Aoba Office

Chapter 110 No. 084-Invitation of the Dead (1)

Incident number 084

Event name: Invitation of the Dead

Client: Jian Xia

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Occupation: Clerk

Family relationships: parents

Contact address: Room XXX, No. X, Haiyu Garden, Minqing City

Contact number: 189XXXXXXXX


On May 8, 2014, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 08420140508.wav.

"Hello, Miss Jane."


"Tea, please."


"Can you tell me what happened to you?"


"Miss Jane? Are you okay?"

"Huh? It's okay, I'm fine."

"Can you tell me what happened to you?"

"Oh. Things...please take a look at this first."

Sound, sound, sound... bang, bang!

"sorry, I……"

"Miss Jane, let me do it. Are these invitations?"

"'s an invitation to the wedding banquet."


"They are all the same invitations. Mr. Zhang Bojun and Miss Tang Meimei. Are they your friends?"


"Miss Jane?"


"Miss Jane, are you okay?"

"I...I'm okay...I don't know..."

"Please take a deep breath. Don't be afraid, we will solve this matter for you. Please tell us, what's wrong with these invitations?"

"I...Zhang Bojun"

"What about Miss Tang Meimei?"


"Miss Jane?"

"Meimei... Meimei is my... college roommate..."

"We are a paranormal agency here. Is this thing related to the supernatural?"

"Miss Jane?"

"Meimei...died last year..."

"You mean, Miss Tang Meimei is dead and sent you these invitations?"

"I don't know... I thought it was a prank, and I also thought it was someone... I asked a private detective to investigate, and installed a camera at the door of my house. However, these invitations suddenly appeared in the mailbox. I put the mailbox They blocked it, blocked it, and didn’t open it. Then they appeared in my office, at my house, and everywhere! I don’t know where they came from! I...really...going crazy... …”

"Does your boyfriend know about this?"

"I know, my family and friends all know it. I can't hide it. Sometimes when I have dinner with my friends, a waiter comes over with an invitation and tells me to leave it at the door for delivery! It has set its sights on me. It has already Targeting me..."

"What is the relationship between Miss Tang Meimei and your boyfriend?"


"Miss Jane, if you want to help, please tell the truth. We don't know the truth, so it's difficult to help you."

"She likes...she ruined our relationship...that's it."

"So, how did she die?"


"Miss Jane?"

"Suicide...she...suicide...wu...wuwu...she committed suicide..."

"Miss Jane, please use a tissue."

"I didn't expect that she would commit suicide... Why is she so stupid? Just because of a relationship... I really didn't expect that she would do that... I thought... I thought she would be fine..."

"Please have your condolences, Miss Jane."


"Are you okay?"


"If it's convenient, could you show us the surveillance video you took?"

"Okay. I can pass it on to you. Can this matter be solved?"

"We need to investigate first. Please rest assured that we will do our best to protect you."


"Put the invitation with us first, okay?"

"Yes, of course."

Attached: Photo of the invitation.

On May 9, 2014, the client’s surveillance video was received. Video file 08420140509.avi.

On the screen is the door of a villa. From the perspective, the surveillance camera hits the oblique angle on the side of the villa door and can clearly capture the location of the mailbox.

After pulling the progress bar, no one came near the mailbox all day long. Until a private car parked at the door of the villa in the evening, a well-dressed woman got out of the car and opened the mailbox with a key.

The expression on the woman's face suddenly froze, and many emotions such as fear, disgust, panic, and excitement flashed through her. She took a few deep breaths, reached into the mailbox and took out a red envelope, which was exactly the same as the invitation envelope in the photo.

The woman opened the iron door of the villa and drove into the villa.

The video content for the next two days was the same. No one was photographed stuffing the red invitation into the mailbox, but the woman could take out a red invitation from the mailbox when she got home. The woman's expression became more and more broken, and fear took over her entire face.

On the third day, the woman walked to the mailbox with a bunch of tools, blocked the mailbox, and showed a relaxed and comfortable smile.

On May 9, 2014, the investigation learned that Tang Meimei died on May 1, 2013, due to drug poisoning and suicide. She was buried in Xianhe Cemetery in Minqing City.

On May 10, 2014, I went to Xianhe Cemetery to investigate Tang Meimei’s grave, and found nothing unusual.

On May 10, 2014, I received a call from the client. Telephone recording 201405101408.mp3.

"Hello, Miss Jane."

"How did your investigation go?"

"We are still investigating."

"Why are there no results yet? I've given you the surveillance video. Did you see anything?"

"No, there are no clues in the surveillance video."

"When will you find out the results?"

"We cannot guarantee this. Please calm down. Tang Meimei does not want to attack you now. Your safety is not..."

"Is this the problem! She is driving me crazy! I get invitations every day, every day! I can't even hide!"

"Ms. Jane, we can understand your pain now, but the investigation will not be completed overnight."

"I can add money!"

"It's not about money."

" can you find out the results of the investigation? Please..."

"Miss Jane, can we communicate with your boyfriend?"

"No! What do you want to do with him?"

"His name is written on the invitation. We have some questions to ask him. For example, the time and address on the invitation."

"Time and address...time and address...hehe..."

"Miss Jane?"

"She did it on purpose..."

"Miss Jane? What do you mean by this?"

"On October 5, 2014, the Diamond Hall on the third floor of the Oriental Holiday Hotel... Haha... This is the wedding banquet booked by Zhang Bojun and I!"

"You mean, the date and place she chose are the time and place where you and Mr. Zhang Bojun will hold your wedding banquet?"

"Right, that is it……"

"We still hope to have an interview with Mr. Zhang Bojun."

"Is she going to kill me and replace me?"

"Ms. Jane, please calm down. We are still investigating, and you are not in danger now. Please stay calm and cooperate with our investigation. We will protect you."

"You can't find Zhang Bojun."

"Any questions?"

"You can't look for him anyway! You can ask me anything you want! I have to marry Zhang Bojun, do you understand? This matter must be resolved before October, and Zhang Bojun cannot be known!"

On May 13, 2014, we contacted Tang Meimei’s parents, Tang Zhongxing and Cai Lian. Audio file 08420140513.wav.

"Are you Meimei's friends?"

"Yes, I went abroad for a while, but I didn't expect to hear the bad news when I came back."

"Meimei...that child Meimei..."

"Can I take the liberty to ask why Meimei committed suicide? We have no idea of ​​the reason for her suicide, and there are no signs at all."

"It's not that there are no signs. It's all our fault for not taking it seriously..."

Thanks to Mole Duoxing° for the tip. (*^__^*)

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