Aoba Office

Chapter 1050 Lover (7)

Such a request is actually somewhat unreasonable.

After all, Gu Mo is too young, and normally he would be accompanied by his family when seeing a doctor.

What was even more unreasonable was that Muge asked Chen Xiaoqiu and I to follow him into the small room next door.

But neither the old couple of the Gu family nor Tian Fu felt there was a problem. Instead, they nodded repeatedly and looked at Gu Mo with worry and concern.

I followed him into the small room next door in a daze.

This room is also decorated in a warm and comfortable style, with a comfortable and soft sofa and a small bed.

Muge closed the door and motioned for us all to sit down.

He also sat down, sitting opposite Gu Mo.

"Gu Mo, can I call you Xiao Mo?" Muge asked.

Such a word is gentle and gentle.

Gu Mo raised his face and looked at Muge in confusion.

"Xiao Mo, can you tell me what happened?" Muge's voice was still gentle.

Gu Mo's eyes widened, and tears fell from his lips as he was silent.

He opened his mouth and let out a small cry, but insisted on talking about what happened to him.

I glanced at Muge.

He was very calm and showed no unnecessary emotions, which made me feel a little scared.

Gu Mo's narration drew my attention back.

"...Daddy has changed...he has become so scary...he, ugh...I saw his face became so strange, he had two faces...I told daddy and the others, and they went to the doctor, He came back and said it was no problem, saying that daddy had surgery, so his face would be a little unnatural... I don't understand... daddy obviously has two faces, and the other face is scary... daddy often stares at dad, he looks like It's scary...I...I'm scared..."

I have guessed the truth of this matter, but hearing Gu Mo's narration still makes my hair stand on end.

"He stared at dad, he wanted to...wanted to hit dad...I saw...that night, I had a nightmare, and when I went to their room, I saw him strangling dad's neck...he was doing it During the meal, I stared at the knife for a long time... I was really scared. But daddy and the others didn't know... they didn't know..." Gu Mo's tears kept flowing down, and his voice seemed to be broken. Under control, he continued to tell what happened between Gu Junze, Chen Jia and Liu Shengxuan.

"On Saturday, they were watching pads in the room. I was watching TV in the living room. Dad came out to fill the water. I wanted to play with pads, so I followed dad into the room." Gu Mo's voice suddenly became dull. , the tears also stopped.

"Dad kissed daddy, and daddy became the bad guy. He picked up the lamp next to him and smashed dad's head. Dad fell to the ground and covered his head. There was blood on his head. The lamp was broken. The wire was broken, and there was still light... Dad looked at the bad guy and said, 'Where is Chen Jia? ' Dad was panicked and scared... The bad guy waved the lamp again. He said, 'Chen Jia is here'..."

Gu Mo pointed to his heart, "'He's watching. He's watching now!'"

The child made a sharp and mean sound, which was a bit weird.

"Dad grabbed the bad guy's hand, and the bad guy asked him, 'What will happen to your Chen Jia without this body?'. Dad was hit by him again. Dad was lying on the ground, with a lot of blood...he... Two times... He said, "Chen Jia, did you see it? I originally thought it would be an accident, but this is better, right? Chen Jia, did you see it?" Scumbag! Go to hell, go to hell! '..."

Gu Mo screamed and suddenly burst into tears, "dad is dead... dad was beaten to death... and daddy, I saw daddy crying, he yelled, called dad, and then the bad guy came out again He...he...he went to the living room and called the police. The police came and took him and daddy away...I saw him...the policeman took me to see him...he ignored me, daddy They ignored me, and neither did he... They said he was dead, and so was daddy... Wuwu... Wuwuwu... They, they are all dead..."

"Xiao Mo, stop crying." Muge said.

In an instant, Gu Mo stopped crying.

Muge said softly: "Take a nap, and after you wake up, you will forget these things. Forget these horrible things, and live a good life with your grandparents."

Gu Mo's eyelids drooped, his body fell back, he leaned on the sofa and fell asleep.

I'm still in a daze.

Not only because of Muge's demonstrated ability, but also because of what Gu Mo said.

Hearing this description from a child and the child's "lifelike" "performance" are shocking.

This cannot be felt by just a bystander's narration.

Muge whispered: "Look, these things shouldn't exist. The dead should stay dead, and the living should continue to move forward."

I looked at Muge.

"Of course, if Xiao Ai dies one day, I don't know what I will do." Muge smiled slightly, "Maybe I will order you to let her live."

I didn't answer the call.

I've done this before.

The deceased should remain in the state of death and be reincarnated to welcome a new life. The living should move on and continue their lives.

However, the human heart and reason cannot always be consistent.

Ye Qing himself said that ghosts should not exist in the human world. After his death, he still became a ghost and carried out his own plans.

Anyone can say something beautiful if they don't encounter this kind of thing. No one knows how they will react or behave when the day comes.

Chen Xiaoqiu asked: "What will happen to this child?"

"I don't know. I can only let him temporarily forget this memory. Whether he is our kind or whether he will become our kind is hard to say." Muge shook his head.

Muge let Gu Mo sleep for ten minutes and then woke him up.

When Gu Mo woke up, he was still a little confused, but he had the reaction that a normal child would have.

Muge took him out and handed him over to the old couple of the Gu family. The two almost cried with joy.

They left with great gratitude, and Tian Fu followed suit.

Chen Xiaoqiu and I were also ready to say goodbye. Before leaving, we wanted to say something to Mu Ai.

"Is she the same kind?" I said.

Mu Ge is so determined and wants to create a new world just so that Mu Ai will not encounter danger in the future and will not encounter the tragic things that we people have experienced.

There was a trace of sadness in Muge's expression, "Yes, she did too. When my father passed away, the child said that he saw him in my heart, and I had doubts. Those are not the comforting words of a child, not her If you don’t understand the meaning of what you learned from somewhere, she really saw it... One day in the future... I hope there will never be that day."

I kind of want to ask, does Muge’s ex-wife know this. If she knew, she might look at Mu Ai differently. This is really heartbreaking. I swallowed the question.

When I arrived at Muge's house, I saw little Muai sitting on the sofa in the living room.

An advertisement was playing on the TV. Mu Ai lowered her head and looked at her heart.

After Muge shouted, she turned her little head, her face wet.

"What's wrong?" Muge walked over in a hurry.

I noticed that Mu Ai's eyes were looking at Mu Ge's heart, and I had a bad feeling in my heart.

Mu Ai cried and said: "Dad, I see mom. Here, and here..." She pointed to her heart with one finger, and pointed to Muge's heart with the other.

Muge's footsteps stopped.

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