Aoba Office

Chapter 1075 The game continues (1)

My abilities work mostly in dreams. That's not to say that it has no effect in "reality", but that effect must be discounted.

The main problem is that I am too weak in "reality". My physical fitness is average, I don't have the physical fitness of an athlete, and I have never learned fighting skills. In this regard, I am not as good as the talented Guo Yujie, nor can I compare with Chen Xiaoqiu, who has learned a lot. Although it was a little embarrassing, I couldn't deny this reality and arrogantly thought that I could rely on my own mobility to kill powerful ghosts.

In dreams, I am in a soul state, and many times, many people and ghosts are unaware of my existence. This convenience is key to the effectiveness of my abilities. Otherwise, I won't be able to touch those ghosts, so why talk about destroying them?

I tried to enter the dream, but the dream did not happen. This makes me more worried than before.

I asked Wu Ling and she didn't know what was going on. She didn't know whether it was that thing causing trouble or if there was something wrong with my ability.

As for the thin guy, they have nothing to do except worry in vain like me.

When I arrived at the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, I focused on my work and temporarily forgot about these troublesome things.

The second round of voting on the demolition compensation plan has not yet started. We are still promoting the results of the first round of voting and the new round of voting, both of which are somewhat troublesome. There is no information conference, but it cannot stop the concerns and complaints of property rights holders.

More and more people know that the results are out and new voting is about to begin. More and more people have discussed it with their families and arranged time to go to the neighborhood committee for consultation. We have become busy.

Many people are office workers, so they can only rush over after get off work to inquire, or let retired elderly people at home pester us until they arrive.

We can't be like a bank and get off work when the time comes. But there is no glass counter to separate us from these property owners, and the neighborhood committee office does not have the grandeur of a bank lobby.

We have already experienced this situation in the last round of publicity voting, so we are mentally prepared. Moreover, most people will not mess around, but will be reasonable. There are also many people who have given up their rights and are just waiting for the final results to be announced and receive money to move. They are very anxious.

Director Mao answered the phone and stopped us who were about to pack up and leave.

"Xiao Zhang will be here soon, please wait a moment." Director Mao said sheepishly.

The Xiao Zhang she was talking about was a property owner, a young man about our age. When he was in college, he started his own business and opened a small company. His parents transferred the house to his name at that time, and now he eats, drinks, and has fun every day. He takes care of things at home by himself. This is due to his character and ability.

During the last round of voting, he was the most active and the most talkative, and he was very cooperative with our work. This time it seemed that something had delayed us, so we were asked to work overtime a little too much.

"It's not urgent to do this today, is it?" The thin man said, "We will be here for several days."

"He said it very urgently, very urgently." Director Mao said.

Xiao Zhang hung up the phone. Director Mao didn't seem to be ready to call him, so we had to wait a little longer.

About ten minutes later, Xiao Zhang's car appeared outside the window of the neighborhood committee.

Xiao Zhang pulled over, got off the car, and entered the building directly.

I saw that his face was pale and his head was covered with sweat. I smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, there is no need to rush. There are still many processes to go through in the demolition, so there is no need to be in such a hurry."

If it were anyone else, I certainly wouldn't say these things. As a staff member of the demolition office, I certainly hope that these property owners can quickly cooperate with us in the process. However, when I think about the sixth floor of Building 6, I don’t really hope that the demolition will end as soon as possible.

Xiao Zhang opened his mouth and made a strange sound in his throat.

Director Mao went to pour him tea, "Don't be anxious, Xiao Zhang, you look anxious. Auntie told me that it is a good thing that you are responsible for the family, but your parents are not old fools yet. Why do you need to do anything?"

Xiao Zhang didn't look at the glass of water, rushed forward and grabbed Guo Yujie's hand.

We all froze.

Although Guo Yujie was also stunned, she struggled instinctively and waved her hand, almost throwing Xiao Zhang out.

Xiao Zhang shook his body, stared at Guo Yujie persistently, and said, "I like you!"

It was extremely quiet in the neighborhood committee.

We all looked at each other.

