Aoba Office

Chapter 1243 No. 013-Encountering a ghost while driving (5)

In the early morning of July 28, 2002, I drove to Linkou Road. Video file 01320020728.avi.

The resolution of the video picture is not very high and a little blurry. Judging from the picture quality, it was not captured by a high-definition camera, so it is somewhat different from Aoba’s other videos.

In the picture, there are two rows of street lights on the road at night, which are very bright and illuminate the entire road clearly. The spaces between street lights were only a little dim.

The road is lined with sidewalks and community walls. There are advertising boards with a sense of the times hanging on the walls. Unlike the current roadside publicity boards, which are particularly artistic, the cartoon characters painted on them are very simple, in the style of small illustrations in the old evening newspapers, and the colors are also very dim, basically light watercolors. . The slogans above also give people a sense of a distant era: no spitting, no littering, no jaywalking...

The car was driving slowly, the camera was in the center, facing the road, and the promotional boards slowly moved backwards from the screen twice.

The buildings in the community are all multi-story, with a five-story building nearby and a seven-story building with the same exterior wall style in the distance.

Not many residents turned on the lights, and there were no street lights in the community. It looked dark. The green plants in residential buildings and communities are like monsters in the shadows.

In the video, there is only the sound of vehicles moving and no one speaking.

After driving like this for about five minutes, we arrived at the intersection. Further on, the walls and publicity boards are gone, and they become small shops along the street.

The store brands are all convenience stores, tobacco shops, bun shops, etc. There are no chain stores, and they all look like small private businesses. Now, these stores are closed and the rolling shutters are down. The store signs are the simplest ones, not light boxes. Without street lights, it would be difficult to see clearly what is written on these signs.

The car continued to move forward, and after passing another intersection, the scenery in the picture finally changed.

In the distance, a figure can be seen standing in the middle of the road.

The road is not wide enough, just big enough for two cars to pass side by side, and there are no lanes. On this road in the video, there are no traffic lights, no signs, and no street signs. Only the street lights were particularly bright and illuminated very clearly.

The figure stood in the middle of the road, motionless, exuding a faint yin aura. I couldn't see his face clearly, I could only see the color of his clothes. The entire figure is like a silhouette of a painter's character, inexplicably maintaining the same style as the illustration on the previous promotional board.

The figure stayed in place for two seconds and then disappeared completely.

The street lights have not changed, and the scenery on the street remains the same.

Liu Miao whistled.

"I found it. It's not a very powerful ghost." Liu Miao said.

"I haven't completely turned into a ghost yet," Wu Ling said.

The car continued to move forward without changing speed.

The figure flashed twice more.

The car finally came closer.

Just then, the sound of another car's engine appears on the video.

The shadow of the car flashed away like a human figure. The headlights of the car cut two arcs in the picture.

At the same time, a huge crash was heard from the video.

The photography equipment used to shoot this video is indeed far inferior to other equipment used by Aoba. From this sound alone, no changes in the vocal tract can be heard.

But then the camera turned.

Wu Ling's side face appeared on the screen. She looked out the window.

The car has pulled over and stopped.

Outside the window is the scene of the car accident.

A black car hit the pole of a street light, and the front of the car was completely deformed. The streetlight pole was broken, and the heavy pole fell on the roof of the car, making a dent in the roof.

The streetlight went out and the other streetlights flickered a few times.

The camera was moved and the picture shook for a while.

The sound of a car door opening can be heard in the video.

When the scene stabilized, the backs of Wu Ling and Ye Qing were seen.

The two walked towards the abandoned car.

The camera keeps up.

As we get closer, we can see the tragic details more clearly.

Only the driver's seat was occupied in the car. The driver's body was covered in blood, and there was blood on his head, covering his face. The steering wheel pressed against his chest, and you could clearly see that his chest was dented. His legs were trapped in the seat, completely covered.

The driver did not die at the scene.

A faint groan came from the broken driver's window.

He moved his body, then froze in pain and let out an inaudible cry.

Wu Ling and Ye Qing just looked at the driver's condition briefly and then turned their heads.

The camera then rotates.

Next to them, in front of the deformed car, stood a figure. Judging by his attire, he looked like the ghost who had appeared before.

The ghost's face was expressionless and his eyes were empty, and he just stared at the car blankly.

"Mr. Zhao." Wu Ling shouted.

The ghost didn't react at all.

"It's been transcended." Ye Qing said.

Wu Ling agreed and took out a stack of talisman papers from his pocket.

She didn't have a lighter, she just held a piece of talisman paper, held it upright in front of her eyes, and recited a simple spell. As the spell ends, the talisman spontaneously ignites. The burning flame is light blue, like the legendary will-o'-the-wisp.

The flame burned slowly and slowly turned into a little spark.

The talisman held by Wu Ling started to flutter automatically in the absence of wind. But only one of them floated up and passed by the spark, turning into another will-o'-the-wisp.

As these talismans continued to burn in mid-air, the ghost's expression changed.

His eyes gained focus and his face gained expression.

He blinked and looked at the camera.

"You..." the ghost spoke, his voice full of doubts.

"Mr. Zhao, it's time for you to reincarnate." Wu Ling said.

The ghost looked at Wu Ling and then at the car.

The car slowly disappeared under his gaze. The collapsed street lamps were also restored to their original condition.

He just sighed, showed a wry smile, and his figure faded.

The will-o'-the-wisp disappeared, leaving no ashes of the talisman. The ghost is gone too.

"Is this enough?" Liu Miao asked.

"Yeah. It's not a troublesome ghost. It's probably because the car accident was too unexpected and he didn't react." Wu Ling said.

The progress bar of the video has reached the end.

On July 28, 2002, the investigation was concluded.


I was surprised.

The files I picked up at random were surprisingly simple. Aoba's people solved the matter without much effort. There was nothing dangerous about the whole thing. Not even a near miss.

I looked through the file again to make sure I didn't miss anything.

This did not make me relaxed, but made me more uneasy.

I don't believe the people in Aoba are so lucky, or in other words, I don't believe the clients Aoba and the others receive are so lucky. In the whole incident, except for the driver who had died long ago, there were actually no casualties.

I thought about it and couldn't help but search the Internet for that road.

Linkou Road is a suburban road in Xupu City, Huizhou Province. When I searched, it was only shown on the map and there was no other information. There are no well-known business districts or residential areas here, and there has been no major news. Zhao Chi's car accident did not appear in the newspapers. Car accidents like this probably happen all the time across the country.

I tried to find some haunting rumors, but I couldn't find any.

In 2002, the Internet was not yet developed, and probably no one would post such rumors on the forum. At that time, social networking sites did not even exist in their infancy, and blogs and the like did not take off. It's normal that no one posted local haunted legends.

After that, there was also no news, which seemed to prove that Aoba had completely handled the matter.

I should feel relieved. But thinking about Aoba's previous "brilliant" record, I feel uneasy.

I feel dumbfounded when I think about it. I seem to be a perverted murderer who doesn't feel comfortable when I don't see dead people.

Exhaling, I closed the notebook.

I have to get up early to go to work tomorrow, and I have to work in the Six Workers and Peasants Village.

Thinking about the demolition also makes me feel tired. The demolition work is not exciting, and now it is even more of a free period. Not only us, but also the demolished households are a little numb. However, when the signing process for demolition officially begins, there will be more troubles.

As I lay in bed, I couldn't help but wonder, could I wait until the day I started signing a job? Maybe the world will be over before that happens.

Good night everyone~

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