Aoba Office

Chapter 1179 Encounter (4)

Ruan Yuxia checked the map when she was going downstairs, which showed me where she was going - Minqing Jiaotong University.

She is going to her alma mater.

It is also the alma mater of Director Ma.

Walk out of the community, get on the bus, and then transfer to the subway.

The whole journey was peaceful.

I could only hear Ruan Yuxia's heartbeat and feel her helpless emotions.

The journey is a bit far.

Minqing Jiaotong University has now moved to a suburban university town. There are seven or eight schools there, which is very lively.

Minqing University of Political Science and Law is also here. This made me familiar with the area.

Of course, it was only after I arrived that I discovered that I was familiar with the route to the university town here. It’s only been a few years since I graduated, but earth-shaking changes have already taken place here.

Ruan Yuxia is even more unfamiliar with this place.

Looking at the gate of Minqing Jiaotong University, she felt at a loss.

The teaching building, library, and dormitory area were all new buildings that she had never seen before. She couldn't find any familiar shadow here.

She can't enter the library yet. A student card is required to enter.

After Ruan Yuxia went around for a while, she felt it was boring.

She took out her phone and searched for her destination again.

It has been a long time, but she still remembers the address of the school back then. After relocating, she retraced her steps, returned to the city, and then transferred to the old campus of Minqing Jiaotong University.

It has been renovated and turned into a public museum.

I still remember the museum opening ceremony I saw on the news.

Ruan Yuxia looked up at the building in front of her.

The old teaching building of Jiaotong University has been retained. I can't tell you the style of this building, but it's not a modern building, and it's quite distinctive. Probably for this reason, this became the only remaining building of Jiaotong University.

The museum is open for free, and Ruan Yuxia went in after passing the security check. There are only two exhibition areas open to the public at this time, and other exhibition halls are closed. When Ruan Yuxia came in, the staff reminded her that it was almost time for their retreat.

Ruan Yuxia felt hungry just now. This went back and forth, and she didn't have lunch for several hours.

Looking at the unfamiliar exhibition hall, Ruan Yuxia still felt empty.

I kind of understand where she's coming from. However, on the contrary, I felt at a loss in that dream. The campus environment of more than 20 years ago and the campus environment of more than ten years ago made me uncomfortable, as if I was watching a period movie.

Now, I receive more thoughts from Ruan Yuxia.

Ruan Yuxia's mood was dejected and at a loss.

She didn't stay in the exhibition hall for long, and left without even looking at all the exhibits.

After coming out of the museum, she didn't rush home, but wandered on the road.

There seemed to be two worlds in her eyes, the past and present worlds overlapping each other.

That blurry scene also appeared in my field of vision.

This situation lasted for a long time.

The dream time jumped.

I saw her walking down the street holding the keys.

The set of keys were obviously men's keys. There were not many pendants, just a key ring.

Seeing this bunch of keys, I woke up and looked around cautiously.

My heart is beating fast.

This is today!

It was also the time when Ruan Yuxia had an accident!

I glanced around, but I didn't find any ghosts, and I didn't feel any yin energy.

Either it hasn't happened yet, or it's not what I thought. Could Ruan Yuxia die in some accident again in this life?

Car accident?

I turned to look at the busy road.

Ruan Yuxia did not cross the road, she turned directly.

I followed immediately.

After walking a few more steps, Ruan Yuxia and I stopped at the same time.

We all looked at a convenience store diagonally ahead.

Inside the transparent glass wall of the convenience store, a woman is waiting in line to pay.

That ominous atmosphere!

It felt like someone had poured cold water on my head.

Ruan Yuxia had the same idea, her body trembled, and she clenched the key in her hands.

The woman looked to be a mature woman in her thirties or forties. She looked a little out of place among a group of mostly students. She was holding a bottle of drink in her hand. Judging from the color, it might be some kind of tea. There was a tired look on her face, her eyes were lowered and listless.

I have never met that woman, but Ruan Yuxia seems to be somewhat familiar with that woman.

I looked at Ruan Yuxia.

She couldn't remember who the other person was, but she felt familiar, and now she was desperately trying to think of the other person's identity.

The man Tong Shuai naturally appeared in her memory, and she thought of Chen Yiqian. However, that woman cannot be Chen Yiqian, nor is she the reincarnation of Chen Yiqian.