It's not that Guo Yujie is not good, or that it's wrong for someone to like Guo Yujie, but this occasion, this situation, and this way of expressing her feelings...

"What did you say?" Guo Yujie asked in confusion, looking at Xiao Zhang as if he was looking at a fool.

Xiao Zhang let out a big breath, his legs softened, he bent over and grabbed his hands to the side.

"Ouch!" Director Mao shouted, reaching out to support Xiao Zhang and helping him to the chair, "What's going on with you, Xiao Zhang? You don't have to be like this if you like Xiao Guo, right?"

Director Mao said this, and no one in our group felt embarrassed.

Because Xiao Zhang's confession really made people unable to have any charming thoughts, so it was not embarrassing at all. Guo Yujie looked at him now as if she were a fool. Xiao Zhang looked as if he had just died and finally came back from hell.

None of us could understand what was happening.

Xiao Zhang ignored us, and even ignored the person he had just confessed to, Guo Yujie. Instead, he took out his cell phone, pulled up his address book, and made a call.

When the call was connected, Xiao Zhang opened her mouth and said: "I confessed my love. I have confessed my love and pursued her. She didn't respond and refused."

This situation is even more bizarre.

Xiao Zhang finished saying this in one breath, exhaled loudly, and said no more.

After a long while, his breathing became heavier, "Xu Jing... is bankrupt? How could it be... not... ah..."

Xiao Zhang became quiet again, covered his face, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

"Who else, who else said yesterday... Stop screaming! What's the use of just shouting! Think about it!" Xiao Zhang suddenly broke out and roared at the top of his lungs.

Director Mao took a step back and looked at him as if he was looking at a lunatic.

But the few of us are no longer in a state of enlightenment.

I immediately thought of that incident, my heart skipped a beat, and it suddenly reached my throat, ready to fall freely at any moment.

Xiao Zhang was like a trapped animal, turning around a few times and grabbing his hair, "I remember there was the second child. The second brother told Qiu Yun to get married early. Qiu Yun... Do you have her contact information for Qiu Yun? And the other one has lost weight. Yes...Tan Yue! Who told her to gain weight? How could I remember the order? Where are the people? What does it mean to not believe it? They're all dead! They don't believe in that kind of death!" Xiao Zhang roared.

After roaring, he sat back in the chair dejectedly, his eyes red, and he sniffed, "We have to find everyone. There may be a video in the hotel... We have to... Hello? Hello? Old Hei? Old Hei?!"

Xiao Zhang's eyes widened, as if his whole body was frozen.

After a few seconds, I heard an earth-shattering loud noise, like an explosion, coming from the mobile phone he was holding.

Xiao Zhang looked at his phone blankly, and when he loosened his grip, the phone fell to the ground.

The quality of the mobile phone is very good. The screen is not broken and is still on. There is an interface for ending the call. The name of the communication partner is "Li Chengjie".

I had no impression of this name, so I glanced at Xiao Zhang.

"Mr. Zhang?" Chen Xiaoqiu called.

Xiao Zhang seemed to have aged ten years in an instant, and his energy and energy were gone. He laughed "hehe" twice, with a weird smile, and said to himself: "It's over, we are all going to die... we are all going to die... damn... how could... how could it be like this... obviously, It’s obviously just…”

The circles under Xiao Zhang's eyes became even redder, and tears flowed down. He gritted his teeth.

"Xiao Zhang, what's going on? Do you want...should you call the police?" Director Mao asked uneasily.

Xiao Zhang didn't respond.

Director Mao, look at us.

"Let's talk to him. Director Mao, please go back first," I said.

Director Mao said "Oh", looked at us, looked at Xiao Zhang, whispered to remind me to be careful, and left in a hurry. Judging from her appearance, she was probably frightened and frightened by Xiao Zhang's performance. She gave me the keys to the neighborhood committee and left directly. I also heard her talking to someone on the phone after she went out, and it seemed that she asked the person on duty not to come.

Chen Xiaoqiu looked at Xiao Zhang and asked, "Did you play truth or dare last night?"

Xiao Zhang suddenly raised his head and said with a ferocious expression: "We played truth or dare more than three years ago!"

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