Aoba Office

Chapter 1150 No. 006-Another Me (1)

I have been worried about the development of these things recently. I saw that the online version of Tianxia Weekly was released first, and it was summarized and summarized one by one. I just felt shocked.

Among them, there is no mention of demolition. Reporter Yuan’s interview with us seems to have been of no use.

This eloquent special report did not include the reporter's name, but was published in the name of Tianxia Weekly as a whole.

Of course, the comments below were extremely popular. They were transferred to social networking sites and were discussed by a lot of people.

It's okay if no one cleans up this kind of thing. Only after someone sorts it out will some people exclaim that so many strange things have happened recently.

All the paranormal-related public accounts and religious-related accounts have joined in the fun. Some pseudo-sciences have attributed it to climate change, magnetic field change, and cosmic radiation change. The remaining netizens have tried to fit everything into the plot of the movie. . Among them, it is impossible to tell how many people are really worried and how many are just ordinary people.

I don't know whether I should be relaxed or anxious.

When we arrived at the office, Director Ma didn't come today. I don't know whether he went to communicate with the media or returned to the city's Propaganda Department.

When the five of us are in the office, we must discuss this report from Tianxia Weekly.

I also sent a message to Wu Ling and asked for her opinion.

Wu Ling was calm and didn't care much about it. He didn't take it to heart that reporters were eyeing Qingye.

The five of us packed up our things and went to "work" in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants.

Director Mao didn't keep up with the times and was concerned about the lively news on the Internet, so he mentioned the reporter Yuan's matter to me.

"She wants to go to Building 6 and want to go in. Oh, this kind of thing..." Director Mao sighed. She's a bit old-school and doesn't want to be in the spotlight on things like this. The six villages of workers and peasants are about to be demolished, so there is no need for the neighborhood committee here to stand out. Director Mao would not be happy to interview reporters.

I comforted Director Mao.

Some aunties from the community came over and came to the door, and some people casually asked us about the demolition.

Guo Yujie answered patiently.

"Speaking of which, Xiao Zhang's family is dead. What should we do with their house?" an aunt suddenly asked.

"Wasn't Mr. Zhang arrested? Is he alive?" Guo Yujie said.

"Hey, he's not dead?" Auntie said carelessly, not caring about this. "Then the house still belongs to him? Are you looking for his?"

An aunt next to her interjected: "There is another person named Xu, from the old Xu family, and from the Xu Guangzong family. Was that person from their family also arrested?"

"It's true. It's been true these past two years. Today's young people are always using knives, which is also nonsense."

The topic quickly changed, and the aunts stopped asking us to talk.

We sat at the neighborhood committee for most of the day, received several people who came for consultation, and then it was time to get off work.

As the fat man drove away from the neighborhood committee, I saw a car passing us.

"Ah!" I blurted out.

"What's wrong?" asked the thin man.

"It's that reporter Yuan." I turned my head and looked at the passing car.

The car window was open, allowing me to see Reporter Yuan’s face.

The car she was riding in entered the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants.

"What is she going to do?"

"Is it okay? She can't get in."

said the thin man and the fat man.

Guo Yujie said: "At most, I can ask the residents in the community some questions."

"She should have asked those questions." I was a little worried, but I didn't know what to do.

It is impossible to stop Reporter Yuan now. I don't have the status to do this. Following the past, I didn’t know what to do. Moreover, if you follow him, you might get made a fuss by that reporter Yuan.

"Let's go. If we pass, it will only cause trouble. Ye Qing doesn't have to show up, but we can't shut up completely." Chen Xiaoqiu said rationally.

Reporter Yuan’s level is not low. When she was at the demolition office, her attitude was very polite and she didn't ask any questions. But without Director Ma and the old leader, she may not be polite to the rest of us. If she really catches on to something, it will be a big trouble for us.

Worried, I left the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants and called Wu Ling.

"Reporter? It doesn't matter. Ye Qing won't pay attention to this. Even if he loses control, he will not make mistakes in this regard." Wu Ling replied, which was to reassure me.

But I always find this statement creepy.

"Can't make mistakes"?

"Cannot make mistakes" means not being able to answer reporters' questions, or not allowing reporters to report randomly?

I couldn't help but think of things like murder and silence.

With this anxiety, I was restless all night and was not in the mood to read the files.

After lying on the bed, I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

When I finally fell asleep, I dreamed that Reporter Yuan was disemboweled by a dark figure, leaving blood everywhere.

This scene happened repeatedly and made me break out in a cold sweat.

When I woke up early in the morning, I searched the news first, but didn't see any relevant content.

Things seemed to be hanging in limbo.

The reporters did not find any key evidence. The police are still investigating the death of the little expert, and other people who eat melons can't provide any convincing evidence.

The whole thing is like a lot of entertainment gossip, which is lively for a while, and then gradually sinks to the bottom, waiting for the sediment to rise.


Event number 006

Event name: Another me

Client: Zhou Nan

Sex: Male

Age: 27

Occupation: Rich second generation

Family relationships: parents

Contact address: No. XX, Dongfangyuan, Minqing City

Contact number: 139XXXXXXXX


On September 17, 2001, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 00620010917.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou."

"Well, hello everyone. Let me just say it. I think I encountered a ghost."

"Can you tell me specifically what happened to you?"

"I just encountered a ghost.'s quite annoying. I don't know how I provoked such a thing."

"Mr. Zhou, when you say that, we can't make a judgment. When did you realize something was wrong?"

"Something's wrong...last year or the year before last. I came back from abroad. Our family sent me to study abroad before, but I didn't come back until last year or the year before last. Our family originally opened a company in Nanyang, and returned to China in the 1990s. I was I didn't stay here long before my parents sent me away. They only came back during the Chinese New Year and the holidays. Sometimes they flew over to see me. That was pretty much it. I didn't think our family was rich at that time. Nothing. After I came back, my parents mentioned something, but I didn’t take it seriously at first. I bought it for my dad. I don't remember smoking or drinking. I'm not that attentive and filial. They both know that. My dad used to scold me, and I thought they were the same. Alzheimer’s.”

"They mentioned something you didn't do, right?"

"Yes. I didn't take it seriously. It was better for them to smile at me and scold me than to scold me with a bad face. Then it became more and more wrong. My dad asked me to go to his company for an internship and do something. I went. However, I couldn't sit still. I skipped work several times, but my dad didn't scold me. But what he told me was what I signed last week. I had no impression of the document at all. I asked him not to act in front of me since my father was not here. He was even more surprised than I was, and he even opened the document and showed it to me... that signature. It is indeed my handwriting. Can you understand? Everyone knows that I have no memory at all. "

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