Aoba Office

Chapter 1008 Revenge (2)

Things got really bad.

I saw more than one ghost appearing around the villa.

Not only outside the villa, but also inside the villa, there is Yin Qi floating out. Soon, screams and calls for help came again.

I looked at the monk.

The monk remained motionless, his face still had the expression of a Bodhisattva, but he was like a high-ranking bystander.

I shuddered.

This is a completely different person from Aoba.

He decided to let the ghosts take revenge.

But, what is the purpose of doing this?

He didn't seem to be planning to take action... In the original situation, the Buddha's head at Qingcha Village was stolen, but there was no incident of being haunted or causing a large number of deaths.

I don't know if this change is good or bad.

The development of things has exceeded my expectations and is beyond my control.

The ghost standing at the door came out step by step and headed towards the old man.

The old man shouted in horror, "It's not me", "It was Shao Qunying's idea! It was Shao Qunying who wanted to rob the tea mountain, I couldn't help it! It's not me! It's not me! You go to Shao Qunying, you go to he goes!"

The two juniors who were supporting the old man had already abandoned the old man and ran away.

The old man slumped on the ground, watching helplessly as the ghost stood in front of him and stretched out his hand to him.

The blood coughed up by the ghost fell on the old man's head and face, and his intact hand pinched the old man's neck with little force.

The old man's face had turned from pale to blue, and then purple.

He struggled in vain.

The monk was actually in the mood to talk to me at this time, still in the same storytelling tone, "This man should be Wang Liyan. He was originally a tea farmer group leader in Tongrenhao, and was in charge of more than a dozen tea farmers. Tongrenhao and Wanfuhao Before the armed fight occurred, Yang Yousheng and Shao Qunying, as the prime managers of the two families, must have gathered people and formulated a plan. If they could incite the tea farmers on both sides to fight and fight fiercely, they must have made promises to themselves. After the fight, the tea farmers under my command gave them benefits. The families of those who died in the fight should also receive compensation and compensation.”

In the chaotic scene, I was the only one who heard these words.

"However, an accident happened at that time. That is, a member of the Yang family died. The Yang family took revenge on the Shao family. Shao Xiu was disfigured and committed suicide. During this period, the two families must have complained about their tea farmers. Disgust and other emotions. The tea farmers should not have given up on it at that time, but the whole thing seemed to have been forgotten. "

When the monk said this, his face showed the angry expression of King Kong again, "Their emotions were suppressed. There was no hatred, and they lost the idea of ​​revenge. With a strange tolerant attitude, they reached a reconciliation and continued to live step by step. ”

I realized that this might have been done by the monks in those Buddha statues.

They may have used their own power to suppress the matter.

But their power is not absolute, it is not a long-term brainwashing, and it is not as good as the control of people by that new thing. So, there was that fight, the fire in Shao's house, and Shao Xiu's suicide.

Just as I was thinking of Shao Xiu, I felt a chill passing by me.

Shao Xiu walked past me, and I saw the scorched scars in his wet hair. The scar seemed to have been soaked in water, which was particularly hideous.

There was no luster in Shao Xiu's eyes, and he just walked over with traces of water all the way.

Those people from the Yang family were trying to escape, and ran towards Shao Xiu in a panic.

Shao Xiu raised his head slightly, and the man let out a cry of terror, tripped himself, and fell to the ground.

Shao Xiu looked down at him.

The man screamed, covered his face, and rolled on the ground.

Shao Xiu looked at it expressionlessly for a while, then turned his head and cast his gaze on the back of a woman.

The woman seemed to have hit something suddenly, her head jerked back, and she lay on her back, with blood pouring from her forehead.

The third person to be attacked was a child. He was held in his mother's arms. He was so frightened that he cried at the top of his lungs. The cry suddenly disappeared. The child waved his hands and spit out water from his mouth.

His mother just screamed and suddenly fell to her knees. Her hands slowly lost strength and she let go of the child, trembling all over.

Water appeared on both mother and son's bodies inexplicably. The liquid that appeared from nowhere wet them all and formed a small puddle under them.

The rolling man smelled of burning, and there were burn marks on his face.

The woman with a broken head was dying, and blood was constantly flowing out.

The mother and son are also gradually losing their vitality.

If the revenge on adults is due to the Yang family's evil deeds of arson against the Shao family, then what about the children?

I couldn't help but extend my hand to Shao Xiu.

My hand was grabbed.

The monk grabbed my wrist with surprising strength on his fingers.

"The world has its own destiny, and no one else should interfere." The monk said.

"Fuck you!" I couldn't help but curse.

Stealing the Buddha's head is for profit, and absorbing the power from the Buddha statue is also for profit. This is the direct cause of the current situation of Qingcha Village. It can also be said that this monk single-handedly caused the current situation.

I don't care what tacit agreement he reached with those monks who died many years ago. The return of those souls trapped in the cracks to the world can also be said to be a matter of course, or it can be called a solution to this problem. An opportunity for the incident.

But these ghosts were killing people wantonly in front of me. As the monk said, they were seeking revenge to vent their anger. This made me unable to sit idly by.

That Yang Yousheng and Wang Liyan had a "private dispute", but Shao Xiu's revenge was over the line. She has lost her mind and just wants to kill everyone in the Yang family.

And throughout the city, I heard countless sounds.

The city awakens from its sleep.

I heard what the monk said before, the sound of death.

It was not the sound of death coming, but the footsteps of death approaching.

I shook off the monk's hand and grabbed Shao Xiu's shoulder.

In an instant, before I even used my ability, I saw the expressions of Shao Xiu and Monk change.

Shao Xiu's time has not been reversed. She did not become a remnant soul, nor was she resurrected.

Like a phantom being shattered, the Shao Xiu I grabbed shattered into countless tiny powders and exploded.

I was stunned.

The monk who still wanted to reach out to stop me suddenly backed up and stared at me warily.

This turn of events was beyond my expectation. I was still thinking about whether there was some kind of problem with these ghosts running out of the cracks, when I felt the changes in the surrounding scene.

I was sitting in a shabby room with a table in front of me. On the table is a newspaper. The headline is "Qing Tea House is haunted and residents are fleeing one after another." The subtitle is "Several people died mysteriously in Qing Tea House overnight."

The newspaper seems to be the kind of low-grade tabloid that specializes in publishing "street stall literature" rather than real news.

Except for this headline, the other headlines are all inappropriate content such as "Secrets of the Ancient Dynasty", "Top Ten Romantic Emperors", "Details of the War You Don't Know".

One hand pressed on the table.

"I raised you up..."

I was stunned.

This is the voice of the monk.

And the hand I saw slowly collapsed and decomposed in my sight, turning into scattered fragments.

I also suddenly woke up from my dream.

Good night everyone~

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