Aoba Office

Chapter 1040 No. 079-Lifetime Loan (1)

The situation in neighboring countries did not seem to be so good, as several people died that day. I must have been busy with the interim election recently, and my sister happened to bump into it.

My sister and the others are a little new to this situation. There is no such street canvassing activity in China.

After confirming that my sister was okay and everything was fine, I ended the call.

When I got home, I told my parents about the situation. The main reason is that they are afraid that they will also receive scam calls. I don’t know which family leaked the information. It is possible that the information of my parents and sister was also leaked.

After dinner, I took out another Aoba file and prepared it for tonight's homework.


Incident number 079

Event name: Lifespan Loan

Client: Sun Yi

Sex: Male

Age: 21

Occupation: student

Family relationships: parents

Contact address: Room XXXX, No. XXX, Luhexin Road, Minqing City

Contact number: 137XXXXXXXX


On January 17, 2014, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 07920140117.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Sun. The personal information you filled in is that you are 21 years old and a college student. You..."

"I'm not like this...I wasn't like this before! Look, look at my photo, this is a photo of me half a year ago!"

"This, this is it! Half a year ago, during the summer vacation! I went on a trip at that time, take a look!"

"Please don't get excited, Mr. Sun."

"I...I really...I didn't expect it to be like this...I didn't expect it to be like this..."

"Mr. Sun, what happened to you? Did something happen half a year ago? Please speak slowly, don't be anxious, and tell us all the details so that we can make an accurate judgment."

"Okay... half a year ago... last semester, near the end of the semester. People in our dormitory said they wanted to go on a trip. Me, I didn't have any money. I just spent the money on hand, and my expenses were relatively high during that time. , My parents also had opinions... My classmate introduced me to a software that allows me to borrow money and borrow money in small amounts. I registered at that time and borrowed money. The amount was relatively small at the beginning. I filled in my personal information and called them. The limit given to me was 3,000 yuan. I borrowed money, bought some things, and went on a trip. My parents gave me money for traveling, and I paid back the money after traveling. times, the amount has gone up... Huh... Hiss... that's it... that's it..."

"Did you take out another loan through this software later?"

"Yes... I borrowed money again, and then... I, I haven't paid yet... I haven't paid yet... Phew... a total of ten thousand, and then interest compounded, now it's almost fifteen thousand... I'm already here I paid it back! I sold all the tablets, laptops, and headphones I bought before! When I found out there was a problem, I was already trying to pay back the money! But I couldn’t catch up... I couldn’t catch up... I couldn’t make it It became like this, and when I woke up, it became like this... I don't dare to show up, if someone finds out..."

"Do you still have that software? Is it a mobile phone software or a computer software?"

"Mobile phone software, this is it!"

"Well...does it only display loan information here? Are there any special circumstances?"

"They called. Someone called me and urged me to pay back the money. They called me often and I pulled out the sim card. I don't live in the dormitory now. I don't know if they still... I originally, I originally was said online that there was nothing they could do in this situation...I...I didn't expect...oh...I paid back the money...I really paid back the money..."

"Besides this software, did you do anything else during this period? Did you have any other special encounters? For example, you saw some supernatural phenomena and purchased such items."

"No, only this! It's definitely the problem! That phone call, I still remember that phone call! That person called me and told me that if I don't pay back the money, I have to bear the consequences myself. Don't regret it then. . He also said that they just want money, and everything will be easy as long as they pay it back, otherwise, I will be left with nothing to eat. He just said that something terrible will happen... right now. so!"

"Mr. Sun, don't get excited. We will first check the software and the company behind the software to confirm the situation. If this whole thing has nothing to do with this software, you need to recall what you did before the accident. Something. Please sit here and wait a moment."

Da da da……

"Mr. Sun, please have tea. My companion will find out the problem with this software. Did you just say that you became like this overnight?"

"Well... it's just, phew... it's just one night. When I went to bed one day, it was fine, but when I woke up the next day, it was just like this..."

"What did you do before going to bed that night?"

"It's nothing. It's just like usual, lying in the dormitory and playing with my mobile phone. The school just started at that time, this semester has just started. We are all graduating, so there is nothing wrong. The professional exam is in the second half of the year... Me, I just lie in bed and play with my mobile phone. , played the game for a while, then browsed the web and watched a game video, that’s it.”

"Is this all what you used to do?"


“Can you please write down the names of the games you play, the web pages and videos you browse?”


Rustling, rustling...

"Besides, is there anything happening around you? Are there any special situations in the dormitory or at home?"

"No. Really nothing. It was only after I owed money and received that phone call that something happened. Nothing happened before. My classmates and my parents were all fine."

"Did you receive the call for payment during the day?"

"The day before, during the day the day before, he made several calls. I didn't answer the phone at first because it was an unfamiliar number. Then he kept calling and I had no choice but to answer."

"Has the situation improved after you repaid the loan?"

"I don't know... I haven't paid it back once. The most I paid back was 3,000 yuan, and there was still 6,000 yuan left. I called their customer service number, but the customer service couldn't explain it clearly. I called that person. , it was the person who called for payment, but the phone couldn’t be reached. I also sent messages and contacted customer service several times, but to no avail. I still... I woke up that day, but it was just a little change, and now... you see. Now, my hair... I used to have black hair! Now I have white hair and age spots... I... I really don't know what to do... I also went to the hospital that day. On the third or fourth day after I noticed the changes, I went to the hospital for a physical examination. I said that my face suddenly looked different and there were wrinkles on my face. Why young people should not stay up late and exercise more... I really don't, I really don't... It was just one night, that's it... After many days, it became more and more... Really, you believe me, it is that thing! It’s a software problem!”

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