Another World’s Free and Easy Cultivator

Chapter 492: Ambush late at night (3000 words)

The family boy finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to tell the truth of the matter. //Ye Shengtian sneered and knew that this person must be from Changfu, otherwise he would not attack him for no reason. You must know that you are not in conflict with other members of the Yefu family, and you will not be for Ye Lianqing as he said.

"Are you from the Changfu? Or from the Ye family?"

Ye Shengtian asked.

"I am from the Changfu, and I was sent to monitor the housekeeper. The family is afraid that he will play tricks and will not contribute to the family."

"I didn't expect that Chang Yuba was really a wolf's ambition, and he would never forgive him for putting eyeliner in the family so early."

"That's right, we are now ordering the Qi family to attack the Changfu, killing them by surprise."

"Death, you must die, otherwise the life of the ancestor will be in worry."

"Yes, we must rescue the ancestor. Without the ancestor, my Ye family will no longer have the glory it used to be."

If the ancestor of the Ye family is killed, the Ye family will lose face and their strength will be greatly reduced. The reason why the Holy See of Light and the Holy See of Darkness did not dare to deal with them blatantly was because they were afraid of the ancestors, so the ancestors must not die.

"Since they are willing to come, then we will make a decision with them." Ye Mulin made a decision in an instant, and his eyes flashed.

Ye Shengtian knew that Ye Mulin already had a countermeasure. Tonight, the people of Changfu would be gone, and they would all be buried here. Ye Mulin has been the head of the family for so many years, and he naturally has a savage wind. For him, killing people is as simple as cutting vegetables.

It is night, midnight, and the bright moon is in the sky.

The entire village of Hermit Village was silent and dull, as if they knew what was about to happen, and every household closed their doors.

Suddenly, a group of people came out from Changfu. They were wearing armor, holding swords, and fully armed. Their destination was Yefu.

Tatata! ! !

The neat pace shows that they are well trained.

Soon, they surrounded Yefu, and not even a mosquito could fly out.

Chang Yuba stood at the front with Chang Tianfa and Chang Tianpu, looking at the two characters of Yefu, Chang Yuba smiled and said, "After tonight, Yefu will no longer exist, and the hermit village will be dominated by my family. , my Chang family will go out of the mainland and compete with the Holy See of Light and the Holy See of Darkness."

"Congratulations Daddy, the unification of the mainland is just around the corner, and the day when Daddy becomes emperor is not far away. *Very literary*" Chang Tianfa flattered his father.

"Ha ha"

As expected, Chang Yuba's "Longyan's face opened wide", and the laughter continued to spread to ten miles away.

"Hmph, big brother, you want to be a prince and want to go crazy. Get rid of the Ye family first. Otherwise, your dream of being a prince will be shattered."

"Hehe, brother, can't I think about it? You should practice martial arts well, the position of the general protecting the country is yours."

"Hmph, my martial arts are absolutely invincible among the younger generation. The saintess or the mainland's number one talent, in my eyes, is nothing but a clown." The Holy See saint looked at it.

"Okay, stop arguing, let's go, follow my father to attack the Yefu, and catch the old thief alive." Chang Yuba stopped the two from arguing any more.

Chang Yu took the lead and attacked with the two of them.

"Father, it's strange, why is there no one? Could it be an ambush?" Chang Tianpu looked around and asked.

They attacked Yefu, but they didn't see a single person, so Chang Tianpu thought it was a matter of course that they were caught in an ambush. It is human nature to think more and think more, and then to be invincible.

"Hmph, they must have found themselves poisoned, so they ran away."

What Chang Tianfa said is not unreasonable.

Chang Yuba said: "Search for me, you want to see people in life, and you want to see corpses in death."

Chang Yuba waved his hand, and all the people he brought with him shouted and killed him.


kill kill! !

kill kill kill! ! !

"Kill, destroy the Ye family, my Chang family is the first family in the mainland, and the glorious moment of the Chang family is coming." Countless Chang family guards and family children clamored to enter the Ye family.

Just when they first entered the inner courtyard, the originally dark courtyard suddenly lit up, and the door of the courtyard suddenly closed, and rows of archers appeared on the surrounding roofs.

"What's going on? What's going on here?"

"No, you're in an ambush, run away."

"Not allowed to retreat, they are just bluffing." Chang Yuba shouted and finally stabilized the situation.

Looking at the attackers in ambush all around, no matter how stupid people are, they know that they and others have encountered an ambush.

