Aoba Office

Chapter 1104 Transplantation (4)

After I received these consciousnesses, I already knew what Zhou Xixi wanted to do.

She wants revenge not only on Zhou Tengfei, but also on Zhou Fusheng and his wife. This is a reasonable thing.

And the method she chose to take revenge on Zhou Fusheng and his wife was also simple and crude.

Zhou Tengfei is not stupid. He had realized what was happening to him.

I followed Zhou Tengfei and met monks and Taoist priests, as well as various people dressed in strange shapes. They chanted sutras, danced, and made Zhou Tengfei swallow all kinds of weird things.

However, when Zhou Tengfei rolled on the ground in pain, they were helpless.

An old woman with her hair in a bun shook her head and put down the porcelain bowl in her hand.

"No, this is karma, not the work of ghosts. Your family must have done something evil to cause such a thing."

She said it bluntly, and the Zhou family didn't feel the slightest bit ashamed.

Zhou Fusheng gritted his teeth and said, "It must be that dead girl! It's that dead girl! She killed us and didn't let us go!"

The woman hugged Zhou Tengfei and said while crying: "Goddess, please help me. You must be capable of killing that girl!"

The old lady had a strange expression and shook her head again, "I can't help it. Karmic retribution is not caused by ghosts, but by punishment from heaven. How can anyone disobey heaven? If you want to be liberated, you have to resolve this grudge. Otherwise, it's Even if you die, you will not get relief and will enter the eighteenth level of hell to continue paying your debts."

What she said was conclusive, but it was a theory I had never heard from Wu Ling.

As far as I know, there is no such thing as "paying off debt" in this world. It is normal to do evil in life and be punished after death. We the people are being punished right now. If the Zhou family encounters something like this, they will not turn into ghosts after death. After being reincarnated, they might become people like us.

Thinking about it this way, I look at the Zhou family differently.

It's not that they are regarded as "one of our own", but a very subtle mentality.

I can't imagine that I would be people like Zhou Fusheng and his wife in my previous life, and I can't imagine that Shouzi and Qingye would be like this.

Zhou Fusheng and the others are still messing around, but that old lady is not someone to be trifled with. With a cough, two muscular men came out of the room at the back, staring at the three Zhou family members with fierce expressions.

This development was also beyond my expectation.

The Zhou family left in despair.

Zhou Tengfei's situation did not improve, so he thought of what Zhou Xixi said.

"Give me a kidney!" Zhou Tengfei grabbed his mother, "Mom, you have pity on me, give me a kidney!"

"Okay, okay, mom will find a kidney for you right now," the woman said.

Zhou Tengfei's eyes seemed to be burning with fire, "It's not anyone else, it's you! She said that as long as you give me your kidney, she will let me go! Give me your kidney, and you can find other kidney sources!" "

Zhou Tengfei said it confidently.

Zhou Fusheng and his wife were stunned.

"Feifei, what you said..." The woman smiled awkwardly.

"Mom! You said so nice things before, why don't you give me a kidney? Am I your biological son? Just give me your kidney, just give it to me! Please save me!" Zhou Tengfei He screamed at the top of his lungs.

Looking at this situation, I think this family is definitely going to get into trouble, and they have a bit of a theater mentality. However, this dream and Zhou Xixi's revenge were a bit too long. She is probably obsessed with torturing the Zhou family. I am also worried about Ye Qing's situation.

Just when I had this idea, I felt the scene around me change again.

I'm no longer at Zhou's house. There are a lot of medical equipment around me, like an operating room, and it feels a bit informal.

Zhou Tengfei was lying on the hospital bed. His face was flushed and he was unusually excited.

A doctor in a white coat walked in and pushed in two beds behind him.

"Mr. Zhou, I'm afraid this operation won't have to change so many at one time..." the doctor said.

I saw the two people on the hospital bed in the back, it was Zhou Fusheng and his wife. They seemed to be unconscious, and their hospital gowns had dirty stains.

The doctors and nurses who came in didn't look like elites. They all had their eyes rolled around or their heads shrunk.

The leading doctor was still trying to persuade Zhou Tengfei.

Zhou Tengfei said impatiently: "Don't worry about so much, just put it on, no problem. You just need to be responsible for stuffing their organs into my body. Can I do the operation? Hurry up, hurry up !”

The doctor was still hesitant, but another doctor behind him grabbed him and said in a low voice: "You don't care so much! As long as he is willing to pay, it's enough. As long as he doesn't die here."

"The other two..."

"At worst, throw it into the river behind. No one will find it for three to five years. What are you afraid of? We are not from this place, so we can't be caught." The doctor said calmly.

They discussed for a while and asked others to help push the other two beds to Zhou Tengfei's side.

"Mr. Zhou, I will give you anesthesia now," the doctor said.

He administered the anesthetic himself.

Zhou Tengfei's eyes were closed, and various devices connected to his body monitored his vital signs.

While observing and calculating the time, the doctor gave Zhou Fusheng and his wife anesthesia.

After a while, he signaled the others to work and began the operation.

In this crude environment, the surgery was anything but formal. I'm afraid no formal place would agree to perform this kind of surgery on Zhou Tengfei.

I saw the suture scars on Zhou Tengfei's waist being re-opened, his flesh and blood exposed to the air, and the dark kidneys being taken out.

Another group of doctors cut open Zhou Fusheng's waist, and when they were about to take out his kidney, I saw the yin energy in the room begin to spread.

"Ah!" a nurse yelled.

Immediately afterwards, there was Zhou Fusheng's confused inquiry.

"Who are you? Who are you? What's going on?!" Zhou Fusheng's voice became more and more severe and panicked.

Zhou Tengfei and his son also opened their eyes at this time.

The woman's scream and Zhou Tengfei's questioning sounded at the same time.

The doctor's head was covered with sweat, "There may be something wrong with the anesthesia...Mr. Zhou..."

"Ah! Keep going! Keep going! Give me their kidneys!" Zhou Tengfei shouted.

Zhou Fusheng turned over, but saw the huge wound on his waist and let out a scream.

"Hold them down! Hold them down quickly! Are you stupid?" The doctor who just said "throw them into the river" roared angrily, and stretched out his hand to hold down Zhou Fusheng first.

The bodies of Zhou Fusheng and his wife seemed to be still under the influence of anesthesia, and they could not exert their full strength. They were pressed on the hospital bed, and then tied to the hospital bed by everyone in a mess, and they could only struggle weakly.

"We've run out of anesthesia..." The doctor was still panicked.

Zhou Tengfei gritted his teeth and said: "No anesthesia! That's it! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"You little brat! You little brat!"

"Feifei, how can you do this! No! I will give you money, I will give you money!"

"Whatever the little brat gives you, I'll give you double!"

Zhou Tengfei stared at the doctor fiercely, "Their money has already been transferred to my account, you should do it quickly!"

"I'll give you money! Even if he dies, the money will still be mine! Think clearly!" Zhou Fusheng said suddenly.

The room was quiet for a while.

Zhou Tengfei sneered, "You just wanted to dig out his kidney, how can he not hate you to death?"

My eyes fell on the doctor.

Yin energy was gathering on his body, and black gradually appeared in the blood vessels and meridians on his face.

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