Aoba Office

Chapter 1172 Love (1)

The owner of the notebook is quite talented. At least that's the case with graffiti.

With just a few strokes, he painted a bald old professor, braised pork for lunch, and an ugly sparrow chirping outside the window, all of which were vividly painted. It makes people wonder what his major is.

In addition to graffiti, there are also some scattered sentences in the corners of the notebook. Some were complaining about the lack of meat in the fish-flavored shredded pork in the cafeteria yesterday, some were complaining about the teacher's arrogant wife in class, and some were complaining about roommates not being clean and not washing smelly socks.

When the bell rang, Ruan Yuxia was still a little unfinished.

Her classmates asked her why she was so happy reading her high-mathematics notes. She blushed slightly and answered vaguely: "Just take a look."

She reluctantly put the notebook back on the desk.

The dream jumped in time at this time.

I'm still in the classroom.

However, this time, there was someone where I was sitting.

I floated to the empty seat in the back row and watched Ruan Yuxia holding her classmate's hand and walking quickly to sit where she sat last time.

The notebook is still there, but the owner has not come to retrieve it. The aunt who cleans the classroom does not seem to have forgotten the notebook.

Ruan Yuxia kept her head down throughout the class, looking for scattered essays in her notebook as if searching for treasure.

She made a new discovery this time

In the lower left corner of more than ten pages in the middle of the notebook, the man drew a comic strip. She didn't understand it at first, but I reacted faster than her.

I was in the back row, leaning my head to see the surprised expression on her face. I held the pages with my thumb and forefinger on my right hand, and with a slight flick, the papers fell down one after another.

In the lower right corner of the paper, a round ball spun around, revealing its ears and tail, and turned into a fat panda.

A smile broke out on Ruan Yuxia's face.

"The girl in the white shirt. You answer this question." The teacher on the podium coughed.

Ruan Yuxia was pushed by her classmates and stood up in a panic, hesitating and blushing.

"You have to pay more attention in class. Don't think that it's enough to get into college. You have to study hard when you go to college. It's not just a diploma." The teacher lectured with a straight face.

Ruan Yuxia stood there awkwardly.

The other students around him quickly put away their messy things.

"Okay, sit down and listen to the class carefully." The teacher waved his hand.

Ruan Yuxia sat down, her face still burning.

As a bystander, I found it quite interesting.

I feel like I'm watching a youth movie right now. A beautiful little girl picked up the notebook of an interesting boy, and the two had an intersection.

It's a pity that I knew the ending in advance.

It's not like a movie, whether it's tragic or comic, there's always a complete story.

Ruan Yuxia's story came to an abrupt end. She died in an accident and never knew who the owner of the notebook was.

I sympathized a little and thought of saving Ruan Yuxia.

I didn't have this idea before.

The Ruan Yuxia I saw was the shy, cowardly, and guilty ghost in the video. She doesn't have so many regrets about her death, let alone unwillingness and resentment. She finally went to reincarnation safely.

Compared with those ghosts who died unjustly, in vain, and died violently, her ending was already very good.

It was just an accident.

Another point is that Ruan Yuxia's existence has saved many people. Otherwise, it will not only be Chen Yiqian and Zhang Rou who are in trouble. More people will be affected by those cursed pendants. Not only will they die unexpectedly, they will also be unlucky and injured.

I feel embarrassed.

Ruan Yuxia knew nothing about this at this time. She didn't take away the notebook, she just sat in the same seat and read the contents of the notebook in her weekly chemistry class.

She has found all the little sentences and doodles, and has read them many times, but she never tires of them.

Her classmates have discovered this.

"Are you feeling springy? Can you blush just by looking at this?" The girl opened her eyes exaggeratedly.

Ruan Yuxia's face was so red that she could bleed, "No!"

"However, it is very similar to the plot in a novel." The girl ignored Ruan Yuxia's feeble argument, reached for the notebook, and flipped through it casually, "Otherwise, let's look for it."

"What?" Ruan Yuxia was a little panicked.

"Look for this person. There shouldn't be many people taking advanced mathematics in this classroom." The girl said, "Let me help you find someone to ask about the class schedule."

Ruan Yuxia muttered something, but did not refuse.

