Aoba Office

Chapter 1186 Last Wish (1)

Chu Lan had already gotten into the ambulance with the man.

The ambulance slowly drove away from the funeral home.

The people talking around her and the sound of cars passing away made Wang Mingli's anger grow stronger and stronger. Her anger has been transferred to my mind. Such a strong awareness, even if my thoughts and hers are not connected, I can still see the faint fire coming from her body at this moment.

"It seems that he is stronger." The man said.

"It's that prayer, that signature... Sister Sun before, and Tang Zhuoxi... they are all her, they are all her..." Wang Mingli gritted her teeth, "How could she do this... How could she..."

I saw that the yin energy in Wang Mingli was changing.

The man squinted his eyes and said, "Tell me what's going on. I'm a little curious."

Wang Mingli turned her head and said, "Who are you? Are you... a ghost?"

"I am also a ghost." The man emphasized the word "ye".

Wang Mingli's expression suddenly changed, becoming more ferocious than before, with a sense of sadness.

She was like a balloon that had been popped, suddenly deflated, and she spoke with some pain about what she had experienced.

"...I am the third one, and there are three others...They...are too much, too much..." Tears overflowed from Wang Mingli's eyes.

"Oh. That means she may not know about it." The man put his hands in his pockets, slumped his shoulders, and turned his head, as if he was looking for a place to lean his back.

"She doesn't know?" Wang Mingli raised her head and looked at the man.

"It's possible." The man said nonchalantly, "This kind of game is played by many people, right? You don't take it seriously when you play it. There are also people who worship the temple whenever they see it, regardless of what kind of Bodhisattva is enshrined inside."

The man's tone was still not sarcastic, he was just stating the facts.

Wang Mingli remained silent.

After a long while, Wang Mingli asked: "What is your name?"

"I don't know." The man shook his head, "I have been dead for so long that I have forgotten all these things. Well... just call me October. I died in October."

Wang Mingli looked at the man doubtfully.

"Is that the person you want to see off?" The man tilted his head and looked at a group of people approaching from a distance.

I looked over and saw Tang Zhuoxi's photo.

Wang Mingli cried.

I don't know if I'm crying for myself, Tang Zhuoxi, or all of them.

The team passed by me, probably going to the nearby cemetery to bury Tang Zhuoxi's ashes directly.

In the team, someone mentioned Wang Mingli and Chu Lan. The sad and sorrowful atmosphere seemed to be tinged with a layer of fear and weirdness.

Wang Mingli followed the team at the end.

Surprisingly, October followed suit.

Neither of them spoke.

Entering the cemetery and seeing neat rows of tombstones, the feeling of death became even stronger.

Wang Mingli shed tears absentmindedly, and her anger and resentment seemed to flow out of her body.

The two of them did not go to Tang Zhuoxi's tombstone. They just stood on the relatively spacious road and looked at the situation over there.

October suddenly said: "People are born and die. You should be more open-minded and reincarnate as soon as possible."

Wang Mingli asked in a low voice: "Reincarnation? Why didn't you reincarnate?"

I also looked at October.

He is somewhat like the souls I have seen, but also somewhat different. There is indeed something sinister about him, he is a ghost, not a lost soul.

October thought for a while, shook his head and said: "I don't know either. Most people will reincarnate when they die. Some people who leave here are to fulfill their last wishes. I have forgotten how I died, and I forgot if I had any last wishes.”

Sounds like this, this October is even weirder.

The obsession with ghosts cannot fade away naturally. That is their wish to stay in the world. Even if you lose yourself, you can't forget your last wish.

I guess that this October may be the soul lingering in the world. He has been in the funeral home for too long and has been infected with the negative atmosphere here. He is not a real ghost.

I looked carefully at October and saw nothing special about it.

Tang Zhuoxi's burial took a long time. The coffin must be buried in the tomb and sealed. The words on the tombstone seem to need to be traced and colored again. Then, Tang Zhuoxi's relatives paid homage one by one.

I saw a middle-aged woman in the crowd. She should be Tang Zhuoxi's mother. She cried the most sadly when the body was bid farewell to her just now, and now, she almost fainted from crying again.

People around him were busy trying to comfort him.

The white-haired man gives the black-haired man a gift. Tang Zhuoxi may still be her only daughter. Such a blow would be even greater.

Sadness welled up in Wang Mingli's heart again.

"My mother...if my mother knew..." Wang Mingli said tremblingly.

No one answered.

Surrounded by indifferent and sad people, they worshiped their relatives and friends, and no one would see Wang Mingli.

October didn't go to comfort Wang Mingli either.

"Little brother October, this is a newcomer."

A voice sounded from behind.

I turned my head sharply and saw an illusory figure sitting on a tombstone.

He was an old man with gray hair, not that old. He always looked like he was sixty or seventy years old, and he was in very good spirits.

October looked back and said "hmm".

Wang Mingli didn't care about this and just kept crying.

I looked around with some horror and saw this illusory shadow on many tombstones.

They all have Yin Qi in their bodies, but even their bodies are not that complete.

One person spoke, and others spoke one after another.

They seemed unable to move and were fixed to the tombstone, but their voices were clearly transmitted to my ears.

"Poor. How did you die?"

"If you're dead, you're dead. Don't ask."

"I just talked about mother. Little girl, where is your mother?"

"Oh, you old guys, why are you asking this?"

Only then did I realize that most of these souls were actually concentrated in this cemetery area. There were not so many souls in other plots further away.

Some ideas came into my mind.

"Life and death are matters of fate, little girl, don't think so much, go and be reincarnated as soon as possible."

"You said it nicely. Why don't you go yourself?"

"I haven't seen my granddaughter-in-law yet, how can I go there with confidence?"

"Your grandson hasn't come to visit his grave for several years, right?"

"I can feel it, and that's okay."

Most of the souls are old, and their mentality seems to be peaceful. The yin energy on their bodies does not have the aura of evil spirits.

"But, little girl, there seems to be something wrong with your death. Were you killed by someone?"

"Do you know who it is?"

"Why are you people asking this? You're already dead."

They quarreled again among themselves.

I felt like I was in the office of the neighborhood committee, listening to the chatter of aunts, mothers, old men and women.

October looked at Wang Mingli.

"What do you want to do now?"

Wang Mingli has stopped crying.

"I want... to go home and go to the hospital." Wang Mingli said.

As her words fell, I felt the scenery around me change.

This is not a time jump in the dream, but her position has changed with Wang Mingli's words.

She stood in the morgue, beside her body.

Through the glass window on the morgue door, I saw a man and a woman sitting in the corridor.

Wang Mingli was staring at her body in a daze. After a while, she also discovered the people waiting outside.

Chu Lan lowered his head and sat motionless.

The man she had met before was sitting next to her, head raised, keeping her company silently.

This scene is not very sweet. But I don't know if it's because both of them exude the aura of curse, but their auras seem to be very similar.

Wang Mingli floated outside the door, passed directly through the door, and stood next to Chu Lan.

"That's him..." Wang Mingli murmured.

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