Aoba Office

Chapter 1031 No. 058-Ghost covering eyes (3)

"Ms. Ning, do you have the video of the video chat at that time?"

"No, no... when I saw it, it was already... Lin Hui, Lin Hui, her neck was broken, her face was still... I, I saw her fall off the chair, and the ghost disappeared. I cried and shouted, but it was no use. I didn’t know where Lin Hui lived... I called the police. The police probably thought I was crazy..."

"Please calm down, Miss Ning. You have heard about us from Miss Lin, so you should know what happened to Miss Lin before, right?"

"Yes, I know... I also accompanied her to the hospital to have her eyes checked. The doctor said she just had eye fatigue. I, I heard her talk about you later, and she showed me the amulet. Also, there is your business card. . I remember it was the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, and I came all the way here before.”

"You did a good job. Now, I want to ask you to recall carefully. Did the ghost say anything after she appeared? Did she behave in any special way? Do you still remember her appearance and how she was dressed? ?”

"I...huh...let me think about it...she, she has short hair, bangs, straight bangs, hair to her shoulders...she lowered her head, I didn't see clearly...she has a pointed chin, and her skin is very white, The face and hands are very white. And... and what I'm wearing... I remember it's a long skirt, it should be a dress, I... I'm not sure... the skirt is white, the upper part is white. The part is made of chiffon, red chiffon, with patterns. And on her hand, by the way! She has a silver chain with a bear or cat pendant on it..."

"Did she say anything?"

"There should be... I remember, she was, she was close to Lin Hui's ear, Lin Hui... Lin Hui kept shaking, she kept shaking... She seemed to want to take something... Oh ! It’s an amulet! She hung the amulet on the lamp! She had just taken a shower at that time... If, if she was wearing the amulet... ugh..."

"Please forgive me, Miss Ning. You are the only witness to this incident. Please continue to recall what the ghost and Lin Hui did."

"Oh...I...Lin Hui..."

"Ms. Lin wants to get the amulet."

"Yes. She, she was crying... I saw tears from under those hands... She was crying... It seemed like she was shaking her head... She... She spoke at that time... It seemed like... she was... Help? I, I didn’t hear her clearly. After that, I saw her lips move..."

"Please think about it."

"Her lips...I...I...should be 'I don't know'? It seems like four words, these four words...then, and then the ghost...wu..."

"After killing Miss Lin, did the ghost disappear directly?"

"Yes...yes...just disappeared..."

"Okay. We will go to the contact address that Miss Lin left with us last time to check on the situation."

"Well...she, I heard her say it last time. Her roommate moved out, and she should be living alone now. Alone...she may still...still lying...wu...wuwu... "

"Don't worry, Miss Ning, we will find Miss Lin. We will also follow up on this matter."

"Okay. Thank you, thank you."

On August 8, 2010, went to Lin Hui’s residence. Video file 05820100808.avi.

When the video started, it faced a door.

An ordinary wooden door with a smooth top and no decorations such as door couplets. The lock is an anti-theft lock and looks a bit old.

A hand pressed on the doorbell at the door, and the bell rang, but the door was quiet.

The hand knocked on the door again, but there was still no response from anyone in the room.

Outside the video screen, there was the sound of a door opening.

"Are you looking for those two little girls?"

It was the voice of an old lady.

The camera turned 180 degrees and captured Wu Ling's profile, and then another resident.

An old lady stood at the door, still holding the door open. She looked at the camera in surprise and said, "Those two little girls moved away some time ago."

"Did Miss Lin Hui move away some time ago?" Wu Ling asked.

The old lady shook her head, "I don't know what their names are. I saw them moving things some time ago. They also called a moving company and moved a lot of boxes. They must have been busy for most of the day."

"Can I ask, do you know the contact information of the landlord here?"

"Oh, Lao Shen's contact information. Wait a minute, I have his phone number."

The old lady turned into the room. After a while, she took out an old-fashioned phone book. She squinted her eyes, flipped through a few pages, and pointed to one of the lines, "This is it."

Wu Ling walked over, took out his mobile phone, recorded the number, and thanked the old lady.

The old lady went back to the house and closed the door.

The video camera looked down, and Aoba's people seemed to be going downstairs.

In addition to the footsteps, Wu Ling's voice dialing the phone could also be heard.

"...Hello, Mr. Shen, right? We are friends of Lin Hui and Miss Lin. Yes, I am contacting you to ask..."

Liu Miao's voice intervened, drowning out Wu Ling's voice.

"Boss, there seems to be nothing in that room."

"Maybe it's just that you can't see it at the door. You won't know the specific situation until you go in." Ye Qing's voice sounded.

"...Okay, okay." Wu Ling's voice was recorded again.

She probably ended the call and said to Ye Qing and Liu Miao: "Lin Hui has not moved away."

"Oh. It looks like he's inside. How do I call the police? Is there a corpse smell?" Liu Miao asked.

"In this weather, corpses don't stink so quickly." Wu Ling said, "You didn't smell it just now, right?"

"If the police go in first, we will be in trouble if we check again." Ye Qing said calmly, "Let the landlord open the door."

The video stops at this point.

The picture stays on the cement floor of a residential building.

After two seconds, the screen switched to the back of a strange man.

The man looked to be in his fifties or sixties, and he walked upstairs a little slowly.

"It's not good for me to open the door for you like this." The man said in a weak tone.

"We also have work needs. In addition, we are also worried about Miss Lin. She has been absent from work for two days. We called her and knocked on the door before, but she didn't respond." Wu Ling said, "I can only trouble you. Don't. Worry, we have been recording. If Ms. Lin wants to hold you accountable, we can help produce evidence."

The man turned his head and glanced, a little helpless, and then said: "The security in our community has always been very good."


"However, she lives alone now. It's possible that something happened and no one noticed." The man's tone was still not very confident. "If she falls, the gas is not turned off properly, or she gets sick..."

"That's what you said." Wu Ling answered.

The group of people had arrived at the door at the beginning of the video again.

The man knocked on the door first and shouted twice.

The old lady opposite opened the door again and came out to take a look.

The man took out the key while talking to her.

With a click, the door lock was unlocked.

The man opened the door and walked in, walking a little cautiously, "Miss Lin? Miss Lin? Lin..."

His voice stopped abruptly and he suddenly shouted.

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