Aoba Office

Chapter 1230 Kidnapping Case (5)

"The rough plan is to use some kind of magic to limit the possibility of living people turning into ghosts after death." Gu Mo got straight to the point and said this.

I listened carefully and thought seriously. Despite my knowledge base, I have no idea how to use magic to do this kind of thing.

After death, a person's soul will first stay in the human world. When the soul's consciousness returns, it will take a different path.

This situation is similar to life. Between birth, aging, illness and death, there are bits and pieces that make up everyone's life. Every thought and every decision will form a different life. So is the soul. From generating consciousness to taking action, and finally becoming a ghost, entering the underworld and reincarnating, or getting lost in the human world and being trapped here with no way to advance or retreat, these are the unique experiences of each soul. There is room for outsiders to intervene here, but no one can forcefully plan another person's entire life, and no one can force the soul to enter the underworld at the beginning of its appearance.

It’s not that I doubt the strength of those in the circle. This is a question of "quantity".

How big is the supernatural circle? What's the world's population? How many people die here every day? Of those who died, how many were normally given a critical illness notice in the hospital and waited to die, and how many died unexpectedly?

How could people in the supernatural circle monitor this? How could there be people to send every newly deceased person and newly emerged soul to the underworld?

To do this kind of thing, as Gu Mo said, a certain spell may be needed. Then the effect of this spell is too amazing. I can't imagine a spell that works on everyone in the world.

The thin man was thoughtful and asked: "Is it necessary to build a Feng Shui array? Or a magic array or something like that? And it's the size to cover the entire earth... This is unlikely... Even if it can be done , the project volume is too large, right? What should we do abroad?”

I was surprised by Shouzi’s idea, and the first thing that came to my mind was satellites outside the earth.

How many satellites are there now outside the Earth? Those satellite orbits... I still remember watching the news before, and there was an illustration of the interweaving orbits of satellites outside the earth.

This idea just came to me, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt that this possibility was very high.

Chen Xiaoqiu said: "It is impossible to arrange such a thing on the surface. It is possible in the atmosphere. If it is in the atmosphere, it does not need to be approved by too many countries. There are only a few countries that have the ability to do this. As long as it is If the people from these big countries reach a consensus and successfully cooperate, this plan can be implemented. Of course, there is also a prerequisite that there is such a magic. "

Gu Mo looked at his phone and said, "I didn't expect that your memory is so bad, but your brain is quite bright."

I looked at Gu Mo in shock, "So, we already have a prototype of a plan? Such... this kind of thing..."

To arrange such an array in the atmosphere or outer space is not just a matter for the supernatural circle.

I don’t know how high ghosts and souls can fly, but at least insiders like Wu Ling and ability users like us are unlikely to fly to an altitude of 10,000 meters and place something in the air. This requires technology.

However, technology is used in places like this...

I am reminded of some movie settings. The concept of steampunk is quite popular. That is another form of human civilization. There are also many works that combine magic and technology. The overall level of the domestic film and television industry cannot be compared with that of foreign countries, but the novel circle is booming, with all kinds of imagination, such as urban cultivation and super powers, all in the style of this genre.

But...even if the word "ghost hunting" is combined with "technology", "formation" and "technology" are too incompatible.

My consciousness was a little confused, and I gradually began to drift into a trance.

The thin man, like me, seemed incapable of accepting this and chirped something. The fat man also intervened. I also heard Guo Yujie’s voice.

I couldn't hear clearly what they were talking about, but I could feel their excitement.

This plan sounds very feasible and very feasible. International cooperation is a difficult point, and it seems that it will become even more difficult to bring people from the supernatural circle into international cooperation. But all in all, this is a plan that sounds very feasible and has already entered the preparation period.

A bright future seems close at hand.

No, that bright future may take decades to reach.

Gu Mo has said before that ordinary people cannot quickly accept the existence of ghosts, let alone that ghosts can easily kill people.

Changes in this world are already on track. But that plan is just in preparation. No one knows how much effect people in the paranormal circle will have by trying to delay the time. Any mistakes during this period will cause the plan to be interrupted.

As I thought about this, the voices of Slender Man and others faded away.

I suddenly felt that I had no place in this plan. People from Qingye were probably also excluded from this plan - because Ye Qing had now become a powerful ghost and was completely on the opposite side. We can believe that Ye Qing has no intention of hurting ordinary people, and others will not.


what should I do?

Like the people in Aoba, do they try to eliminate ghosts as much as possible before everything breaks out, delay the time of the outbreak, and buy time for the plan?

This may be something that is beneficial to all mankind, but there are so many things that are beneficial to all mankind, and I cannot do everything.

I don't like catching ghosts, and I don't actually have much ghost-hunting skills.

I found that after the heavy responsibility of saving the world that Qingye placed on me was gone, I lost my goal and the fighting spirit I had before.

No, not just fighting spirit.

I was a little numb before, I lost my sympathy for the victims, and I lost my anger and excitement.

Instead of becoming calm, I became apathetic.

I'm not at a loss now, but I want to get rid of these things.


"help me……"

My thoughts were interrupted.

I heard a fragile woman's voice, with a crying tone. The voice was very soft. It was the voice of the soul, and it appeared directly in my mind.

I suddenly realized something was wrong.

I didn't notice it when I was distracted just now, but now I realized that Slim Man and the others were no longer around me. I was in the dark and felt no one's presence.

All I can feel is the breath of a ghost.

"help me……"

The ghost let out a faint groan.

My heart lifts. Even though I couldn't see clearly and the sounds I heard were a bit unfamiliar, I guessed who this ghost was.

There was a faint light illuminating the darkness.

The beam of light shot in from the gap in the darkness and illuminated the concrete floor. In the light, there is dust floating in the air. They are like small creatures, floating in the air and disappearing in the darkness.

This is not a vibrant picture.

As the light expands and new beams of light drive away the darkness, the enlarging picture becomes even more depressed.

I was in an empty house with the doors and windows sealed.

No furniture, no decoration.

The cold cement turned this place into a coffin.

I heard a small cry.

"Help me..."

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