Aoba Office

Chapter 1185 For this scene

A familiar feeling appeared at this time.

I heard the crying of the people around me, very soft and low, as if they were suppressing their emotions. The louder sound was the stumbling speech of a man. The owner of the voice should be a middle-aged man. He paused several times, choked several times, and his speech was not smooth.

I didn't understand what he said. I understand every word of those sentences, and when connected together, they become vague tones.

The closer sound was that of crying.

After a while, a loud voice replaced the male voice. This time I heard clearly. There are microphones, speakers, and a master of ceremonies presiding over the ceremony.

People around him started to move.

I heard the sad music, and at this time I saw the surrounding environment clearly, and my consciousness became clear.

The figure in the front is a woman with long hair hanging over her shoulders.

I took a step away and saw the person I possessed.

Wang Mingli.

Looking further forward, the person in front of Wang Mingli is Chu Lan.

Turning around again, you can see the photo of Tang Zhuoxi placed among the fake flowers.

The photo of the deceased should be an identification photo. Tang Zhuoxi looked serious, wearing only light makeup, which was a bit different from the way she looked when I saw her several times, and more similar to the photos in the list Wu Ling gave me.

Those people circled around the transparent coffin and cried out in grief.

I saw Chu Lan wiping her tears, and I also saw Wang Mingli step forward, hold Chu Lan's arm, and cry with her.

I didn’t have much grief, just a feeling of numbness.

The crowd was surrounding me, but I didn’t see Tang Zhuoxi’s appearance in the coffin. It must be a little twisted. I remember the look of her body.

That ominous atmosphere is still lingering in the mourning hall. However, it was not all emanating from the corpse, but more emanating from Chu Lan and Wang Mingli. After Tang Zhuoxi died, her ghost should have gone to the underworld, but her body still had residual traces of the curse.

As Wu Ling said, killing them will not end the matter.

I don't know what I can do or what I should do.

Watch a play?

Chu Lan was crying, very sad.

Does she know that she killed Tang Zhuoxi, Sun Jiayue, and Ruan Yuxia?

It seems that Chu Lan should not be blamed. She has no harmful intentions. She just has some girlish feelings and just wants a little blessing to give her youthful secret love a fruition.

I felt a little nauseous and a little dizzy, so I couldn't help but step back.

The farewell ceremony for the body has ended.

The saddest one is a middle-aged woman. She burst into tears.

The middle-aged man supporting her had a somewhat similar face to hers. He awkwardly grabbed the woman's arm and supported her body, saying nothing.

Tang Zhuoxi and Wang Mingli had already retreated.

Next, the staff and relatives pushed the coffin into the corridor at the back.

The middle-aged man and woman supported each other, surrounded by other relatives, and disappeared behind the door together.

A woman's wailing could also be heard.

Chu Lan and Wang Mingli retreated to my side step by step. There were other relatives in the hall.

Someone came over to talk to the two of them.

"Are you Xixi's colleagues?"

The two nodded.

Wang Mingli added, "We were in the same dormitory at university, and we joined the same company after graduation."

"You guys have a good relationship."


The two began to cry again.

I didn't know if the two of them could hear me, but I still said it: "She died because of that love prayer and that signature!"

No one around him responded.

Sure enough, no one could hear it.

I looked away.

Cremation takes a lot of time.

Those who went to the corridor came back at this time. Not everyone comes back.

Someone called and asked everyone to wait outside.

The hall where the memorial service is held here has to welcome the next batch of "guests".

Those people walked out in twos and threes.

In a row of houses, the people coming in and out, staying, men, women, old and children all have similar expressions.

This is the funeral home.

From time to time, people lined up holding photos and memorial tablets, and slowly walked out accompanied by the sad music played by the band. From time to time, there were sounds of mourning and crying in the house.

Chu Lan kept wiping the corners of her eyes, while Wang Mingli just remained silent.

They followed the people to the parking lot. Someone got on a tour bus, and someone was waiting in an open space in the parking lot.

Wang Mingli pulled Chu Lan, "I want to go to the toilet, will you go?"

Chu Lan shook his head, "I want to sit for a while."

The two separated.

I glanced at Chu Lan and had to follow Wang Mingli.

The toilet is located at the door, just like a small public toilet style house. There are quite a lot of people inside.

Wang Mingli went in and queued up, and I stayed outside, observing the surroundings somewhat idly.

I know that Wang Mingli will definitely die today. No one can save it.

I didn't want to see this scene. No one wants to watch something that is known to be a tragedy.

But after meeting Chu Lan, I was very curious about how she would react after seeing Wang Mingli's death.

