Aoba Office

Chapter 1013

The corridor and the rooms on both sides of the corridor were fine.

The painting and the bell remained intact, staying where they belonged.

During the previous incident and after that, I never came here to see the situation. Only now I discovered that even here in the corridor, there are traces of fighting.

The huge cracks in the wall were shocking.

I know that this wall is not a load-bearing wall of a residential building. As the top floor, the weight that a heavy wall needs to bear is different from that of the lower floors. But seeing such a scene, I still feel worried.

But there is nothing I can do about the danger of collapse here.

It was impossible to send people to repair it, and there was no way to move the things in the office. Even if other things could be moved, Ye Qing himself could also find another place to stay. What about the things closed behind the door?

The people in Aoba couldn't even tell me the true identity of that thing. Such a dangerous thing cannot be eliminated. It can only be imprisoned and suppressed. It is impossible to move it.

The light of the flashlight fell on the abstract painting, and the jade bell reflected the light slightly.

This wall and painting are the few things in the entire office that are still intact.

Even the filing cabinet in the office has some scratch marks.

It may be that Ye Qing deliberately protected this place during the fight, or it may be that the spirit realized that there was something dangerous behind it and was unwilling to touch the seal.

I was about to turn around and leave when the light from my phone also turned more than sixty degrees.

When the light moved, I seemed to see something flickering on the edge of the light.

I subconsciously moved my wrist to shine the light back again.

In front of the painting, there is nothing. In the light, there was still nothing as before.

I was a little confused, but this time I didn't look away, I just turned the phone.

I saw something fleeting again.

It seemed that the thing appeared after the light disappeared. The moment the light moved away, the faint peripheral light allowed me to see a little bit of him.

"Ye Qing?" I shouted.

No one answered.

I tentatively walked over, stretched out my hand, and slowly groped for what I saw in the blink of an eye.

My feet hit something first before my hands, and I almost tripped.

There was no doubt that I had met someone.

"Ye Qing?" I shouted again, squatting down in fear.

This time, I touched a leg.

There really are people!

There was really someone, and that person had no warmth at all.

It's not a dead person... Although I have never touched a dead person, I can still feel that the touch under my palm is not what a normal person should have.

The weak yin energy makes people shudder.

It wasn't because I was afraid that I had touched some monster, but because I realized that Ye Qing's situation was very bad.

A ghost without Yin Qi may have some special constitution.

But if a ghost has weak Yin Qi, it should not be because he has a special physique.

What's more, Ye Qing is motionless now.

Could it be the influence of that dream?

Did he consume too much?

My hands continued to move up.

No blood was touched, so it might not be a trauma, and he didn't use any cruel methods to kill living people or ghosts.

After touching his face, I found that Ye Qing's head was hanging down.

This worries me even more.

There is no response at all, which is really not good.

I didn't know how to help a ghost, so I could only call Wu Ling quickly.

The call was dialed, and as soon as it was connected, I couldn't wait to call out: "Wu Ling, Ye Qing is now..."


There was a busy signal, and I looked at the phone screen in surprise.

The phone call was actually hung up.

The cell phone signal was still full, but the call was hung up.

I thought there was something wrong, and anxiously wanted to dial again, but suddenly I felt my hand being held down.

The cold feeling made me shiver.

I looked up and didn't see Ye Qing's figure, but I knew it was Ye Qing who stretched out his hand.

"Are you okay? I don't know first aid. Now I should call Wu Ling and the others..." I said quickly.

"Shut up." Ye Qing's voice was really weak.

I shut up all of a sudden, a little at a loss.

I really don't know what to do.

I know nothing about Ye Qing's situation, and I don't have much knowledge about supernatural beings.

I don't even know how to raise ghosts, let alone the possibility that Ye Qing has transformed from a ghost into something new.

"No. 93, file..." Ye Qing's voice was still weak, and the last two words were almost not uttered.

I didn't hear it very clearly, and I tried to remember it before I understood it.

Unable to see Ye Qing's condition, I could only look at the walls and paintings in the darkness, gritted my teeth, turned around and ran out of the office.

All the files are at home. If you want to look at the files, you can only go home.

I almost ran out and reached the gate of the community, but I didn't see a taxi.

I had to run towards the station while paying attention to the vehicles on the road.

When I arrived at the station, I happened to see the bus and I jumped on the bus without thinking.

I was out of breath from running, and the driver even looked at me twice.

There was no room in the car, so I grabbed the railing to catch my breath. The heartbeat is still very violent, and the eardrums are shaking so much that they hurt.

Someone next to me patted me, and I almost jumped in fright.

"The light on your phone is on." The man reminded me in a dazed manner with a frightened look on his face.

Only then did I notice that I had not turned off the flash on my phone.

I said thank you and turned off the light on my phone, but I still couldn't catch my breath.

By the time the bus arrived at the stop, I was almost out of breath, but after getting off the bus, I started running again.

When I got home, my parents asked me a question, and I just answered hastily, entered the room, and closed the door.

"093, 093, 093..." I muttered while flipping through the USB flash drive hanging on the file.

Because Gu Mo said to let it go and Master Xuan Qing said to let it go, I didn't organize the files after I got them out of the office.

Now if you want to find a certain file, you can only look at it one by one.

"found it!"

I pulled out the file, walked to the desk, pulled out the USB flash drive, and opened the file.


Incident number 093

Event name: Ghost Passenger

Client: Ke Xiongwen

Sex: Male

Age: 33

Occupation: Taxi driver

Family relationships: parents, wife

Contact address: Room XXX, No. XXX, Lane XXX, Chang'an Road, Minqing

Contact number: 189XXXXXXXX


On October 9, 2015, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 09320151009.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Ke. Please tell me what happened to you."

"Huh... things, it's just what I said on the phone... I registered on a taxi app - you know that, right? I'm a taxi driver, Feicheng Taxi, which is a relatively large taxi company here in Minqing. It’s a car company. Normally business is okay..."

"You just said that you registered for a taxi-hailing app?"

"Ah, yes... I was also introduced by a colleague, so I registered that software called Feifei Express. I have deleted it from my phone now. You must have heard of that taxi-hailing software, right?"

"I've heard of it."

"That's it. They have cooperated with our company. It seems that it was opened by our company at the beginning, and some said it was opened by relatives of the boss of our company. Those who registered at the beginning were all rented by our company. Invite friends to register, and also There are rewards, and they also provide subsidies for placing orders. When I registered, it was 13 years ago, which was very early. There were not many people using it at that time, and I didn’t use it much. It was my colleagues who persuaded me to register..."

"So, when did you encounter an unusual situation?"

"14 years... The first time I was asked to take a taxi by that kid was in 2014... In the summer of 2014, during the summer vacation, it was late at night. There was very little taxi business at night. I parked the car on the side of the road. When I was having my late-night snack, I was playing with my phone and opened the app to take a look... The order was around twelve o'clock, and it was received near me while I was having my late-night snack..."

"Where is the location?"

"Pengbai Road, I don't remember the number of Pengbai Road, it's close to the intersection. Pengbai Road is very lively at night, with many Internet cafes, bars, and all-night shops. I drove there for a late-night snack, and I was thinking There may be business. After receiving the order, I drove over directly..."

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