Aoba Office

Chapter 121 Never Peace (4)

It was impossible for me to tell my sister about this, so I could only send her to school as if nothing was wrong. When I got to the office, I told others about it.

The thin man and the others were all astonished.


"Is it a love killing?"

"No way...this is..." Guo Yujie's face was full of confusion.

"There is a witness and a record at the police station." Chen Xiaoqiu said thoughtfully.

"Who?" I asked impatiently.

"A teacher." Chen Xiaoqiu's eyes were calm. "She said she heard the door opening on the rooftop while patrolling. She went up to check and found the deceased who was about to jump off the building. She was unable to persuade him and wanted to rescue him, but he didn't stop him."

"What I saw was that she pulled Ji Ying to the wall and pushed her down." I said coldly.

Those hands and clothes obviously did not belong to students. In addition to the students, there are also teachers in the school. But why did the teacher kill Ji Ying?

"Teacher killed Ji Ying? Which teacher is so perverted?" Guo Yujie asked me what I was thinking.

"Their dean." Chen Xiaoqiu answered.

I was stunned, and the anger in my heart turned into disbelief, "Qin Yijuan?"

"That class teacher twenty years ago?" The thin man was also in disbelief and patted me on the shoulder, "Brother Qi, are you driven crazy by those ghost students?"

I frowned.

"Maybe it's just a ghost, right?" the fat man said.

"Qin Yijuan said this as a witness. I think she was in the same situation as Chu Run. She was brainwashed by ghosts." The thin man touched his chin.

The fat man nodded in approval.

Guo Yujie became worried, "In this case, will they still use Qin Yijuan's hand to kill people?"

My expression was uncertain and my mood was extremely confused.

"The police are still handling the case, and the situation is uncertain. Qin Yijuan has no motive, no evidence, and no other witnesses. This case is difficult to handle. The family of the deceased is very emotional now." Chen Xiaoqiu said about the situation at the police.

No motivation is the biggest problem.

Qin Yijuan had no reason to kill Ji Ying.

Speaking of which, it is more likely that Ji Ying would attack Qin Yijuan impulsively.

I scratched my hair and sighed. I really didn't know what to do with this matter.

I went to pick up my sister after get off work. When I saw her face looking ugly, I guessed that what Chen Xiaoqiu said was known to everyone in the school.

The younger sister couldn't hide her words, so she told the story on the way, "Brother, do you think Dead Face killed Ji Ying?"

"Why did she kill Ji Ying?"

My sister was stuck, the gloom on her face faded, and she kicked her feet in frustration.

It would be easier for her to accept that her friend was murdered than that her friend committed suicide. At least she had someone to hate.

The next day, Chen Xiaoqiu said that Qin Yijuan was released on bail by her husband. Ji Ying's parents stopped at the door of the police station and started fighting. Qin Yijuan and his wife went to the hospital, and Ji Ying's family members entered the police station. The matter made it to the evening news. Of course, the news was not about the progress of the case, but about the psychological problems of college entrance examination students and how teachers should deal with this situation. The subtext is that Qin Yijuan's testimony was believed. Even Ji Ying's family members believed Qin Yijuan's words, but they felt that Qin Yijuan mishandled the situation, which irritated Ji Ying and made her jump off the building.

I know this isn't the case.

Ji Ying only gave me a dream once, and I recalled all aspects of what I saw in the dream. The two had exchanges and arguments, and even pushed each other. Ji Ying was defeated and pushed downstairs by Qin Yijuan. From my perspective, there are only the hands of Ji Ying and Qin Yijuan who left the country not long ago. Ji Ying asked her dream, why did I see a scene that Ji Ying couldn't see? It is impossible for me to possess Qin Yijuan, a living person.

It was the thirty-four ghosts who followed Qin Yijuan. Did I see this from their perspective?

Are they the real murderers of Ji Ying?

But how do I deal with them?

These thirty-four students are more difficult to deal with than a ferocious Chu Run. I can dream about Chu Run at least, but now, I can only dream about them through other ghosts.

I had to send my sister to school sooner or later, so I waited until the weekend to go to Aoba Office and tell her about the matter.

"What should I do? I'll follow your example and engage in extortion and force Jiang Yongning to negotiate with me?" I asked Qingye for advice depressedly.

The people in Aoba ignored me completely.

I sighed loudly, "Hey, give me some reaction."

This set is useless against Aoba.

When I left the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, I wandered into the building where Tao Hai lived. The building wasn't finished yet, and construction workers were coming in and out. I happened to pass by the back of the building and subconsciously searched for it on the second floor. The windows of Tao Hai's house should be...

I saw two workers in that window.

Calm and peaceful, nothing out of the ordinary.

When I got to the station, I didn't choose the bus home, but took the bus to No. 18 Middle School.

Originally, senior high school students had to make up classes on Saturdays. Because of Ji Ying's incident, the city's education system made a notification and such make-up classes for senior high school students were strictly canceled. The school was very deserted, so quiet that there was no sound at all.

I arrived at the gate and said shamelessly: "Hello, master, I am a graduate of No. 18 Middle School. I happen to be passing by here. Can I come to my alma mater to have a look?"

The guard looked me over and said, "There is no one in the school on weekends. You have to wait until the teacher comes on weekdays."

"My previous head teacher has retired, and I don't know the other teachers well. I just want to see the campus. After graduation, I went to a foreign university and worked abroad. I just came back recently. I haven't visited in almost ten years. Can you give me a visit? Convenience?" I took out my cigarettes and handed one to the doorman.

"The doors of the teaching building are locked. If you go in, you are just strolling outside." The guard waved his hand, "Smoking is prohibited in the school."

"Just take a stroll. I miss my school days." I sighed and put away my cigarette. "We didn't ban smoking at that time. There was a physics teacher who was a heavy smoker. He would smoke in the corridor after class."

"It can't be done now. Many teachers are suffering." The guard no longer had a straight face and opened the small door for me. "Then go in and take a look. Don't stay too long."

"Thank you, Master. You can keep the cigarettes. If you don't smoke at work, you can smoke when you get home." I gave the doorman a box of cigarettes.

He didn't refuse and put the cigarette into his pants pocket.

I haven’t visited No. 18 Middle School yet. Who would visit the campus late at night during parent-teacher conferences?

As said on the outside, the doors to the teaching building were locked and the classroom windows were closed. Even if they were open, I couldn't climb in through the windows. I walked around the teaching building of Grade 1 and Grade 2, thinking about the location of the classroom of Grade 2 and Grade 2 in my mind, and found the window. The windows glow and nothing can be seen. I ran to the teaching building of the third year of high school again. The blood stains on the ground had been washed away, leaving no traces. I stood where Ji Ying fell, looking up at the rooftop. Of course all I could see were the walls of the teaching building and the blue sky and white clouds.

The teaching building was only three stories high. Ji Ying might not have died if she really committed suicide, but she was forced down by Qin Yijuan. She stood upside down with her head on the ground. She died before the ambulance came.

When I went back, I went to the playground and took a look. I didn't know whether it was the spontaneous flames or whether the school had taken care of it. I couldn't find even a single piece of charred grass.

I gained nothing, so I could only go back disappointed. I looked up unintentionally and saw figures shaking in the window of the classroom of Class 2, Grade 2.

My steps suddenly stopped.

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