Aoba Office

Chapter 119 Never Peace (2)

My suspicion was fulfilled the next day.

When a student from No. 18 Middle School was visiting the supermarket yesterday evening, cooking oil fell from the supermarket shelf. The oil spread all over the floor, ignited, and burned him. His life was safe, but he had to be hospitalized for more than half a year and had to undergo multiple plastic surgeries to restore his badly burned legs.

The strange story of spontaneous combustion made national headlines on the Internet that day. Naturally, this new incident also attracted widespread attention. The old case from twenty years ago had not yet been brought out by reporters to make a big fuss.

"This is really a supernatural event." The thin man said to me solemnly.

On my computer screen is the forum of No. 18 Middle School. A student @injured someone. I just saw the name yesterday. He was one of the students who called Qin Yijuan Yan’s mother.

"Brother Qi, did you dream yesterday?" the fat man asked.

I shook my head.

There was no dream last night. I don’t know if it’s because I angered those ghosts last time and they ignored me, or if they went to torment this student yesterday.

I called Jiang Yongning. After a few busy signals, I was hung up on. He must have blocked me.

This matter is really troublesome.

Because Jiang Yongning's resentment aroused the resentment of those ghosts, causing them to start causing trouble again?

Or is it because Qin Yijuan is retiring and they can't wait any longer and want to take revenge on Qin Yijuan before she leaves?

"There are no dead people so far, so it shouldn't be very difficult, right?" the thin man analyzed.

"Thirty-four ghosts, isn't it difficult?"

"It's better than Chu Run, who kills with his first move. A group of students are pretty good." The thin man sighed, "The students from twenty years ago were not as 'smart' as the students today."

The word "smart" is heavily emphasized by thin people.

I want to talk about Xue Tao. Perversion knows no age or era. After thinking about it, I decided to forget it, it didn't matter.

When I picked my sister up from school in the afternoon, I asked her what she thought of Qin Yijuan.

"Teacher Qin, I'm scared when I see her. Her eyes are very uncomfortable, just like the eyes of an elder." The younger sister wrinkled her nose, looking impatient.

"What's wrong with the elder's eyes?" I didn't know why.

My sister is not a child who hates old people. She is very patient and respectful to the elders in the family and the elders she meets every day.

"How should I put it..." My sister thought about it, "It's like she looks down on you, like, 'Don't mess around, little brat.'"

I laughed.

My sister hit me.

I feel relaxed. My sister doesn't like Qin Yijuan, so there should be no danger for the time being.

"I think she lacks love." My younger sister said rudely. "Everyone seems to be looking at her grandson, so it is natural for her to scold her. She speaks very hard, and she is very vicious when scolding students. One of my former deskmates, Do you remember Ji Ying with her ponytail and bangs?"

I nodded.

The girl and her younger sister were roommates for a semester and even came to play at home. She is quite cute, with naturally curly hair, and my younger sister was even envious of her.

"Isn't she naturally curly? Dead Face said she had permed her hair, and took her to the barber shop to straighten her hair. She also said something to her parents, and she was scolded by her parents when she returned home." Sister. indignant.

"Dead Face" is a nickname given to Qin Yijuan by students. As opposed to "Strict Mother", there are also "pro-Qin faction" and "anti-Qin faction" fighting in the forum, but the scale is not large. As for the Internet, everyone still prefers those large social platforms, rather than a small forum opened by a school.

"It's quite impressive to be able to do this." I said with emotion.

Dragging students to get their hair done? Such teachers are a rare species.

The younger sister snorted, "I feel like she doesn't regard us as independent individuals and wants to shape us into a work. Especially girls, she just hates the same sex, just like that kind of evil mother-in-law."

"Then you are my little wife?" I laughed.

"You're just my little wife." My sister hit me again.

Having experienced Guo Yujie's iron fist, I don't take my sister's little pink fist seriously at all.

"Have you ever been tortured by her?" I stopped smiling.

"No. She doesn't like me. Ji Ying has good grades, good looks, and the teachers like her, but she's very lenient." The younger sister muttered.

"You are also good-looking and have good grades." I pinched my sister's bulging cheek.

My sister rubbed her face and screamed in pain.

I laughed twice and suddenly thought of something, "Ji Ying, do you like Qin Yijuan?"

"How is that possible?" my sister yelled, "Ji Ying hates her so much!"

In this way, Ji Ying should be safe and sound.

"Do you have any other good friends who like her?" I asked.

"Not at all. We all don't like Dead Face. Anyone who likes her is blind." My sister held my hand, "We can't play with those people. They want to find Mom in school. We don’t lack maternal love.”

"Your mouth is quite poisonous." I glanced at my sister.

My sister stuck out her tongue, realizing that she had gone too far.

Some children from single-parent families or with irresponsible parents would really like to meet a teacher like Qin Yijuan. They have never been disciplined by anyone. When they are disciplined like this, they feel valued and cared for. For someone with a happy family like my sister, it would only be annoying if an outsider lectures her.

I feel reassured that my sister is safe and sound, but this matter must be resolved.

At night, I talked to myself for a long time before going to bed, hoping to dream, but I still had a good night's sleep and dreamed nothing. Jiang Yongning pretended to be dead and didn't give me any news. Xiaogu was bothered by me for a few days and gave me Jiang Yongning's contact address. I couldn't go to the one from other places. But here in Minqing City, I went and knocked on the door for a long time. , no one came out, and asked people in the community that the house had been empty for a long time.

The thin man gave me an idea: "It's better to go to the school and have a look. Can I get into No. 18 Middle School?"

"I'm going in, how can I tell my sister?" I frowned.

The best way to get into the school is to say that you are a student's parent.

"Pretending to be an alumnus? You don't need any proof for this, right?" the fat man said from the side.

"Did you say you were going to see Qin Yijuan?" I touched my chin.

Chen Xiaoqiu came in from outside the office and waved his cell phone to me, "Something happened again in No. 18 Middle School."

The four of us were stunned.

"A student jumped off the building and died on the spot. He was a senior high school student." Chen Xiaoqiu looked at me.

My heart skipped a beat and I took out my phone. There was no call or message.

"Jump off the building? Isn't it a fire?" Guo Yujie murmured.

"You jumped off a building, so it's strange, right?" Chen Xiaoqiu was still looking at me.

"I don't know, I really haven't had a dream in a long time." I scratched my head.

"Did your uncle call?" the thin man asked curiously.

"Well, I asked him to pay attention to the cases in No. 18 Middle School." Chen Xiaoqiu nodded.

"Thank you." I said quickly.

"It's nothing. I'm just a little help, and I can't help much. The key is still with you. I think you are indecisive." Chen Xiaoqiu said sharply.

I smiled bitterly.

After getting the amulet for my sister and making sure she was out of the attack range of those ghosts, I really relaxed.

Unlike Chu Run's time, I didn't see the plight of the injured, so I couldn't sympathize with them. I only felt that those ghosts were a threat to my sister's safety. If my sister is worry-free and ghosts don't come to her, I really don't want to worry about these troubles.

Just like Tao Hai. There was obviously something wrong with Tao Hai, but I didn't pay much attention.

The cell phone rings. When I saw it, it was my sister calling, and my heart suddenly lifted.

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