Aoba Office

Chapter 1236 Nails (1)

Ye Qing told me to wait and then fell silent.

I had to wait, staring at the two nails without blinking.

After a long while, my eyes were sore, and the two nails didn't change much.

I waited a while longer, my attention starting to slip.

I wasn't thinking about anything, I was just zoning out.

I don't know if Ye Qing will agree to my proposal.

Logically speaking, he should agree.

This proposal is beneficial to Ye Qing. It is also a good choice for Ye Qing's goal.

However, if it really had a hundred benefits and no harm, Ye Qing should have taken action long ago. Using other people's abilities may cause harm to Ye Qing.

There is only one reason I can think of.

If it didn't cause damage to myself or limit my abilities, I can't think of why Ye Qing didn't just take away my abilities.

Out of morality and morality?

I didn't like my abilities, and I made it clear early on that I didn't want to be involved in supernatural events. From my subjective point of view, Ye Qing's taking away my ability is not theft or robbery. Ye Qing shouldn't be someone who sticks to this kind of thing.

Or, if my ability is taken away directly, will it harm my own life?

Ye Qing wouldn't be honest with me, so I could only think wildly.

I don’t know how much time passed, but I felt a slight change in the yin energy in the room.

My subconscious nerves were tense and I turned my head to look at the corridor. On second thought, I realized that the extra Yin Qi was not the terrifying aura leaking from behind the door.

I cast my gaze on the coffee table.

There was a faint yin energy exuding from those two nails. Some are like Li Moqian's Yin Qi that I felt in my dreams, but it is slightly different from Li Moqian's Yin Qi. That lingering malice...

I felt something move in my pocket. This startled me and I immediately leaned back.

The mobile phone in his pants pocket flew out and floated in the air.

I widened my eyes, looked at my phone, and then at the mark of the person sitting on the sofa opposite.

The phone was not unlocked, but magically lit up, displaying a video screen.

The full-screen video has an exciting background narration, possibly the voice of a host.

He just heard him yelling in a roaring voice: "Look! It's moving! It's really moving!!! Ah! Oh my god! The skeleton is moving!"

The content of the picture is something I have never seen before. To be precise, it is a fragment that I have seen from another perspective.

The skeleton leaning against the wall raised its head and aimed at the camera. The toothless jaw moved twice. The bones collided and made a sound. At the same time, a woman's voice rang out.

I recognized that this was the scene of Li Moqian being captured on live broadcast.

The first reaction in my mind was that the information Wu Ling got was wrong. The person with special abilities found by some supernatural circle did not monitor public opinion well at all. Such a video was released openly.

The content on the phone screen was switched, and a similar video appeared, with less explanation and more barrage. The barrage was so dense that I only saw one or two sentences, either exclaiming or telling lies.

The content is switched a second time, and comments on social networking pages appear. The most upvoted comment analyzed that the skeleton was not a mechanical device or a special effect image, which was very clear. The second comment was ironic, explaining how to use a simple mechanical device to make such a skeleton, and said that it could be found by just searching on the Internet. You can buy these toys.

Next, the police appeared on the screen. This video should be what was captured by the police body camera. Inside, there were police cars arriving, Brother Wu and his group escaping from the building, and scenes of police investigators working later. The DV Li Moqian was holding was also photographed. The police checked the DV at the scene, and the records inside were also captured by the law enforcement recorder.

I gradually realized something was wrong.

"How did you find these things? Not on the Internet..."

I was just about to ask Ye Qing if he had hacked into the police system, when I saw a similar video reappearing, this time with additional barrage. This was definitely posted online.

"How could this happen..." My scalp was numb.

My question was also asked by other netizens.

Some people questioned the origin of these videos on social networking sites, thinking they were hype, staged, or cosplay. It is impossible for the police to release so much information about the case at the beginning. Especially the content captured in the DV, which was bloody and violent. Logically speaking, it should not have passed censorship and appeared on the Internet. But now, the operators of social networking sites seem to have turned off the review system, and no one is reporting or reviewing it.

I glanced at the sofa opposite.

"That's right." Ye Qing seemed to have read through my thoughts and gave me two more words.

I stared at the nails on the coffee table.

The screen on the phone changed again. It was still the page of the social networking site, but it had a different message.

The publisher of that message was "Brother Wu", and the text was directly "Big breaking news about the internet celebrity kidnapping case! Exclusive broadcast of the latest evidence in the case!". This blog post has been forwarded like crazy, and the number of comments below has reached 50,000. The videos released are a collection of the short videos I just saw.

I suddenly understood that this was the first revelation. Those short videos are all taken from here.

This Brother Wu...

Just as I was thinking about it, I saw that as soon as the page refreshed, the content just now became blocked.

I glanced at Ye Qing again.

"I can't save anyone." Ye Qing said.

I don't understand what Ye Qing means.

He did not succeed in rescuing Li Moqian, but he is already stronger than me and can do better than me.

I was about to say something when I felt the scene in front of me blur and be replaced by darkness.

what happened?

Why did I suddenly enter a dream...

As soon as the idea came to me, I saw Li Moqian's figure.

Not a skeleton, not a living person, but Li Moqian in a ghost state.

I was so surprised that I didn't react for a while.

At this moment, I felt boundless fear wash over my heart.

I noticed that there was a light around Li Moqian. That's the glow of a laptop screen. The content displayed in the light is the message page of the personal social account, and the system prompts the user that the content he posted has been blocked. I saw the account information in the upper right corner.

Brother Wu...

Before I could figure out what was going on, I felt my hand being pulled.

The man's rough palms were raised above his head. It should only be lifted with one finger.

Li Moqian stretched out his hand, and all ten nails were mottled with blood. In her hand was a bottle of nail polish.

Brother Wu whimpered for mercy and couldn't speak at all. His mouth must have been taped shut. His mouth hurt, and his hands and feet also hurt, as if they were tied up. And the hand raised high was pointed at Li Moqian.

Li Moqian hummed and slowly drew patterns on Brother Wu's fingernails. It was a dandelion, and it also looked like a snowflake.

Li Moqian smiled at Brother Wu, "Does it look good?"

Brother Wu let out a cry of collapse.

"It's beautiful, right? You took a very nice photo of my nails at that time. Oh, it wasn't you who took the photo. It was the photographer who was working with you. The photo was really beautiful. It was obviously my flesh and blood, which was disgusting, but There is a sense of cruel beauty in the photo. There are people who keep that photo as a collection. "This time too, you took a very nice photo of my bones." . Thank you for not calling the police both times.”

Li Moqian whispered, suddenly reached out and pinched Brother Wu's nails, and pulled his hand hard.

I saw blood spurting out from Brother Wu's fingers. The blood flowed crazily, just like the amount of bleeding when an artery was cut.

Brother Wu's breath became weak.

He kept his hand raised, and after the blood had finished shooting, it flowed down, covering the back of his hand and palm, and then spread to his arm.

My eyes blurred, Li Moqian disappeared, and the scenery in front of me also changed.

Like a revolving door, those images passed by, leaving only different shapes of nails and bright red blood in my retinas.

I don't could Li Moqian become like this?

The Li Moqian I met was obviously...

Because the world has changed?

No, the world has changed a long time ago. Li Moqian pulled the thread of fate and gathered these people around her, but she just wanted to be discovered and leave the place where she was killed. She was just...

The jumping scene suddenly stopped.

I felt the presence of another yin energy.

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