Aoba Office

Chapter 1190 No. 040-Death Position (1)

Event number 040

Event name: Death location

Client: Fu Rui

Gender: Female

Age: 30

Occupation: Doctor

Family relationships: parents

Contact address: Room XXXX, No. XXX, Cangzhou Road, Minqing City

Contact number: 139XXXXXXXX


On January 5, 2007, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 04020070105.wav.

"Hello, Miss Fu?"

"Yes. I...I'm sorry, I came to the door suddenly."

"It's okay. Tea, please."

"Well, thank you."

"What happened to you?"


"Don't be nervous, you can speak slowly."

"Okay. Well...actually, I don't know about this...I am a doctor, neurosurgery. happened more than a month ago, at the end of last year, in November, it should be November 3rd Or it happened on the 4th. At that time, I attended a medical conference in the capital, which mainly consisted of lectures, group training, and visits... I lived in the dormitory of the Capital First Hospital. The entire medical conference lasted quite a long time. The hospital, Minqing No. 7 Hospital cooperated with them and had frequent contact. I lived there on the 3rd or 4th. I saw that the dormitory area was actually an ordinary community, but the land belonged to the hospital. The name of the hospital was mentioned, but it was similar to ordinary communities. The management was not very strict. People from outside the community often passed through the community. There were many people in that community... There were police... I didn't look at it at the time. The next day, I passed by that area and saw that there was a line blocked there and there were blood stains on the ground. People in the First Hospital were also talking about this."

"What exactly happened?"

"The person died... It is said that the air conditioner unit fell down and killed the person. However, a very... very strange thing is that there is a white line drawn where the person fell."

"What do you mean by white thread? The kind that worships the dead..."

"No, it's not that, it's the white line on the corpse. It's what you often see in criminal investigation films."

"Is the trace fixed line?"

"I don't know the name of that major very well..."

"If you are referring to the white line that fixes the position of the body after the police discover it, it should be the one I'm talking about."

"Well, probably...that's what they said. The white line was drawn by a doctor's child in the community. It may not be one, but several, just children playing with it. There are several naughty children in the community, and they often Graffiti. The person who said it was in a good location. When the police didn't come, some people were wondering why there were no police around. Anyway, that's what I heard about it. Very weird.”

"Okay. Is this your experience?"

"There is another one...the body was smashed into the spine, and the shoulders and cervical vertebrae extended all the way to the back. The sternum was broken, and the internal organs were also ruptured. But there was no problem with the brain. Because of the training we had at that time, we had the opportunity to take a look at the body. The deceased had symptoms of intracranial hemorrhage, but the skull was normal and there was no damage. When we had the opportunity, we were asked to take a look. I... I don’t know how to describe the appearance of the body. Weird. It's a very strange feeling. His brain is also very strange. It should be said that he is a young man and his body is very healthy, but his blood vessels suddenly burst. Generally speaking, this will not happen. I was more concerned about this matter. Later, I also heard some rumors that the position of the body was an unexplainable coincidence. Another problem was that the body was injured. There were no witnesses, but judging from the autopsy results and the scene environment, the only process that made sense was that the deceased lay on the ground and inside the line, and then was hit with the air conditioner. Even if the outdoor unit is dropped normally, it won’t fall to that position.”

"Where is the owner of the outdoor air conditioner unit?"

"That family has also been investigated. They have no children. The man is a doctor in the hospital, probably the chief physician in the digestive department, and the woman is a teacher, working as a teacher at a medical university. There are only two people in the family. When something happened ”

"The police closed the case as an accident?"

"That's right."

"You care about this matter so much that you want us to investigate and find out the truth?"

"It's not exactly...I..."

"Miss Fu, is there anything else you haven't told us?"


"If you hide this from us, it will cause some trouble for our work. What's more troublesome is that it is not very beneficial to your own safety."

"I, I don't know if I'm overthinking it. This...this is a photo I took."


"It was taken with a mobile phone, and the pixels are not very high. The circle of marks on the ground... I think it looks like a person. A person lying on his side."

"Where did you take this picture? When did you take it?"

"A week ago, I passed by the place where I commuted to and from get off work. Over there on Guangpu Road. I changed trains there, and the two stations were separated by a road. When I walked over, I took a photo of this. should I say it? ...I felt a little suspicious. But I noticed this within a week. It was still very shallow at the time, and it seemed to be deepened and traced every day. I didn't feel at ease in that place. , there is no such high building, no signboard or anything like that...I didn't see any children, but...just..."

"This is not your imagination."


"I don't see the ghost energy in you, but I do see a bit of it in this photo. This should be something ghosts do."


"We will go to the scene to conduct an investigation. In addition, Miss Fu, please pay attention to one thing. Ghosts generally have an area of ​​operation and will not leave that area too far. Even if they leave, there is always a reason, or an opportunity. , the medium. Judging from your situation, you seem to be the most likely medium, but you don’t have the aura of this ghost. Are there any targets who match this situation?


"Miss Fu?"

"I am...a colleague..."

"Can you tell us about his situation? The best thing is to allow us to meet him."

"Oh. This should be okay. I...he doesn't believe this. But...I'll talk to him first and then talk about this, okay?"

"Of course. It's best to do it as soon as possible. Judging from this photo, it's almost reaching the critical point, and the ghost should take action soon."

"Okay. I, I'll make a call now."

"The phone didn't go through, maybe something happened. I'll meet him at work tomorrow. I'll talk to him then."

"Okay. Let's go to Guangpu Road today to check the situation."

"Well. Sorry to trouble you. That..."

"Do you have any other questions?"

"Will my colleague be in danger?"

"Too much contact with ghosts is always dangerous. As for whether you will be directly attacked, it depends on the different circumstances of each ghost. What did you say about the deceased? Was he a resident in the community? ?”

"No, it's people from outside. They should have to pass through the community."

"Aren't you in contact with those children either?"

"No, there shouldn't be. I don't know the specifics. I just heard what others said."

"Yes. Okay. I understand. We will investigate the specific situation."

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