Aoba Office

Chapter 1000 No. 054-Eminent Monk Enters Dream (9)

"Mr. An, are you okay?"

", it's okay...huh...that time, it should be before the war started. I wasn't at Qingcha Village at that time. I just held my breath and ran around outside. I went to many places and was starving to death. I didn't make a fortune either. Ahem... Later, I followed people to the capital. There were many foreigners in the capital at that time. There were people who followed foreigners to dig and rob graves. I made a lot of money there. I...I thought about old things like land deeds and genealogy at that time. They don't want things like jade and jade... they. , I want the Buddha’s head…cough cough cough…”

"Did you just sell the information to them?"

"No, it's not. The person who told me this was an old gangster who was with me. We all called him Mr. He. He was very good at water and helped those foreign devils dive and dig for things several times. I let him know After seeing it, he came to me secretly and asked me if I knew any treasures somewhere and if I had any treasures at home. He knew those foreign devils and could introduce them to me. I thought I would come to him again. If it's close, we'll do it ourselves and sell the stuff to the foreign devils, so the price will be... ahem... the price will be higher."

"You took him to Qingcha Village."

"Yes... Sigh... I took him back here... I didn't dare to go home, so I hid outside. When it got dark, I took Mr. He to the Tea Mountain... Next to the Tea Mountain, there is a hill. That mountain The soil quality is not good and tea trees are not planted. It is also a bit far away and no one usually goes there. There is a path that goes up the mountain and you can find a cave on the top of the mountain. Go down the cave and there is... ahem... …It was hollowed out, and the stones were carved into Buddha statues.”

"That Buddha's head was the one you stole from it. Is that so?"

"It's...only, only that one...we went in with a candle. I've only been there when I was a child. When I was a child, I just went in and took a look, and I was very scared. It was dark inside, almost There was no light. As soon as the candle came in, the little light showed a scary expression... It was the second time I went in. I was so fascinated by the ghost that I no longer felt scared. He was not afraid anymore. The Buddha statue went around in a circle, and he kept saying that he was going to get rich... He also pulled me and said that these Buddha heads cannot be sold in one go, they have to be sold little by little, and different foreigners can be found to sell them. If they can be sold for dozens Next year, we will all get rich...cough...cough...I, my heart is beating so fast when I listen...We, we will start chopping off those Buddha heads... ...beat...beat...I still remember, I still remember that sound...that sound, ahem...echoed in the, like the sound of a heartbeat...I... Cough cough cough, cough cough cough..."

"Mr. An, please take a rest."

"No, no need... I will continue... Let's cut off one of the Buddha's heads, the first one coming down from the cave entrance. The last blow, the one that cut off the neck... I don't know, I don't know. No... I heard a sound... I felt like I was not chopping a stone, I was chopping a real neck. After that moment, the head fell off. There was blood. , it was rain, it was rain coming in from outside the cave, just like blood... I... Mr. He and I were in a daze for a long time, neither of us made a sound. After a long time, the candle went out, and the surroundings became dark. , Lord He spoke. He picked up the Buddha head in the dark and asked me to leave. I remember that when he climbed up, he almost fell down and sat us down. ...Ahem, the two of us were a little panicked when we came out of the cave. We ran down the mountain without thinking about anything. I remember that the rain had stopped by then... It stopped raining when we came out of the cave. The two of us ran all the way down the mountain, falling several times, and finally arrived at a corner of the tea garden where we had been hiding during the day. Things, suddenly... fell asleep... ahem..."

"What happened after you fell asleep?"

"Ahem... I had a dream. We both had a dream. We dreamed of a monk asking us to return his head to him. I... I was so scared at the time that I wanted to replace the Buddha's head. He I said it's okay, just go and get rid of the bad luck. He followed those foreign devils to dig graves and pick up treasures, and he also met some capable people and knew something about this. He talked a lot and kept talking... ahem... He also said that after selling this Buddha head, both of us would be able to live freely for the rest of our lives... We just carried the Buddha head and continued walking out of the Green Tea House..."

"You took the Buddha head out of the Green Tea House? How did the Buddha head get back here?"

"We sent it back... We left Qingcha Village and tried all the methods that Mr. He said, but we still dreamed about that monk every day. He kept begging us to give his head back. The two of us I stayed up all night, not daring to sleep, and couldn't help but fall asleep. Later, I just... ahem... I couldn't bear it any more... I told Mr. He that I would stop doing this business and go back. Well... Mr. He smoked several bags of cigarettes, used up all the cigarettes on his body, and spent all his money. He couldn't bear it anymore... We returned to Qingcha Village. "

"You did not return the Buddha's head."

"Yes... yes... I haven't paid it back... When we came back, we caught up with the conscription... We didn't know what happened, but we saw that the county was in chaos. There were many officials, searching for something... We didn't know it was a conscription, and we were afraid that someone would find out what happened to us. We couldn't throw away the Buddha's head, and we had no chance to return it, so we found a place to bury the Buddha's head and kowtowed. Okay, let's dig it out and return it after the matter subsides. I don't know if he heard it. We all had a good sleep that night... cough... Next, most of the rest. For months, we stayed near Qingcha Village, waiting for things to calm down. It was only then that we found out that a war had begun in the north, and we were attacked by foreigners at the gate, and many people died. There was chaos everywhere. Those who were drafted, those who were fleeing... we just followed the crowd, going from one place to another... Master He... He was dead... we were trampled to death while we were fleeing... alive. Yes, it was trampled to a pulp...I don’t know if it was retribution...ahem...I, I survived. I was lame, missing two fingers, and deaf in this ear, but I survived. When the war ended, I finally returned to Qingcha Village. The place had changed a lot... Many tea trees were dead, they were dug up and replanted, the location of the tea garden was changed, there were broken houses and newly built houses... I ...I can't find the place where the Buddha's head was originally buried...Those tea gardens are closely watched. I'm physically disabled and can't get in...for so many years...I've been waiting, I've been thinking, sooner or later Someone has to find the Buddha's head, right? Then, it will be returned has never been..."

Chapter 1000~~

I want to stay at this memorable chapter number for a while~( ̄▽ ̄“)

Okay, actually I just want to be lazy..._(:3」∠)_

Just three updates today. Good night everyone~

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