Aoba Office

Chapter 1016 No. 093-Ghost Passenger (4)

"Are you saying that your colleague died in a car accident recently? Is it related to the supernatural events you encountered?"

"I don't know. I... They said he suddenly swerved, the car hit the wall, and the front of the car was deformed... He usually drives very carefully, and he hasn't broken any traffic rules in many years. It's impossible for this to happen. It was a mistake. It was found that it was not drunk driving or drug driving... The traffic police checked the nearby surveillance and found that he drove straight for a long time while speeding, and then suddenly turned... I, I asked... The accident happened on Century Road What happened was that Century Road happened to be...exactly on that route..."

"Do you think he encountered the ghost and eventually caused the car accident?"

"Yes...I just, just have some bad feelings. I don't know if it's right or not. You said before that if anything happens around you..."

"Yes, if you notice anything unusual around you, and if you have any suspicion, you should notify us as soon as possible. Can I ask for the name of your colleague? We will start investigating."

"Okay, okay. His name is Long Tao. '龙' is the 'dragon' of 'a dragon', and Tao is the 'wave' of 'waves'."

"Yes, I took note of it. If I find out anything, I will notify you."

"Okay, thank you."

On October 26, 2015, Long Tao’s wife Xu Ningyi was contacted. Audio file 09320151026.wav.

"Hello, Ms. Xu. We deeply sympathize with what happened to your husband and ask for your condolences."

"Well, thank you. If you want to ask him about the accident, I don't know... the traffic police conducted an investigation and saw the report and surveillance. I... I still can't believe that he would... ugh... "

"Please forgive me, Ms. Xu. You said that the traffic police showed you the investigation report, including the surveillance video. Is it complete?"

"What? You are asking... I only saw the time when the accident happened. The surveillance position was not very good, and the previous shots were not very clear. In fact, the part where the accident happened was not completely captured. He, the wall he hit There, there is no surveillance.”

"As far as we know, the police concluded that the accident was caused by operational error. Is that true?"

"Yes, that's what they said. Long Tao stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, suddenly turned the steering wheel, and hit him. I don't know why this happened... obviously... he usually drives very carefully..."

"Did Mr. Long show any abnormalities before the car accident? For example, mental depression, sleep problems, etc."

"No, he...he usually falls asleep and sleeps well all the time. Ah..."

"Did you think of anything?"


"Ms. Xu, you can say whatever you want, we are a new Internet media and the content we publish is relatively free. What we want is the truth, and you must also want to restore the truth for your husband. We have contacted Mr. Long's colleagues before , They also expressed their shock and disbelief at what happened to Mr. Long. Mr. Long’s driving habits are good and this should not happen.”

"Yes, yes...he has always been very careful, and I often remind him. He should...should not have such a thing happen to him."

"Well. What did you think of just now, Ms. Xu?"

"Before, half a year or a few months ago, he said something... He drove a taxi and used a taxi app to place orders. He had a regular passenger, a high school student or maybe a junior high school student. He... I When her husband was driving him, he noticed that there was no shadow of him on the window glass. Even the window glass on the right rear door where he was leaning against, the student got out of the car. After that, I entered the community. As soon as I entered the community, there was a T-shaped road with a convex mirror. He told me that when the student walked through there, there was no reflection in the convex mirror... , there was not even a single figure... I asked, and I guessed if he had seen it wrong at night, and he said he could see it very clearly. There was a convex mirror, and there was a streetlight next to it, and it was very bright. The student walked in, There was no one on the convex mirror. He didn’t pay attention to the student’s shadow. After that, he stopped taking orders from that student and didn’t go that way.”

"You mean, he might have encountered the ghost again when the car accident happened?"

"I, I don't know... I just... you mentioned... he came back early that day. He was supposed to come back at six or seven in the morning, which is usually the time. He came back at two or three that day and disturbed me. Woke up. After he fell asleep, he tossed and turned again. I asked him what happened... I thought he had been in a car accident and might have hit someone... I was really frightened and woke up. Later I heard him say... ...It was late at night, I was lying on a bed, with no lights on, and the curtains were closed. There was no light in the room, and I could only see a few shadows of people... He...he even took out a cigarette while he was talking. I originally wanted to scold him. He was smoking in bed most of the night... As soon as the lighter was turned on, I saw that his face was all white. I... I didn't dare to breathe. I saw the red butt of the cigarette behind him. When he told me this... I felt cold all over, even when I was wrapped in a quilt. He felt cold too... I... chuckled..."

"Please calm down, Ms. Xu, relax, relax your teeth...take a deep breath with me. Come on, inhale, exhale...Do you feel better?"

"Well, I...I'm feeling better..."

"Can you continue what we were talking about?"


"You just said that Mr. Long went home early in the early morning and told you about his encounter with a ghost."

"Yes... he finished speaking. After he finished speaking, the room was quiet for a long time... I couldn't help it, I felt scary, so I spoke... Seeing a ghost must be fake, right? How could something like that happen... How could there be ghosts in this world? Those are all stories... He was dazzled, it was dazzled... I don't know what I said and how long... He suddenly said Let me tell you, the thing about seeing a ghost while driving a taxi at night... was not him! It was someone else. It was similar to the content in that kind of horror movie, where the old woman was going to the cemetery in the middle of the night, and there was someone outside the car window. There are also passengers who suddenly disappeared... He said that there is an old driver in his company who no longer drives a taxi and is working in the logistics department. He encountered a ghost before and was so scared that he became a Buddha. In the car. After he stopped driving, the Buddha was given to another colleague. One time, when he was driving late at night, he also encountered a ghost. The car got lost while driving, and he couldn't get out of the place. Come on. The Buddha suddenly lit up, and the car came out, and the passenger disappeared."

"Did Mr. Long mention the names of his two colleagues?"

"One was named A Liu, and the other was Lao Hu. That night, neither of us slept. He called Lao Hu the next day and asked him about Buddha. We went to the Guanyin Temple. "

"Is it the Guanyin Temple in Puhe Town next door?"

"Yes, it's the one in the scenic spot. I went to pray to the Bodhisattva and asked for a consecrated gold medal to hang on his rental car. Then it was fine. I almost forgot... that old nonsense, driving late at night and touching unclean things It's normal. Just ask for that amulet and everything will be fine... I... I thought it would be fine... Wuwuwu..."

Update 55.

Today is the first anniversary of Qingye’s opening~Qingye’s total word count has exceeded 2.2 million~~~\\(≧▽≦)/~~~

Today is also the 764th day of continuous updates. It has been coded for more than two years, and the total number of words is 7.3226 million. In two years, the average daily update was nearly 10,000 words. Looking back now, I can hardly believe that this is something I persisted in. _(:3 ∠)_

Consider it a small achievement~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

Today is a small burst. Thank you all for your support~(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

Good night everyone~

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