Aoba Office

Chapter 1010 Virtual Buddha

What Chen Xiaoqiu said makes sense.

Rather than letting other people discover my abilities, talking to people in Aoba is the best solution so far.

I contacted Wu Ling and made an appointment to meet her in the evening.

The meeting place was naturally at the hotel where they were staying.

The thin man and the others did not follow.

According to Chen Xiaoqiu's idea, this is not a "negotiation", but a "communication". When everyone is present, the atmosphere is not right.

When I arrived at the hotel after get off work, Wu Ling and the others had already ordered room service and brought dinner.

Gu Mo reached a critical moment in the game. He didn't even have the time to turn his head. He just said "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and continued to compete with the controller.

It's really scary to see Gu Mo playing games without blinking an eye.

Wu Ling and Nangong Yao looked as if they were not surprised. They handed me a set of tableware and invited me to sit down and eat.

The dishes on the table were untouched and still hot. They calculated the time very accurately and seemed to be waiting for me to come.

"You said you read the file yesterday and had a dream?" Wu Ling asked.

I tried to relax as much as possible, and while eating, I talked about the file and the dream.

The incident of "The Monk Enters His Dream" happened before Gu Mo disappeared, and all members of Qingye were present. There is no need for me to describe the whole incident in detail. Wu Ling and Nangong Yao both remembered it just by mentioning the name of the file.

Talking about the dream, they also knew the origin and purpose of those ghosts very well.

Wu Ling's expression was always thoughtful, while Nangong Yao was relatively calm.

"The monk you mentioned may be the Virtual Buddha." Wu Ling said suddenly.

"Virtual Buddha?" I didn't understand the name for a while. It doesn't sound like a common dharma title either.

"Yes. He is a monk who has been famous for a long time and has vowed to become a Buddha. However, the method of becoming a Buddha he pursues is somewhat different. What you see is his ability." Wu Ling said, " He has several abilities, but they are not the same as those of us."

Wu Ling said, pointing to herself, "My birth is different, and I am a person with artificially created abilities. Director Chen and Miss Chen are also born differently, but they are not artificially created, but are born naturally. You also have a birth that is different from ordinary people, but this birth is caused by the evil done in the previous life. The virtual Buddha relies entirely on his own willpower and has power beyond ordinary people."

I was stunned.

What I didn't expect was that the monk turned out to be a well-known guy.

On the one hand, he does not shy away from destroying Buddhist cultural relics, and often helps those cultural relic dealers to identify authenticity, analyze the situation, and make profits from them. He never touched the cultural relics with spiritual energy and thoughts. But that's not because he's afraid of those things attacking him or his conscience. But he can absorb the power of those cultural relics. That's exactly what I saw in my dream. This is another aspect for which Virtual Buddha is famous. He has contacts with cultural relic dealers in order to get in touch with as many cultural relics as possible.

"After absorbing it, strengthen yourself?" I asked.

Wu Ling nodded and shook his head, "You can say that, or you can say no. He doesn't want to become stronger, but wants to become a Buddha. The history of various religions, and the versions left in the world are similar to myths, legends and history The content of the incident. There is a view in our circle that gods and Buddhas may have existed, and perhaps there really is a unique alien space created by the first person with that kind of power. And welcome those who meet the conditions and can enter that different space. No one can prove this, it is just a conjecture. Another idea that coexists with this conjecture is that neither gods nor Buddhas can create it. The limit that comes out is the limit of human thought. Spells can kill ghosts and confuse people, which is the normal function of this kind of thought. Furthermore, the so-called limit may be spiritual. "

I came back to my senses a little and continued to listen to Wu Ling while eating the food.

Gu Mo finished the last game and came over with a refreshed look on his face and sat down at the table.

"Oh, today's dishes are new." He picked up the chopsticks as he spoke, seemingly not interested in what Wu Ling said.

I don’t know if he was really focused on playing the game, or if he was paying attention to our conversation.

Nangong Yao remained silent, minding his own food.

Wu Ling continued: "Xufo believes in the former. He vowed to become a Buddha and chose to absorb the remaining thoughts and souls on those cultural relics. I have never met him, but I heard that his ability is very powerful. He does not just absorb those powers blindly. There will also be a screening process. After all, not all the remaining things on the cultural relics are good, and not every remaining soul is of the same mind as him."

"What about the doorbell?" I asked.

This can explain what happened in the grotto, but it's impossible for the doorbell to have residual Buddhist thoughts, right?

"Probably just a medium. I've only heard people talk about him, so I know very little about him. It's possible that he knows other spells." Wu Ling took a sip of his drink and rubbed the cup for a while, "I heard rumors about him. , when I was at the Wu family. Grandpa told me about this, saying that he lived for more than a hundred years. "

The chopsticks I stretched out stopped in mid-air.

Gu Mo said in surprise: "Don't you have to be one hundred thirty or forty years old? You are no different from a physical Buddha when you are old, right?"

"Maybe he's older." Wu Ling put down the cup. "When the Wu family heard about Xu Fo, it was their great-grandfather's generation. There were rumors at that time that he had already become a Buddha. However, Western Bliss It doesn’t exist, so he can only live in this world without meaning, and he can’t die.”

I moved my chopsticks again, and I felt that what Wu Ling said was not consistent with the monk I saw.

"Later, he collapsed in despair and passed away." Wu Ling added.

Gu Mo said "Hey, hey, hey" twice and widened his eyes, "If he is really dead, he won't be the one this kid saw, right?"

I also want to say "hey hey hey".

"Not necessarily. I heard this from my grandfather. You should know his situation." Wu Ling looked at me.

It dawned on me.

The old man from the Wu family seems to be unreliable and has little knowledge of supernatural things. It’s not surprising that he wants to spread lies.

"Originally, this person has nothing to do with us. I just heard him talk casually when I was a child, and I have never inquired about the situation of Xu Buddha. So, I will find someone to ask about it later. If Xu Buddha has really lived to this day, or has something happened, Another virtual Buddha, someone must know that his destiny has been changed, and someone will find out that such a celebrity has a big problem, and there must be people in the circle who can't sit still." Wu Ling said in the end. Said to himself, "If you want to ask..."

She seemed to be thinking about how to find out about the virtual Buddha.

Just as Chen Xiaoqiu worried, rushing to inquire about the virtual Buddha might backfire and attract evil wolves. We don't know how to do it, but Wu Ling must be measured. There are still Liu Miao and Ye Qing in Qingye Supernatural Agency who have not been rescued. They will not put me in danger.

While I was eating, I paid attention to the expressions of the three of them.

Wu Ling clarified his thoughts, his eyes became focused, and he looked at me.

"You said that in the dream, Shao Xiu and Xu Buddha were decomposed?"

"Yes." I thought this was getting to the point.

Wu Ling did not attribute the two people's decomposition to the special situation of Qingcha Village and Xu Fo's ability, which seemed to be a good start.

I stared at Wu Ling, wondering what she would say next.

Sorry, there are only two updates today. _(:3 ∠)_

Good night everyone~

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