Aoba Office

Chapter 1208 Conversation (3)

Ye Qing wasn't completely praising me, but it was much better than his previous evaluation. I'm naturally happy about this, but I don't know why.

If it's a truth or dare thing, my flash of inspiration is indeed worthy of a compliment or two. That was indeed a success achieved by accident. However, based on my previous influence on Ye Qing, such a small thing shouldn't make Ye Qing particularly talkative about praising me.

The ease in Ye Qing's words is something I just can't understand.

Is he pleased with my growth? Does a flash of inspiration count as growth? It probably doesn't count. At least in Ye Qing's view, this couldn't be considered growth.

Either because of me or because of God.

My heart skipped a beat.

"You think this is good? I mean...this way, expose supernatural things and let everyone know...fear..." I asked hesitantly.

I don't think this is a good thing.

It can't be said to be a bad thing.

Times are always changing. Even the supernatural world has to change with the times.

However, as an ordinary person with little potential, "changing dynasties" seems too cruel to me. I prefer to move smoothly through this period of change.

Even if you kill a chicken to scare the monkeys, you should let the chickens and monkeys know that you are going to be killed, right?

Without saying anything, all kinds of scary haunting incidents and the tragic deaths of dozens or dozens of people were revealed, which was too hard to accept.

Ye Qing let out a sneer.

I'm pretty sure the sneer was directed at me.

Don’t you feel good about supernatural events being exposed to ordinary people?


I can't figure it out.

I didn’t understand, so I asked directly.

Ye Qing stopped talking again.

I'm somewhat used to Wu Ling answering all questions, which makes it hard for me to tolerate Ye Qing's bad attitude now.

"What is it? You don't say anything. I don't know anything. If you do something stupid, you won't be the one to clean up the mess?" I said impatiently, which also irritated Ye Qing.

There is no doubt that Ye Qing saved me many times and helped me clean up the mess.

But his attitude is indeed not good.

What makes me even more discouraged is that one year later, in Ye Qing's opinion, there are some things that I am still not qualified to know.

It doesn't get much more frustrating than this.

I'm not a child, and I don't understand that a person's growth rate and expectations are limited.

I can feel that I have really grown. However, my growth may not have reached the level where Ye Qing could tell me everything.

This is nothing, I can treat it with a normal mind.

But when I got excited, the words were already out of my mouth.

I waited, waiting for Ye Qing to taunt me again, or for me to speak on my own and change the subject.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qing actually sighed.

I looked at the sofa opposite in surprise.

I had some doubts that I had heard wrongly just now.

Ye Qing just sighed, the sigh was so light, it was not a strong sigh, it was just like exhaling a breath of turbid air.

I suddenly became quiet.

"Has Ling ever told you about that circle's definition of God?" Ye Qing suddenly asked.

His tone was rare and calm, the way a normal person would communicate with others.

"This... seems to be..." I couldn't remember clearly, "A kind of spirit? A kind of... common consciousness?"

This is the answer that comes to mind.

What God is, I have never thought about this question carefully. Just like no one thinks about whether "fate" is just a coincidence, an inevitability, or a real goddess.

I never thought that this would be a problem.

What God is, is not that important to me.

It's not an evil spirit.

It may be mentally abnormal, crazy, or unconscious, and always likes to cause trouble, but its purpose is not simply to kill indiscriminately.

After determining this, there seems to be nothing to worry about.

The people do not care whether the king is a human, a monster, or a ghost. As long as he is not a cruel and lustful king, everything else does not matter.

God may be that king to me. What it is is not important to me, so I have not thought about it.

Ye Qing's question caught me off guard, and of course my answer would not satisfy him.

But Ye Qing didn't ridicule me.

"I think it should be a rule."

I stared blankly at the empty sofa opposite.

"In other words, it has no entity?" I asked.

Ye Qing did not "be creative" this time, but asked me directly: "Are you brainless?"

His tone was sincere, not sarcastic, but like he was really asking for confirmation.

Of course I have a brain, and I wasn't angry at Ye Qing's words. It was as if I was reminded, and my slow brain started to work.

"Do you think it shouldn't have a personality and shouldn't take direct action? Shouldn't it take individual, targeted actions?" I asked.

As the words came out of my mouth, I couldn't help but swallow.

My heartbeat became violent, and I clenched my fists uncontrollably.

The lighter was still in my hand, it was warmed by me, and it seemed to be hot to the touch.

I know this question is critical.

Ye Qing didn't give me any extra time to breathe and said directly: "Yes."

This syllable hit me in the head, making me dizzy.

Ye Qing followed up and said: "But it... encountered some situations and became human."

My heart beats faster.

Whenever human nature is mentioned, comments like "good" and "evil" are inevitably made, making it extremely complex and profound. It seems to be a philosophical question. And like all philosophical questions that kill countless brain cells, most people will sigh with unclear meaning and pretend to be cool.

However, when this word is combined with "天", it is by no means a pretentious topic.

My head was a little dizzy at this moment.

Something that should be a "rule" has more human nature, and it is not as simple as "there is human kindness outside the law."

To be more precise, this should be because a certain commercial computer cloud storage system has added humanity. User data that should be kept confidential is exposed in front of someone. For any user, this is a disaster. What's even more frightening is that that person is a lunatic, and that person also has the highest management authority...

I couldn't help but lean on the sofa.

The sofa was not comfortable, but it finally gave me something to rely on.

On second thought, isn’t this the same as in the past?

God is still the supreme ruler in charge of everything, a madman...

I quickly played it again, "Then now..."

"You made a mistake and let it erase your humanity." Ye Qing said.

I was a little dazed.

The whole process of truth or dare was actually very confusing.

What is certain is that God has fulfilled my request for a big adventure and erased the mark on us people.

The weird marks of Truth or Dare, as well as the marks of those of us with abilities, were all erased in that moment.

But not long after, the latter came back.

I thought it was a truth or dare, a successful stroke of luck. The cheating game of Truth or Dare was wiped out by God himself.

Now from Ye Qing's words, it wasn't just the game that was erased?

"It became a rule again, and adapted to the current situation and changed itself." Ye Qing said, "To be precise, it should be more than one rule, but a summary of many rules. The seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter reincarnate, and the stars in the universe The laws of motion... or other rules and truths in natural science are actually similar to it. However, its changes are more rapid and active. It is not a subtle change, but a sudden change. , it’s all like that.”

I stared blankly at the empty sofa opposite.

Ye Qing explained his understanding of heaven to me seriously, and the content sounded very reasonable.

"So...this is good news? Well...then..." I felt relieved, but also a little overwhelmed.

Even if God is no longer human, the impact on the current situation seems to be limited.

But there is one less troublemaker.

"Then, some things can be done..." Ye Qing seemed to be murmuring as he said these meaningful words.

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