Aoba Office

Chapter 101 No. 052-Ghost in the Ghost Zone (1)

"Hello, Mr. Zhuang, we have already chatted on the Internet. Can you please describe what happened in more detail?"

"Oh, okay. It's what I said online. I'm playing an online game, "The End of the World". I started playing it when school started, and I was dragged into it by someone from another game group. After I downloaded the game, I followed him into an area. , called 'Burning Sky Flame'. When I looked at it on the client, this area was full of people. There were quite a lot of people in Novice Village. My friend took me and I quickly upgraded. When I got to other maps, I found that there was no one there. . There is really no one, and I can’t see anyone even if I walk in the wild for a whole day. There is no one at guild activities, district server wars, etc. I complained to my friend, and he kept urging me to continue playing. I played for a while longer , that zone was still unpopular, almost the same as single-player, so I told my friend that I wanted to switch zones. He begged me... It wasn't the kind of 'begging for equipment' or 'begging for equipment' or 'begging for equipment' that is joked on the Internet. It was like... it was like he was begging me for help and not to transfer. At that time, I thought he was sick, so I ignored him and asked for a transfer. When the customer service checked, they said there was no role for me and no such zone. I... I think it's ridiculous. The game is open and can be played. How could it not be possible? I went to find that friend, but his status was always offline. He didn't reply no matter how many messages he sent. He also didn't talk in the group and asked other people. , they all said they couldn’t contact him.”

"Do you have his real-life contact information?"

"No, I'm just a friend I met online, not in real life."

"Is it because you felt uneasy about this matter that you came to us for investigation?"

"More than that. When there was an error in the system, I reported it to customer service and then re-created the character in another area. About two weeks ago, I started the game and found that my character had somehow ended up in the 'Burning Sky Flame' area. , logged out and logged in again, it was still the same. I reported it to customer service, and they said that my character had been deleted. They restored it to me, but the data was missing, so they just compensated me. I was not in the mood to play "The Promise of Heaven and Earth" after that. ", go back and play another game. Just three days ago, when I contacted you, I saw my two characters in "The Promise of Heaven and Earth" in that game. I mean, they didn't have the same nickname. The characters are exactly the same, and they all look the same. "The Promise of Heaven and Earth" is an oriental online game, and my other game is a foreign game, both of which are mad swordsmen and magicians. But two characters appear in "The Promise of Heaven and Earth" On my screen,... my orc mad swordsman character was also PKed away... I was stunned. The system automatically revived, and the scene became the resurrection point of "The End of the World", my orc character. Entering "The Promise of Heaven and Earth", there are many strange characters around, who are also characters from other games."

“Can you communicate with those characters?”

"I sent a message. Several of us were talking in the chat channel. Their experiences were basically the same as mine. They were all suddenly pulled in like this. One person found it interesting, another person uninstalled the game and anti-virus, and another went to customer service to complain. Yes. I feel very uncomfortable..."

"Only three people?"

"No, no, there are quite a few characters on the screen, but those three and I are the only ones talking. The other characters to put it...very calm. They ran away after being resurrected, otherwise they were just showing off at the resurrection point. They just started a deal and ignored us."

"Do uninstalling, disinfecting and complaining all work?"

"The one who complained said it was useless. The one who uninstalled it returned it. I don't know the situation."

"Didn't you take any measures?"

"Not yet. I contacted you directly. I feel a little scared. Qingtian... is that friend of mine. I haven't contacted him yet. I really don't feel right..."

"Did you bring your notebook?"

"Bring it here."

"Can we see that game?"


Attached: Screen recording file 05220081102.avi.

The game client is very ordinary, with a big-breasted fairy drawn, the words "The End of Heaven and Earth" are very eye-catching, and there are various game announcements. Three accounts are recorded in the login box.

"These are your three characters, right?"

"Yes...the third one...the third one is for another game, and the two accounts cannot be used together."

"Well. Let's start with the first one."

After logging in to the first account, the first server list that pops up is "Burning Sky Flame", with the bright red word "Full" in the upper right corner.

Clicking the mouse, a progress box popped up, and it was completed very quickly. After the screen went dark, the opening animation started.

The opening animation explains the background of this game:

The big-breasted fairy fell in love with a mortal. Under the guidance of the fairy, the mortal boy embarked on the path of spiritual practice, hoping to become an immortal and live together with the fairy. The plot then took a turn for the worse. The fairy was punished by heaven for leaking the secret of heaven to the mortal boy to help him practice. He was thrown to the endless hell and suffered the pain of being burned by fire. Under the guidance of an expert, the mortal boy learned the truth and determined to go to hell to save his lover.

"I heard that there will be a new expansion pack in the future, which is to fight against the heaven after saving people."

"Oh. Where is the game progress now?"

"It is said on the forum that the fastest one has gone to hell. But no one has cleared that dungeon yet, and even the mini-boss in the first act cannot be cleared."


The opening animation ends.

A swordsman with the nickname "Bai Ri" stood in the middle of the screen and turned his body slightly from time to time, his upper body rising and falling as if breathing. The scene is inside a large hall, and characters suddenly appear from time to time and run out to do their own things.

[Bai Ri] walked around the hall. The chat channel was opened, mostly system announcements, and no one spoke. A line of text appeared in the chat bar: [Is anyone there? 】

"Brother, what are you..."

This sentence appeared again in the chat bar, and he posted several messages in succession, brushing off the system notifications.

"There are a lot of people, but they all ignore them."

"That's why I feel so fuzzy!"

"You said there are few people in the wild?"

"That's right, there's no one in sight."

[Daytime] ** controlled his way out, sending a message on the current channel from time to time.

Outside the main hall is a square with many people setting up stalls and a teleportation array in the corner. After exiting the gate, you can see antique streets with various system stores.

[White Day] When talking to NPCs, the responses they received were sparse and ordinary, similar to other online games.

The game music has been playing, which is soothing and melodious Guqin music, with the occasional chirping of birds and insects.

As the day progresses, the surrounding environment gradually becomes desolate, and the ground underfoot changes from bluestone road to loess road, leaving the ancient city behind. A tall city gate appeared at the end of the road, and there were two system NPCs guarding the city at the gate. After clicking, the two NPCs did not respond. They were obviously used for embellishment and the dialogue was not edited.

[Daytime] Stepping out of the city gate, the loess road turned into a path trodden in the grass. There were red dots on the mini-map to mark the presence of monsters. [Daytime] He used two moves casually, and with a circle of blue sword light, he killed a wild dog monster. Just walking and fighting monsters like this, after about ten minutes, [Daytime] didn't meet a single player.

[Bai Ri] stopped moving. The mouse clicked to open the friend bar, and the only friend [Master Qingtian] was displayed online.

"Hey! This is my friend!"


I clicked on the name and sent several messages, but all of them fell silent and there was no response.

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