"Ye Mulin, you think you can repel us with these archers, I know you must have found yourself poisoned, yes, I will tell you honestly, this time the Ye family is over, and the other two people will soon be It will kill. You can't think of it, the other two will also attack your family, haha."

Chang Yuba really has a heroic style, and he is not afraid of being ambushed. In his eyes, the night palace is over tonight, and now it's just a battle of trapped beasts, because he has a lot of back moves that haven't been used yet.

"Chang Yuba, our four major families are like brothers, why did you break the covenant and attack the Ye family?" Ye Mulin finally appeared.

Ye Mulin stood on the roof and questioned Chang Mulin.

"A good one who betrayed the covenant. It's also your Ye family who betrayed the covenant. The four major families went into seclusion together, but you have always taken care of the business outside. After so many years in seclusion, he was born long ago, otherwise the world would forget the prestige of our four major families."

"Sophistry." Ye Mulin was indignant.

"Hmph, you've all got five-spice powder. Without the grudge, you're like a tiger without claws, just a sick cat. Haha." Chang Yuba laughed.

"Prepare the archers." Ye Mulin gave an order, and the Ye family's archers took aim immediately.

"The magician is ready." Chang Yuba is not a vegetarian either.


Ye Mulin waved his hand, and the bows and arrows fell like raindrops. It was magnificent and spectacular. There were no words to describe this beautiful scene.

bang bang bang! ! !

The magician of the Chang family had already recited the spell, and a huge mask protected everyone in the Chang family. When the bow and arrow touched the mask, they lost their center and fell to the ground.

The mask is very large, and the magician cannot withstand consumption, so it is not a long-term solution.

"Patriarch, it will definitely not go on like this. The magic power in our body is limited." A magician leader complained to Chang Yuba.

Chang Yuba didn't know it.

"Hmph, a group of tigers who have lost their claws are still mad." Chang Yu kicked his legs, and the man flew out.

shhhhh! !

Bows and arrows like raindrops flew towards Chang Yupu. Chang Yuba snorted coldly, and with a flutter of his arms, the Dou Qi in his body spread out, and wherever the Dou Qi went, all the bows and arrows were evaporated.

"Not good!" Ye Mulin greeted him with a grudge in his hands.

If Yemu Lin did not meet him, all the family guards on the roof would be buried here.


With a loud bang, the two of them each took a few steps back in the air.

"I didn't expect that you weren't poisoned, it's impossible, absolutely impossible." Chang Yuba couldn't believe his eyes. They were obviously poisoned, but now they are still fine. The collision just now knew that Ye Mulin had nothing to do with it. No poisoning.

"Hmph, there are many impossible things in the world."

"Even if you don't have Poison Ye, I've wanted to fight you for a long time, and I just have this opportunity today."

Chang Yuba had long wanted to be on a high ground with Ye Mulin, but he didn't want to be oppressed all his life, but sooner or later he would rule the world.

"Wait, is Ye Peng hiding with you?" Ye Mulin always suspected that Ye Peng's identity might not be that simple.

"Haha, I'll tell you the truth, Yepeng is my brother. You didn't think that my brother is still alive."

"What? He's your brother. Well, what a deep plan. It turns out that your Ye family made such a vicious plan decades ago."


Chang Yuba admitted.

"Then why do you want to kill Mengduo two patriarchs?"

"Oh? You actually know that I killed it."

"Yes, with Ye Peng's skills, it is impossible to have that opportunity, and Ye Peng didn't have that time at the time."

"Wrong, Yepeng can kill them, but there is no time, there are too many eyes and no time to leave, so I have to do it for me. But strictly I did not kill them, but they The ancestors wanted them to die, who told the ancestors to ask them to cooperate with my Ye family, they were unwilling to live or die, so they ordered me to get rid of them."

"As expected, the two virtuous brothers are the elder brothers who harmed you."

"Hmph, is there any problem. Otherwise, let's have a good fight."

"last question."


"How about our ancestors?"

"Hmph, your ancestors are ignorant of current affairs, and now they have been severely suppressed, don't expect them to save you."

It turned out that the ancestors of the three families did not play tricks on the ancestors of the Ye family, but only suppressed him and persuaded him to surrender. The four of them have been together for many years. After all, they have a deep relationship, so the ancestor of the Ye family has no life worries for a short time.

Ask for gold, ask for red envelopes, ask for red envelopes, ask for gifts. The male group is full, and the second male book group is recruiting: 231147392

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