Aoba Office

Chapter 1003 Talking to oneself

I don’t know any of the four people in the cave.

But there was no doubt that the man in front of him was a monk, or had been a monk.

A monk who follows others to steal the Buddha's head can be said to have defrauded his master and destroyed his ancestors. This situation can easily ignite the anger of others.

I exhaled, trying to deal with this calmly.

I tried it first and found that I couldn't reach these people, so I had to find another way.

It's obviously inappropriate to kill people for this.

Then, to confirm their traces and call the police through Chen Yihan after the dream is over is the best way.

While I was thinking about this, they started talking again.

It was the monk who spoke.

He sat directly on the ground, facing a Buddha statue, and spoke as if discussing Zen or chatting.

"Senior, I am not a good person, but I am not a bad person either. I promised you to do good deeds after you go out, and I will definitely do it. As for you, just say hello. If you can use my place, just ask."

In the dim light, he showed an enigmatic smile.

"I visited the temple here before and heard some interesting stories from a monk inside. The stories of our predecessors are touching. However, after so many years, no one here remembers you. Those who remember you, Everyone has their own thoughts. Why do you bother to guard the people here? I heard that no one cared for your bones in the end, but they didn’t carve them all, and they left out a lot of people. He was not very dedicated. He said that the mason died before he finished carving, and the mason's son was unwilling to take over..."

I was stunned.

Is this what An Yu's relative said to him?

The monk touched his chin, with a smile on his face, "The poor monk has a little ability. Let me tell you, I can't blame them for this matter. There should have been a famine or a plague at that time - oh, not this green tea Village. You have protected Qingcha Village, and it has always been peaceful. But there have been natural disasters in other places, and there are so many refugees... No matter how good Qingcha Village is, it can't feed so many refugees at once. People are about to die, who still thinks about the dead? Most people only think about themselves and the people they care about, and everything else is just a cloud, right? "

He was talking to himself. Except for the gangster man who folded his arms and remained silent, the other two were studying the carving of the Buddha's head while secretly glancing at him. When they looked at each other, they would wink, hinting that there was something wrong with the monk's brain. .

The monk smiled.

"You are all good and kind people. But, being a purely good and kind person is too tiring. Look at what you have done. Bless the weather here so that people here can reincarnate immediately after death. There are no ghosts or monsters... It’s time for the seniors to discover this, right? The world is changing. How long can you hold on? Look, what did the people here do after you were discovered? What? If it weren’t for the few old experts from the Cultural Relics Bureau, and the two tea shops here don’t have much ability, they would have used your name to sell Buddhist tea! Hahaha! What a shame! Come out! You must know that, right? They all want to plant a tea tree on your head!"

The arrogant man reminded him to keep his voice down.

The monk responded with a smile.

I just feel cold all over.

Suddenly I heard a noise above, looked up and saw a figure.

I floated above the cave and saw a somewhat familiar person. I thought about it for a while before recognizing him.

This person is Zhou Hai, the old tea farmer I saw in the archive video.

He didn't want to run away, but looked around nervously.

This is a lookout!

No, this is a traitor!

I feel my teeth itching again.

Thursday Hai looked much older than in the video, aging abnormally. Now he no longer has the simplicity of an old farmer, but more of a cunning face.

I heard the movement below, ignored Zhou Hai, and fell into the cave again.

The monk is still talking.

"... Look, what a fuss this is... Back then you stepped forward and saved the people of Yu County. Even though the people of Yu County were grateful to you, they secretly carved the stone statues and the work was not finished. They were afraid of you. They I'm afraid of you. Otherwise, when the dynasty changes, why won't those who still remember this matter tell you? They are afraid of you and want to use this mountain to suppress you and imprison you." He suddenly sighed. , "You are kind-hearted, and you have been guarding this place for so long... Were you the ones who stopped that fight with weapons, right?"

I was a little surprised.

The monk continued: "I've asked about it. There was a fight between two tea shops, people died, a fire was set, and an innocent woman committed suicide... Well, in those days, she couldn't be considered innocent. If the tea shop is good, she will have a better life. This is called a vested interest. "

He raised one corner of his mouth, "Such a big thing just disappeared without a trace. What did you do?"

It was like a thunderbolt went off in my head.

What the monk said makes sense.

A fight broke out between the two tea shops, and several people died. Even if it is true, as the managers of the two shops said, that this was an accident caused by the tea farmers' failure to control the situation after the tea farmers made trouble, after experiencing such an incident, only a few decades have passed, and the previous generation has not yet died, so we can calm down. peaceful coexistence?

If the owners of these two shops were not particularly skillful and scheming, and did something in the aftermath, then it could only be supernatural power... It was these monks who did some incredible things.

It seems that the former is more logical, but if the two tea shops really had such talents at that time, how could there be a fight?

"And what was the real reason for that fight?" the monk said softly, "I checked, and at that time, a land census was going to be conducted here. The tea gardens and tea mountains were unevenly distributed, right?"

I looked at the Buddha statues quietly.

I don’t know if it’s my imagination, but the expressions on the faces of these Buddha statues seem to have changed slightly.

"The tea trees you gave here have become a disaster. Of course I don't blame you. Without tea trees, fights over land may still occur during the land census." The monk's smile deepened, "No, it's not 'possible', it's 'Inevitable'. They have relied on this land to survive, relying on the tea gardens to survive. Since you helped them and died for them, the people here have become disgusting and useless. You are capable and cunning insects. You have guarded this place for so many years, so that the people here can survive until now... Go and look at other places, similar towns and similar tea supply places, which ones still use family workshops and tea shops. Has the tea farmer’s model survived to this day?”

The monk restrained his smile, and his smile became shallower and more inscrutable, "The most important thing is, now, which land on this planet is without ghosts? Seniors, spend your time here, and waste your time here." The power of this world is really a loss. Looking at the world, there are still many people living in the water and fire who really need you to save. You have done enough for this place over the years. It is time to do it. You are truly practicing, you say, right?"

Following the monk's last question, there seemed to be the sound of monks chanting Buddhist scriptures in unison in the cave.

The monk's expression immediately became solemn, he sat cross-legged, clasped his hands together, and recited the Buddha's name.

Almost at this moment, I saw a faint golden shadow floating into the monk's body, and a black gray shadow floating out from the monk's head.

My eyes drifted upward involuntarily along the gray shadow.

I heard an inaudible scream from Zhou Hai outside, my heart froze, and I immediately floated outside the cave.

I've been feeling a bit lazy lately...

It’s still the third update today.

Good night everyone~

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