Everyone present was a top talent or special talent in their respective fields, and if it were not talents, the Dahua Empire would not have bothered so much to bring them to the Dahua Empire.

Su Ji was very satisfied with the first batch of scientists who arrived in the Dahua Empire.

It is somewhat regrettable that there are no Einstein, Braun, Turing, Oppenheimer, Heisenberg and other scientists.

But Su Ji is not in a hurry at all!

Everything has to be done step by step.

With more than a thousand talented scientists, it is easier to attract other scientists.

For example, Fermi has many scientist friends, such as Bonn, Oppenheimer and so on.

With Fermi’s personal letter, it would be easier to invite other scientists to the Dahua Empire.

It’s a good start.

Suji chatted with Fermi in the banquet hall.

Su Ji, who was proficient in eight Chinese dialects, naturally had no obstacles to communication.

Su Ji looked at Fermi and said, “Mr. Fermi, what research are you studying?” ”

Fermi: “Your Majesty, I am a physicist. ”

Su Ji nodded and said, “Then Mr. Fermi, what is the progress of your physics research?” ”

Fermi: “Your Majesty, after my discovery, neutrons are sometimes fissioned after they are absorbed, and a fissioned uranium atom can release enough neutrons to cause a chain reaction… Of course, I don’t know if His Majesty can understand it. ”

Su Ji: “I understand.” ”

“An atom consists of a nucleus and extranuclear electrons… The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons. When the nucleus of uranium-235 is bombarded with foreign neutrons, one nucleus absorbs a neutron and splits into two smaller nuclei, releasing 2-3 neutrons at the same time. ”

“The neutrons produced by this fission went to bombard the other uranium-235 nucleus, causing a new fission… This continuous continuation is a chain reaction of fission. ”

“The chain reaction produces a lot of energy and terrifying radiation.”

Although Su Ji is not a top physicist, these basic principles are common knowledge in physics in the 21st century… Su Ji’s physics is not bad, naturally he understands one or two.

But even the common sense of physics in the 21st century is still very explosive in this era… After all, we are studying these common sense stages.

The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants took advantage of the coolness.

Without the research of these physical scientists, there would be no common sense of physics in the 21st century.

Listening to Su Ji’s words, Femi was stunned at the moment, looked at Su Ji with a shocked and surprised expression, and said, “I really didn’t expect His Majesty to be well versed in physics, I admire it very much!” ”

Su Ji: “A little knowledge of one or two, a little knowledge of one or two, not comparable to Mr. Fermi!” ”

Later, Suji had a simple exchange with Fermi.

In the face of some physics questions, Su Ji can use some common sense of modern physics to answer well, which shocks top nuclear physicists like Fermi!

He never expected that Su Ji was still a physicist!

Followed by.

Su Ji also communicated with other scientists and talents, and naturally he was indispensable to communicate with top biologists like Qian En, so that he could study penicillin as soon as possible.

The reception was a great success.

Perfect ending.

According to Su Ji’s plan, these scientists will work together according to the field they study.

For example, nuclear physicists like Fermi naturally entered the Institute of Atomic Energy and were responsible for working on atomic bombs.

As for Qian, these biochemists are responsible for studying drugs … For example, now Qian En is studying penicillin, but there is no way to use it clinically, and it is still in the laboratory stage.

In the winter of 1940, Qian refined a little penicillin, which was a major breakthrough, but it was far from clinical application… This is a big problem, and there has been no breakthrough so far.

Su Ji also needs penicillin in particular.

After all, there will be a big war next.

With penicillin, the death and sacrifice rate of soldiers can be reduced!

It can save lives!

At this time, the voice of the god-level territory system came from Su Ji’s mind: “Dingdong, the host territory has undergone obvious changes and progress, obtain penicillin-related materials and production equipment!” ”

“Tips: The host obtains these materials and production equipment and can mass-produce penicillin.”

This…… This system really thinks about what it wants.

With biologists like Qian, plus production equipment that is systematically awarded, then there are no big problems with the mass production of penicillin.


Su Ji found Qian En and said, “Mr. Qian En, I know that you are studying penicillin… I have a copy of the information on penicillin here, I believe it will be useful for your help! ”

PS: The third more, 10 more outbreaks, and 7 more… Feeding point data is more motivated to explode, please.

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