Aoba Office

Chapter 1206 Conversation (1)

"elder brother!"

I was stunned for a while, turned around and saw my sister holding my arm, and then slowly woke up.

I subconsciously looked at the writing desk first.

Co-authored notebook. Aoba's file is missing.

I hurriedly looked at the bookshelf. The files in that row are all in good condition and there is nothing missing. Those USB flash drives are also well hung on the files.

No, when I fell into the dream, I should be in front of the desk, my notebook and files should be open, and the USB flash drive should still be plugged into the computer.

But now, I'm actually lying on the bed?

I sat up all of a sudden and bumped into my sister's forehead without paying attention.


We both covered our foreheads and let out a cry of pain.

"Are you okay? I bumped into you..." I quickly went to see my sister.

My sister burst into tears.

My movements stopped, and suddenly I thought of Ximen Wenhao's daughter. The little girl cried loudly and collapsed on the ground. Her brother was right next to her, also crying bitterly, without even bothering to look at her.

I was panicking and was a little distracted. I was pushed by my sister before I looked at her again.

"What are you doing? Are you asleep? Your cell phone keeps ringing. Didn't you change your clothes when you went to bed last night?" My sister complained like a machine gun, and the tears in her eyes were gone.

I was not so clear-headed yet, so I thought in the order my sister told me. I found that the reminder light on my phone was on and it was already dawn. Last night, I didn't know how I climbed into bed.

I felt baffled, but when faced with my sister's inquiries, I could only find excuses to deal with it.

My sister worriedly said: "Are you working too hard? It's not as good as the department you used to work in. Where should you go to the demolition office..."

I can only smile.

My sister muttered a few more words and left my room.

I looked at my phone first. The call was from Chen Xiaoqiu, and there was also a call from Wu Ling. I didn't answer the phone, which made them a little worried, but they just left me a message asking about my situation. They more or less guessed that I might be in a dream. But the time dragged on for a long time, and it was already dawn. Before I could reply, they sent another message to inquire, and even called me one after another.

I sent them a message that they were safe, and then I held my phone in a daze.

I was really in a daze and didn't think about anything. I don't know what to think, my mind is spinning.

But my memory was out of control, and things I saw and experienced in my dreams came to mind.

Lei Yinyin's emotions, the trembling feeling of blood pouring into the soul, the female ghost in the Tianhe River, and... the pleasure brought by killing...

I shuddered, as if I saw those dark eyes again.

I feel very uncomfortable, not physically, but mentally.

After hurriedly washing up and eating something, I left the house.

No need to work on Saturday. The Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants was a little lively on Saturday. But I was already familiar with this place. I avoided the aunts and uncles who gathered together and entered Building 6.

My steps going upstairs were getting slower and heavier.

But six floors is not an endless ladder to climb. I still reached the floor where the office is located and saw the office’s sign and door.

I feel like I'm back in time.

A year seems to have vanished into thin air.

I became the ordinary person I was a year ago who knew nothing about the supernatural.

I still remember my surprise when I first heard about Aoba Paranormal Agency.

I even remember what I was thinking at the time - how could someone be so good at it?

The first time I knocked on the door of Qingye Paranormal Agency, I didn’t expect anyone to answer. I heard from Director Mao at that time that the place was deserted. Knocking on the door was just a formality. After that, I contacted the police station to open the door.

Watching the locksmith brought by the police station pick the lock, I felt cold.

There is Yin Qi here.

Now, I can distinguish the coldness of Yin Qi from real coldness, and I can also distinguish different Yin Qi belonging to different ghosts. It's like different people look and sound different.

When I was thinking about this, I took out the key.

This has become my habit.

I looked at the key and remembered the scene when Xiao Gu from the police station handed it to me.

There was no body, it was just missing. No one interested in the disappearance had come to the police. It was the government's demolition office that called the police. The whole thing is strange.

The police station opened a case but could not investigate.

I now know that it was Ye Qing who erased all the records of the five of them.

But at the time, I just felt it was troublesome, and I once again complained about how willful the people who opened the office were.

Even so, I can't suppress my curiosity about this place.

Maybe it was Ye Qing's manipulation, maybe it was my fate, I became interested in that cabinet of files. Xiao Gu handed me the key newly issued by the locksmith. After that, the police station lost the motivation to continue investigating the disappearance case.

This is the case in most cases. In a headless case, if the clues are lost, you can only hope for a miracle.

Like thunder sound...


The key is inserted into the keyhole.

I twisted the key and opened the door.


With the sound of the old door hinge, the door opened and the Yin Qi poured out.

I took a deep breath, slowly opened the door, and took out the key.

I didn't call Ye Qing or say hello. After entering the office, I closed the door behind my back and walked straight to the sofa and sat down in my usual spot.

It’s been a long time since I sat here and looked at the same style sofa opposite from this angle.

The office has also changed.

The sofa was damaged, and there were signs of damage on the walls and furniture. No one would repair it.

In the past, this office was a haven and a refuge for the five Aoba people. Even if ghosts enter here, even if they attack them here, the office itself is still intact.

But nothing stays the same.

Five people disappeared and died one after another.

So far, three of them have been rescued by me.

The office was violently attacked and left in dilapidated condition.

All kinds of things...

All somewhat magical and unreal.

"I dreamed about Lei Yinyin." I spoke with my own will and my own voice.

"I dreamed about Lei Yinyin," I repeated, "that file... I just read it yesterday, and I can't remember the names now. I just remember that many people died... Lei Yinyin killed someone... If you draw a trace of a corpse on the ground, someone will die..."

I couldn't recall the contents of the files and dreams very smoothly.

"...What I remember most now is the brother and sister...I...I seemed to see myself and my sister. However," I laughed at myself, "what really happened, it was my parents and sister who cried for me first. Die..."

After a pause, I leaned on the worn sofa and let out a long sigh.

"There is another impression, it's Lei Yinyin... No, not Lei Yinyin, it's Huashan. It's the ghost who calls herself Huashan, her emotions. You're right, she enjoys the pleasure of killing. I enjoy it too. But I don't know who to kill. She is also aimless and kills on sight... This is different from those female ghosts in 'Face in the Water'..."

I was silent again.

After a long time, I sat up straight and looked at the sofa opposite, "Ye Qing, which kind are you? Which kind are you now? In the future... what kind of ghost will you be?"

Toothache comes back and forth... My aunt is not so tormented...

There are only two updates today.

Sorry everyone.

Any missed updates will be made up later. There are still many more updates that are owed..._(:3」∠)_

Goodnight everybody.

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