Judging from her age, it seems that she was not Ruan Yuxia's classmate back then.

I thought about the client.

Is it the girl from that dormitory?

The other party had already paid and walked out while unscrewing the bottle cap, drinking water as he walked.

She definitely had that ominous aura, an aura of curse.

Did you buy something unluckily?

Or is it that after being exposed to supernatural events, she became interested in them and embarked on an "evil path"?

I thought about the worst that could happen.

Ruan Yuxia hesitated for a while, then stuffed the keys into her pocket, still holding the bunch of keys in her hand, just like when she was holding the notebook and followed the woman.

I don't agree with her approach.

In terms of kindness, Ruan Yuxia should be far better than Qingye and I.

I'm ashamed of myself for this. I thought she was a little silly, but I also admired her a little.

For such a person, there will always be a kind of kindness and want to help her.

I glanced at the woman.

She walked a little slowly, as if she was too tired, or as if she was deliberately slowing down. Maybe you don’t want to go home?

At her age, she should be married and have children.

I glanced at the woman's left hand. Her left hand hangs by her side, with a ring on her ring finger.

At a traffic light intersection, the woman stopped and waited for the light to turn green. There were several passers-by nearby, also waiting for the signal to jump.

Ruan Yuxia also walked very slowly, keeping a distance from the woman.

When the signal light jumped and a group of people walked away in a hurry, the woman was left behind.

She didn't move, maybe she was in a daze and didn't go over immediately.

Ruan Yuxia also had to stop.

I don't know if I can leave Ruan Yuxia now. If something really happened, I would be able to lend a helping hand as soon as possible by staying with her. But something looked wrong about that woman.

I felt that the ominous aura on her body became stronger. It made me want to get closer and take a closer look. At least look at her front side. Just looking at the back, you can't tell anything.

The countdown on the traffic light reached its final ten seconds.

The woman's body trembled, like a sleepy person waking up. She raised her head, looked left and right, and took a step forward to rush over.

Ruan Yuxia was anxious and hurriedly ran over.

The woman's legs seemed to be weak and she almost fell to the ground.

The signal light has reached "3", and it turns to "1" in the blink of an eye, and the green light jumps to red light.

The woman was standing on the road for bicycles.

The roar of the engine sounded.

The woman turned her head blankly.

I only saw Ruan Yuxia dashing over, grabbing the woman's arm, and pulling her back.

I only had time to grab Ruan Yuxia's shoulders and drag her back.

The speeding motorcycle just brushed against the woman's body, turned a corner, and disappeared.

There were screams and curses all around.

There were also passers-by who came to care about the woman’s condition.

On the motorway, someone poked his head out of the car window and cursed before starting the car.

"It's scary. Are you two okay?"

"Little girl, you are too scary. You rushed out all at once."

"What happened to that motorcycle just now!"

"Those young people are looking for death. They are racing in places like this during rush hour."

"The paint on the car over there seems to have been rubbed off."

"It doesn't matter to you, right?"

"Fuck it!"

"Fortunately, she was crossing the road just now. If she didn't step out, the bicycles and electric vehicles over there would have already passed by, and she would have been hit."

There was a lot of noise all around.

My heartbeat is very fast, and so is Ruan Yuxia's heartbeat.

Fortunately, the woman didn't go far and was still on the side of the bicycle. If she had taken two more steps, she might have been hit by the motorcycle that jumped out.

Ruan Yuxia touched her shoulder and turned her head to look over.

My heart tightened.

But Ruan Yuxia looked around and probably didn't see me, thinking that other passers-by had saved her.

"Is it okay, you two?" Someone else was asking them.

Ruan Yuxia shook her head and looked at the woman.

"I'm fine. My legs are a little weak..." The woman looked frightened.

"Let me help you to the side." Ruan Yuxia said.

A passerby helped them and let them lean against the wall of the nearby store.

"Thank you." The woman thanked weakly, sent away the passers-by, and looked at Ruan Yuxia, "Thank you, little sister. What is your name?"

"My name is name is Ma Lin." Ruan Yuxia answered.

"Thank you. By the way, my name is Sun Jiayue. This is my business card. Where is your home? I'll take you back. Tell your parents too. Did I just press your leg? Do you want to go to the hospital? ?" The woman took out the business card from her bag and kept talking.

Ruan Yuxia and I were stunned at the same time.

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