, the road ahead was winding.

The driver broke into a cold sweat and murmured: "What's going"

My heart sank, and I paid close attention to my surroundings, and found that the yin energy had not disappeared. Not only has it not disappeared, it is spreading.

It was like the wind had blown away the Yin Qi that had been lumped into a ball, and floated farther away.

I braced myself to the extreme, ready to activate my abilities at any time when I was attacked.

However, I was not attacked.

The yin energy spread and entered the car unknowingly.

It's like air, everywhere.

I looked sideways at the driver.

The driver himself did not notice and was still driving the vehicle uneasily.

I was a little stunned and a little alarmed.

In my eyes, the driver has become different. He is no longer alive.

Before he knew it, he was dead.

I have only seen such powerful Yin Qi once. It was the Kuzen Master I met in my dream in that game of Truth or Dare. But even a Kuchan master has to kill someone. It is very different from this kind of silently taking people's lives just by relying on Yin Qi. It's not that Master Kuchan can't do this kind of thing, it's just that he won't do it. This is completely different from the situation where Master Kuchan was controlled by others and killed like crazy.

I can feel that the owner of this Yin Qi just wants to kill people. There is no reason or reason to simply kill anyone who comes close.

I looked around.

The surrounding mountains are undulating, and featureless peaks cannot be used as a reference.

The driver didn't realize that he was dead, but he realized that the road was wrong.

He accelerated for a while and then slowed down in desperation.

Gradually, he stopped the car, leaned his head on the steering wheel, and bumped it hard several times.

The horn on the steering wheel was touched and made a shrill sound.

The driver took a breath, sat up straight, and kept digging in his pockets with trembling hands. He quickly took out a compass.

Today's professional compasses are certainly not as crude as those of ancient times. I didn't understand this. I only saw circles of scale marks on it. There was a small light installed on the dial, which automatically lit up when it sensed the dark environment. In addition, the dial and hands also have fluorescent paint, making it easy to see what is displayed on it.

The pointer in the center did not spin wildly. Instead, it swayed very normally and pointed in one direction.

The driver looked at the compass and seemed to be calmed down.

I didn't feel much awareness from him. The only intense emotion he had ever had was panic. Before and after, his head was "empty." I don't know if this is because he is calm and restrained, or if there are other reasons.

The driver put the compass on his lap and restarted the car.

The car continued to move forward.

He kept his eyes on the compass uneasily.

A compass is very stable and points in a fixed direction.

The road twists and turns away from that direction.

The driver gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator. The car drove off the asphalt road. After a bump, it entered the dirt road next to it.

The open space on both sides of the road might have been farmland in the past, and a little further on, there were woods, and then the shadows of mountains.

The car lights shine into the woods, and the shadows of the trees can be seen, swaying slightly with the night wind.

There is no rustle of leaves, only leaves shaking. This scene is very strange.

The car approached the woods as directed by the compass, and the front of the car hit the trunk of the first tree.

The driver was a little stunned, his face uncertain.

Only then did I receive a little bit of his consciousness.

He thought he had entered a fantasy world and was hallucinating.

The eyes and other senses may deceive him, but the compass will not.

He backed up the car a few meters, stepped on the accelerator, and crashed into a tree trunk. He wanted to break through the illusion.

I don't think this is a pure fantasy.

If a person has a problem with his senses, how can he be sure that the road scene he sees is wrong and the compass he sees is correct? This makes absolutely no sense.

What's more important is that besides feeling the yin energy, I didn't notice anything else. What I saw was what the driver saw.

Either the compass is controlled by the ghost, or the surrounding scenery is controlled by the ghost.

No matter which one, it is impossible for an ordinary person or a newly born ghost to break through with brute force.

The front bumper of the car hit the tree trunk with a loud thud.

The car stopped and the airbag deployed.

I saw the tree shaking violently, but it stabilized after a while.

The driver was knocked to pieces, and the compass on his lap fell under the driver's seat.

He slowed down, shook his head, opened the air bag, panted heavily, and looked for the compass.

He found the compass with some difficulty and carefully examined the pointer on it.

The pointer is still pointing straight ahead, in the direction it pointed just now.

The driver's expression changed and he thought for a long time before restarting the car.

I don't know if he is going in this direction and believing that death is unreasonable. Is it because of his innate personality or because he has been affected by Yin Qi?

He twisted the car key several times, but the engine seemed to be suffering from asthma. He coughed several times and would not start.

He cursed a few times, and then an idea suddenly occurred to him, and he cursed even louder.

I learned from his consciousness that he thought swearing like this would drive away ghosts. I've heard of this concept elsewhere. Ghosts are afraid of evil people. Acting fierce should be able to drive away some ghosts. I don't know if this theory has any supernatural basis, and I don't know if it is really useful, but I am certain that this method cannot drive away the ghosts here. It would be a joke for such a powerful ghost to be scolded away by a few curse words.

The driver scolded himself until his mouth was dry, then he took a break, picked up the water glass on the side, and took two sips of water. He started the car again, but it still wouldn't start. After cursing, he sat for a while, took the flashlight from the compartment next to him, and opened the car door carefully.

I followed him out of the car, one step ahead of him, walked around to the front of the car, and looked at the license plate.

It's Huizhou's license plate, but the number is different.

I secretly felt strange. When I looked up, I found that this car was also different from the cars I had seen in my previous dreams.

Not a car or a person?

Is it that Ren Pi?

But Ren Pi probably doesn't have this kind of character.

I thought to myself.

The driver has checked the car engine.

There is actually nothing to check.

The front bumper of the car was flattened, and the hood was also knocked into a convex angle. The driver finally opened the hood, and a few wisps of smoke came out. After tinkering for a while, he could only curse weakly.

The headlights were still on, illuminating the woods and stretching their shadows.

The driver looked at the woods, swallowed, and hurriedly began to fumble in his pockets. This time, he did not take out tools for survival in the wild, but his mobile phone. He just cried with joy and quickly called for help.

"I'm on Guangyuan Highway! Yes, it's the road that goes into the mountains! I know, I know there's no one here. I crashed the car, can you guys come find me? Positioning... There is no positioning on my car. Mobile phone positioning Can you receive it?" the driver said, looking at his phone.


I was a little dazed.

In 2002, smartphones were not widespread.

Now...when is it?

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