Aoba Office

Chapter 1005 The Sound of Death (1)

Before I had time to react, the monk had already touched his bald head and let out a regretful sigh.

"I thought it was some senior in the cave. I was careless. I took it for granted. Although there are no ghosts in this place, it does not mean that there are no other things. Speaking of which, what are you?" The monk touched He touched his chin, sat cross-legged, and looked at me seriously.

I realized that this guy could sense my presence, but he couldn't see my appearance. Otherwise, it would be impossible to mistake me for a monk who came out of the cave.

But it was impossible to answer his question.

Introducing your home to a stranger who doesn't know the details seems to be a scene that can only be seen in anime. It is not done in movies and TV series. That kind of exaggerated and straightforward expression technique is straightforward, cute and acceptable in anime, but it would be a bit silly to do it in the three-dimensional world.

I didn't say anything, and the monk just talked to himself for a while, guessing my identity to himself.

"It's not a ghost, or a senior, is it a spirit? That's not what spirits are like. Or is it an idea that has not turned into a spirit or a ghost? Well... you ran out to do some activities before, and then came back, you have a sense of autonomy, right? ?In this case……"

He didn't shy away from me being right next to him, just like he was in a cave, he just said a lot of things without any hesitation.

At this time I thought he might not be a bad person. Of course, he can't be said to be a good person. The incident of stealing the Buddha's head, as well as the information revealed in his conversations with the three men, all prove that he is at least a habitual criminal who steals cultural relics, and he does it very calmly. I don’t know if he has done anything illegal besides stealing cultural relics.

I thought about what he said to the Buddha statue.

He was probably the kind of person who wouldn't even blink when two people were stabbing each other in front of him, let alone stop him, run away, or call the police as a normal person would do. He may not necessarily feel compassion when someone dies in front of him.

I looked sideways out the window.

The yin energy hasn't disappeared yet, and it's getting stronger and stronger. But its scope is still very small, and it is not the kind of Yin Qi that spreads in Huixiang. This is a bit strange.

The monk snapped his fingers, "Forget it, no more guessing. Do you want to go over there and have a look?"

I looked at the monk in surprise.

"Oh, I didn't want to go. Okay, just go." The monk said, showing a smile, "Everyone is inevitably curious. Although I don't know why you showed up and followed me, but since you are the extra If this is a variable, then we might as well make some changes.”

I suddenly became alert.

The monk noticed my "excess", that is, he noticed the changed "memory" and "reality". His reaction so quickly was beyond my expectation. I haven't done anything yet, just followed him. Under such circumstances, he did not regard me as something that suddenly appeared, and could clearly distinguish the differences in his memory. He was really too keen.

The monk had already put on his coat and shoes, and asked me to go out together.

His attitude towards me was full of kindness.

I thought about it, moved my body, and followed him not too far or too close.

The monk didn't say anything, opened the door and walked out.

The hotel door has an automatic lock. He didn't close the door, so I went straight through the self-closing door and into the hallway.

The monk looked back at me, smiled, and continued walking out.

There are still people on duty at the front desk downstairs. Instead of the women before, there are two men.

Seeing the monk coming downstairs, the two men looked surprised, their eyes rolling on the monk's head.

One of them reminded the monk loudly, "The night market has been closed, and the scenic spots have also been closed. Where are you going so late?"

"I'm so hungry that I can't bear it. Go buy something to eat. Do you have any late-night snacks here?" The monk answered without any hesitation.

A man answered the monk's question and recommended a barbecue restaurant to him.

After the monk thanked him, his expression remained unchanged. He followed what the man said and turned right when he went out.

The direction where Yin Qi appears is on the other side.

The monk seemed to be very familiar with the road to Qingcha Village. After turning two streets, he was in the right direction.

It was late at night and Qingcha Village was very quiet. There are not many shops open all night here.

The monk walked for more than ten minutes but did not see any open shops and there were no pedestrians on the road.

"Guess where that Yin Qi comes from?" the monk suddenly asked, turning to look at me and slowing down.

I said nothing.

"I think it belongs to Shao Xiu. Oh, you may not know that Shao Xiu is a girl who committed suicide by throwing herself into a well decades ago. Her family opened a tea shop here, which is considered a time-honored one. There is also a time-honored tea shop here. The tea shop was called Tongren Hao. In that year, the two shops gathered their hands and fought, and several people died. One of the sons of the owner of Tongren Hao died. They later took revenge on Wanfu Hao. The mansion was set on fire. The girl was disfigured in the fire. Finally, she couldn't think of anything and jumped into a well and drowned. The climate here is considered warm, but the well water is also bitingly cold in winter. . The process of drowning was very slow. If she could swim, or the water level in the well was relatively low, it was possible that she did not drown. It was also possible that she hit something while jumping into the well..."

When the monk said this, he showed a somewhat sinister smile, "Can you imagine that situation? A person desperately trapped in the cold well water, dying slowly..."

I shivered, frightened by the scene the monk described.

It’s not that I’m timid, but the monk’s tone and expression were terrifying.

For a moment, I thought that what I was following was not a human being, but a fierce ghost.

I stopped following the monk.

The monk also stopped.

His face became clearer to me.

Navy blue skin, round eyes, and the tips of his teeth protruding from his red lips... his facial features have undergone some changes. The face that was originally a bit fair and fat became sharply defined and looked strong and powerful, with the chin and cheekbones protruding. And his hair seemed to turn into burning black flames.

I thought I saw some kind of monster for a moment, but in the blink of an eye, the monk was smiling again.

"Are you scared? Amitabha." The monk clasped his hands together, turned around and continued walking.

I suddenly thought of something.

That was the Buddha statue I saw in a thousand-year-old temple when I was traveling.

In addition to the kind-faced Bodhisattvas, there are always statues of angry-eyed Vajras in temples.

Although the monk's appearance just now is not completely similar to the red-skinned and green-skinned King Kong...wait, it's not like I've never seen a monk look like that before. However, the pictures seen in some ancient Buddhist artworks are mostly foreign artworks. That green-faced, fanged god and Buddha that looks like an evil ghost tramples all humans and ghosts under its feet...

The monk stopped and looked back at me, "Why don't you leave?"

I have some mixed feelings now. But seeing the monk's friendly face return to normal, he still followed him.

I can't leave either. Rather than passively being discovered by the monk and unable to run, it is better to follow him like this.

The monk didn't do anything to me, so he continued talking about Shao Xiu in his spare time.

"...Tell me, what will happen to people who die like that? If there is no external force, they will definitely turn into ghosts and vent their resentment." The monk ended Shao Xiu's story with these words, raised his hand and let go Behind his ears, he made a gesture of listening, "Listen."

I didn't know what he wanted me to hear, and I didn't hear anything.

That smile came back to the monk's face and made me want to back away.

"It's the sound of death. It has begun." The monk said quietly.

Sorry, there are only two updates today.

Goodnight everybody.

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