I'm curious if she's aware of the unusual deaths of those around her.

I'm curious if she will think of her own love prayer ceremony.

This is no longer bad taste, but malicious.

I can't control my malice.

Especially after I learn more about supernatural things and guess what God is going to do next, I can't control my disgust towards certain people.

Why should we place our wishes on some illusory rituals and spells?

This world is colorful, this world is already full of infinite possibilities, civilization and technology have developed to this point, why should we still believe in that kind of thing? Even if it is just a kind of psychological comfort, it is a bit ridiculous.

What was just ridiculous at first is now turning into pathetic.

I felt irritable and took a few breaths.

At this time, I noticed a strange guy in the crowd.

It was a man in his twenties or thirties, wearing a suit and no tie, with an unkempt beard, and he was leaning against a tree and smoking.

There is a yin energy about him.

I hadn't noticed it before, but now I realized that there was a gloomy atmosphere surrounding the funeral home. A little further away, there is a gathering place of Yin Qi.

I had attended the memorial service and knew that there was probably a cemetery nearby. Originally I didn’t know the exact location of the cemetery, but now I know.

I glanced around and saw that there were no other ghosts except that man.

This pervasive Yin Qi is somewhat like the Yin Qi that has persisted for many years in Qingye Supernatural Agency, which is the trace left behind by the activities of ghosts. But compared to Aoba's office, the yin energy here is much more mixed. More than one ghost has lingered here. It seems that no powerful ghost has appeared.

As I was thinking about it, I suddenly felt something was wrong and turned my head to look at the toilet.

Without much hesitation, I rushed into the women's bathroom.

At the same time, I heard a woman yelling.

"Hey, are you okay? People inside, are you okay?"

"What's wrong?"

"I just heard a noise, it seemed like I fell down."

"Is he an old man?"

"No, she's a little girl."

My body had passed through the door and entered the toilet stall.

Wang Mingli fell in the toilet, her head leaning against the wall, her face turned blue, and her body was twitching.

I looked around and saw no ghosts.

This is……

I lowered my head and looked at Wang Mingli.

Sudden illness?

With a bang, the toilet door was knocked open. Because Wang Mingli's feet could not be fully opened.

The people outside were in a mess, and it was difficult to drag Wang Mingli out.

"Is she sick?"

"Should we do some artificial respiration or something?"

"Anyone who has nothing to do with it, please go out and make room!"

A staff member of the funeral home shouted and asked if anyone around knew Wang Mingli.

No one knows anyone.

The funeral home does have first aid equipment.

Several employees surrounded Wang Mingli and performed defibrillation on her. Wang Mingli's body just bounced once and then stopped moving.

I know that this kind of first aid is useless.

Someone called for emergency help, and someone rummaged through the bag next to Wang Mingli.

After a while, I heard Chu Lan's voice.

I turned my head and looked at Chu Lan who appeared at the door.

She panicked and shouted Wang Mingli's name. She yelled "No way, she doesn't have a heart condition".

Chu Lan's body was shaking and she couldn't stand. She held on to the door frame and knelt on the ground.

I raised my eyes and looked at the people coming out of the dispersed crowd.

That smell of curse...

"Chu Lan?" The young man shouted in surprise.

Chu Lan turned his head and only uttered an unclear "ah".

"You, it's your friend..." The man looked inside the toilet.

Chu Lan's tears fell.

The ambulance arrived, and the medical staff also asked about Wang Mingli's condition.

Chu Lan trembled and whispered: "I am her friend. I...I don't know what genetic disease she has...she never said anything. I have her parents' phone number."

"Then you come along. Contact her parents. She is not alive anymore." The doctor checked her over and announced a little coldly.

Chu Lan staggered, as if about to faint.

I saw her eyes move and look at the young man.

"Are you alone?" the man asked with concern.

Chu Lan nodded blankly.

"Then let me go with you." The man said.

Chu Lan's face became even paler.

I stared into Chu Lan's eyes and suddenly knew the answer I wanted to know just now.

"You died just for this scene."

This is not me talking.

I turned around and saw the ghost. At some point, he walked over here, threw away the cigarette, and there was another figure beside him.

Wang Mingli...

"Why did your friend deceive you? Was he forced to put a curse on you?" the man asked in a lazy tone.

He reminds me of Gu Mo, but different from Gu Mo. He had a pure gossip mentality, and there was not much sarcasm in his tone, only curiosity.

Wang Mingli was trembling. Unlike Chu Lan, she was trembling with anger.

Additional update 14 for Dongfeng~

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