"What if he's an ugly guy? What if that guy is super fat?" The girl nudged Ruan Yuxia with her notebook.

Ruan Yuxia snatched the notebook and said nothing.

The surrounding environment has changed.

I left that classroom and appeared in the girls' dormitory.

The underwear hanging openly indoors and on the balcony made me a little embarrassed. There are four girls in the dormitory, two of them are wearing pajamas. I felt like my eyes didn’t know where to look.

He's not really a pure boy, he doesn't understand anything. Ruan Yuxia and I are not from the same era. When I was born, it was already a society with an explosion of information. High-tech products were becoming more and more popular among younger and younger people, and both boys and girls were becoming bold and unrestrained. Besides, I also have a younger sister who I watched grow up. However, I still feel uncomfortable facing several strange girls. It felt like I was a perverted voyeur.

I just had to let my mind go.

"Yuxia, I got the class schedule!"

The door to the dormitory was knocked open, and a girl rushed in, holding a form in her hand.

My eyes drifted over and I noticed that Ruan Yuxia's ears were all red.

"It should be Class 3 of the last semester of Economics and Management. They are the only ones who have advanced mathematics classes there, and they happen to be the first two periods of our chemistry class." The girl pointed to a box on the form and said.

I leaned over and took a look. It said "Class 9029", which should be the whole school's class arrangement and numbering according to the year of admission.

"Have you asked, are you in charge?" a girl next to me asked.

"Yes, I asked about it. I also asked, all the boys from the previous batch of management were in Building 17. Do you want to look for them?" The girl was very interested.

Ruan Yuxia shook her head first, "What are you looking for? I don't know you..."

"Tell me to return the book."

"It's not's good to find people like this..."

"Find someone from their class and ask first?"

"Who knows him?"

The girls were chattering.

Ruan Yuxia was still blushing and her eyes were wandering, glancing at the form from time to time.

"Nothing works, then just hand it over to the school security office. The student union also has a blackboard for lost and found items, right?" A girl spread her hands.

"Let me tell you, it doesn't have to be from this class, right? If it were really from this class, would I have classes there every week and not even notice that I lost my notes?" said another girl.

They didn't come to a conclusion.

When it was time to turn off the lights, Ruan Yuxia lay on the bed in the dormitory. The quality of the curtains in the dormitory is not very good, and the moonlight from outside can shine in.

I saw Ruan Yuxia with her eyes open and hadn't slept. The expression on her face kept changing, sometimes snickering, sometimes sad.

I felt even sadder.

The darkness suddenly passed and turned into a bright outdoor space.

I saw Ruan Yuxia holding the notebook in her arms, walking into a teaching building with the girl, and knocking on the door with the student union sign.

"Well, classmate, I picked up a notebook in the classroom..." Ruan Yuxia hesitated and handed the notebook to the students in the room.

"Oh, please register here." The student greeted Ruan Yuxia's classmates, took the notebook, and took a notebook from the bookshelf to Ruan Yuxia. When Ruan Yuxia was registering lost and found items, he flipped through his notebook and said casually: "I'm a high-level math student. I remember it in detail. It's almost time to take the exam. It's so miserable to lose this."

"Yes." Ruan Yuxia's classmate answered with a look of sympathy.

Ruan Yuxia's pen paused, showing a hint of worry.

The students in the student union said "Eh" again and looked at Ruan Yuxia's classmates, "The timetable you asked me for before was to find a class with advanced mathematics. Isn't it because of this?"

Ruan Yuxia raised her head in panic.

Her classmates have openly admitted it.

The student didn't look at Ruan Yuxia and said: "I asked the manager last time, and I think I know who lost the notebook. What was it called...I can't remember the name at once. I heard my friend say, He recently returned to his hometown in Haibin. He wants to go back to get some certification procedures. This summer, he will be doing an internship at the Minqing Municipal Government. It’s good luck that he got a job in his junior year. I should stay in Minqing next time.”

Ruan Yuxia listened with her ears perked up and slowly finished writing the lost and found registration contents. There was an expression of excitement and yearning on her face.

My eyes crossed her face and landed on the calendar on the wall.

It's... 1993.

Goodnight everybody. . .

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