Aoba Office

Chapter 1233 Kidnapping Case (8)

I felt a severe headache.

After the headache comes the blinding light.

Not firelight, but white light, sunlight.

I saw what was before me.

The corpse belonging to Li Moqian was still sitting opposite me, with his back leaning against the wall and his head tilted.

It seems that nothing happened.

I didn't see what happened when Li Moqian was kidnapped, nor did I go to save her, nor did it cause the kidnappers to frantically set fire to the shanty town.

I gasped for air, my heartbeat was beating violently and erratically, and there seemed to be beads of sweat running down my body. The drops of sweat were like the tip of a knife, passing over my skin.

I closed my eyes for a long time, and suddenly realized something.

Li Moqian didn't make any more sound.

I thought of the scene where Li Moqian was kneeling on the second floor.

I was a little panicked and a little distressed.

I know how excruciating that guilt can be. I was sad for a long time because of what happened in the studio. If it weren't for Shouzi and the others by my side, and Gu Mo and Nangong Yao casually comforting me, I wouldn't have gotten out of that state so quickly.

Li Moqian had nothing.

She...may also have three memories.

I have realized that I changed the past, but restored the original "past". Li Moqian experienced the fate of being killed twice. The only time he came close to surviving was when others were implicated and burned to death.

If she was a selfish person, I'm afraid she should be resentful and resentful that I didn't save her. But she shouldn't be that kind of person. She has been...

I feel sad.

I gave her hope for life, and then killed that hope abruptly.

"I'm sorry..." I murmured.

My abilities...didn't bring good things.

This may be fate, God's fault, or it may be because I am too weak. I can only change the "past" that happened recently so that I can save people. But if I change the "past" that is too far away, the result will always be... no, even the recent "past" has not become better after I changed it. What happened in the studio is a lesson. Maybe I just don't know about other things. Unbeknownst to me, a worse "future" is already happening.

I thought of Muge. His abilities are powerful but harmless to himself. But what's the result? His parents and lover were driven to death.

My eyes were hot and I couldn't calm down.

I didn't dare to look at Li Moqian's body, but I couldn't help but think about what my abilities could do. Actually, not much can be done.


Bang bang!

A loud noise interrupted my thoughts.

I turned around and saw that the wooden door was still closed.

The sound came from downstairs.

I subconsciously wanted to go down and take a look, but then I thought of Wu Ling.

My heart was pounding.

Could it be that "now"? Wu Ling and Nangong Yao came here with October?

Bang bang!

The banging on the door rang several more times.

If October were here, I'm afraid I wouldn't be suitable to appear in front of them.

I slowly calmed down and looked at Li Moqian's body.

I need to hide. But there is nothing in this place. There was no place for me to hide.

There is another building next to it, but I'm not sure if anyone will see me if I go out through the wall so rashly.

As I was thinking this, I felt a hand grab my wrist.

Before I could recover, I felt myself being dragged into another state.

The man who pulled me was very measured and strong, and he used his strength with ease. She just took me gently and let me enter her body.

My field of vision faced the wooden door, and the height was exactly the same as the eyes of Li Moqian's corpse.

"Li Moqian..." I shouted softly.

No one responded to me.

But I felt something extra in my hand.

I turned my head, wanting to see it, but a trace of memory had already appeared in my mind.

That's a DV.

When those people kidnapped Li Moqian, they videotaped it. They treated kidnapping as a game and recorded the entire kidnapping process with great interest. But after escaping here with Li Moqian, they were too panicked to care about this.

When Li Moqian died, a DV was inserted into his hand.

But who is it?

I do not understand.

I suddenly realized that the person who pulled me before was probably not Li Moqian.

I felt creepy, but when I thought about the power transmitted from that hand, I didn't think it was that scary.

I opened my mouth, and just as I was about to speak, I felt louder movement coming from downstairs.

There were messy footsteps, and some men were shouting.

That voice couldn't be Nangong Yao's, nor could it be October's.

Not them?

If it wasn't them, who would have broken in? Ordinary people who have nothing to do with each other?

I was thinking when I heard clear footsteps downstairs.

The footsteps continued, making me want to find out.

Just as I was about to move, I felt an ominous yin energy.

I suddenly froze.

A figure appeared on the second floor.

The figure appeared out of thin air and floated in front of Li Moqian.

I only saw his legs and didn't dare to raise my head to look at him.

"Alas..." He sighed softly, with a bit of sadness and relief. I heard October's voice ringing above my head, "Don't worry, you have been found. It's okay. Well... there should be some trouble before then. However, Miss Wu has already called the police, and the police will be there soon." Will come and won't let them insult your body."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of footsteps came from downstairs to upstairs.

After October’s legs came a few more feet.

Someone gasped in surprise, "Found it! It really does exist!"

"Brother Wu, I told you I didn't lie to you. Can my information still be inaccurate?"

"You kid can do it. You can find it this way. How did you find it?"

"This, hey, it's not convenient to talk about it. But let me tell you in advance. Just report this, don't dig deeper. Especially the kidnapping case back then. The police will investigate if they want, and the rest..."

"What are the backgrounds of those kidnappers?"


"Okay, everyone has been found, then we can start the live broadcast. Damn it! If it weren't for that network anchor who caused a lot of things, it would be so troublesome to start a live broadcast now! Get ready, start from the door. I'll give it to you The boss will send you a photo, and I’ll be able to mosaic it later.”

"Can the live broadcast be mosaic?"

"Do you understand the delayed live broadcast?"

I heard the phone taking pictures.

After a while, those people talked and laughed and went downstairs.

October also left at this time, but instead of following downstairs, he disappeared directly on the spot.

After a long time, I heard another noise coming from downstairs. This time the voices and footsteps were both steady. The footsteps approached the stairs a little bit and went upstairs a little bit.

"...Everyone, please follow the camera and take a look at the second floor. This is where we received news that it is said to be the final crime scene of the Internet celebrity kidnapping case in 2018. What will be waiting for us behind this door? Woolen cloth?"

The half-open door creaked open.

"I'm opening the door now, and the camera is over here... everyone can see that inside this room..."

Behind the door was a group of people. The leader was holding a microphone, and the one almost parallel to him was carrying a professional camera.

I felt my perspective shift slightly.

It wasn't me who was moving, but Li Moqian!

She was looking up, raising her skull and pointing it at the door.

The men's eyes widened and their mouths opened wide, without making any sound.

"You...are finally here..." Li Moqian's voice, accompanied by the sound of bones colliding, echoed through the empty room.

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