Another World’s Free and Easy Cultivator

Chapter 203: College Tournament (1)

the next day. 【】:.

As soon as Ye Shengtian came out of Qiankun Ring, he walked slowly to the class, but before he got to the classroom, he saw many people rushing towards the playground.

Is something going to happen? Ye Shengtian felt strange and looked at the direction of the classroom, so he turned around and walked towards the playground.

After entering the playground, I saw a sea of ​​people here. There are at least thousands of students here, and there are more students coming.

At this time, there were thirty or forty contest stands on the playground, and many students were surrounded by the contest stand.

When Ye Shengtian saw this situation, he remembered the academy competition that Yang Wu said. It seems that today, the competition is so large.

Ye Shengtian looked around casually, and saw that many students formed a group and hugged together. It seemed that there were similar organizations in any college.

After a quarter of an hour, almost all the students came, except those who were unwilling to participate or wait and see, while Ye Shengtian was sitting on an old branch with a grass in his mouth, making people jealous in a leisurely manner.

Just when Ye Shengtian was impatient, Lacas led a group of people into the arena, the most notable of which were five old men.

Ye Shengtian glanced at him and knew that this old man was a middle-level saint-level master. He didn't expect to have five saint-level masters on the bright side.

Lakas's clothes are bright today, much newer than the five-star robe the day before yesterday, and he doesn't know where the clothes came from. When he has no money to buy clothes, he will go to his house to rob two of them, Ye Shengtian thought gloomily. ()

Lacas walked to the wooden platform in the center, and saw Lacas come out and said: "Today's academy's end-of-the-month competition, although it can't be compared to the end-of-year competition, this time reward me and the vice academy. After discussion, the chief and the elders decided to increase the reward."

As soon as Lakas finished speaking, he thought of a discussion. They were all guessing what the reward this month was, and how the reward would be increased inexplicably. No one would believe it if there was no way.

"I think everyone will want to know what the increased reward is? But I won't disclose it to you in advance, but please don't doubt that the reward this time will not be lower than the big competition at the end of the year."

What? A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The reward for the monthly comparison is actually comparable to the annual comparison, which has never been seen before. Why does the college do this? Too many questions filled the brains of the students below, so a new round of conversation sounded.

Lacas looked at the excited students below and the countless pairs of eager eyes. He was very satisfied with the effect. This time, he was bleeding a lot. He couldn't do it. He wanted to tempt Ye Shengtian to participate in the competition, because the following Second-rate. . . . .

That is to say, the reward of this competition is purely reserved for Ye Shengtian, but he does not know whether Ye Shengtian will buy it, so he deliberately does not mention the reward, so as to arouse Ye Shengtian's curiosity.

Ye Shengtian is purely for fun, these little things are not eye-catching, and even Lacas did not arouse Ye Shengtian's interest.

"The time of this competition has been extended from the original three days to seven days. During this period, all courses will be suspended. All students can participate in the competition, and only the top three will be ranked."

In the past, the month-to-month comparisons used to take the top ten, but this time, it took the top three. The reward is higher, but the ranking is less. It seems that there must be some reasons for this temporary change.

"There must be some unknown reason for this change?"

"What about the changes? For a powerful person like me, the title of No. 1 will not be worn on others' heads."

"The reward is mine, no one else wants to take it away."

"Hmph, you guys still want to compete with me for the first place, and we'll see you on the martial arts stage."

The students below the competition stage were thinking a lot, each with their own thoughts, but the most important thing was the ranking and the final mysterious reward. Originally, there were still many students with high self-esteem who were not prepared to participate, because they only had a yearly ratio in their eyes, and Xiaobi couldn't look down on it at all.

However, the awards given by the academy this time are not worse than the previous year, so they will naturally be tempted, and they also want to beat the pack and get the first place.

Lakas saw that it was not too early, and then looked at the hot eyes of the students in the audience, knowing that the competition should start, and if he continued to talk about it, not only would it not achieve good results, but it would achieve bad results.

"Okay, the time is up. Now the competition begins. Teachers of all grades, please organize well, do not cause any riots, and the competition is not allowed to hurt people's lives. Others are not limited."

Since the establishment of the academy, competitions have been held many times, and there have been many accidents that hurt people's lives, so Lacas, the dean, naturally has to focus on it. As for other weapons that are not limited, there are some people who have pet monsters, but the forest of monsters is far away from the imperial capital, in the border area, so there are very few people with monsters, of course, not including the children of big families.

The competition on the first day was very boring. It was purely a knockout round. Most of the thousands of students participated in the competition, so half of them were eliminated until the sunset.

In other words, many powerful students did not participate in the competition on the first day, but left directly. It was not that they did not want to participate, but they cultivated their spirits and participated in the competition tomorrow. As for Ye Shengtian, he didn't participate, but sat on a branch and watched all the games.

When I went back in the evening, Ye Shengtian went directly into the Qiankun ring to practice. As for the three girls, I am afraid they would have to accompany their mother for at least two weeks before they could come After all, Ye Shengtian was going out for the first time, and Yuwen Xiner was worried, so the three This girl was left by Ye Shengtian to accompany her for a few weeks to dispel her thoughts.

The next morning, Ye Shengtian came out of the Qiankun Ring, stretched his waist, twisted his neck, and his mental state couldn't be better. Last night, Ye Shengtian ate three more purple fire pills in Qiankun Ring. After this digestion and training, Ye Shengtian clearly felt that he was not far from the day of breakthrough.

Ye Shengtian went to the playground after a simple snack. There were a lot of students on the playground at this time, most of them were chatting with familiar classmates, and Ye Shengtian didn't have any classmates so far, so there was no fun to join, so he sat on the big tree yesterday again.

ps: I will post a chapter first in the morning. I will go out after the month and I have no time to write. I will come back in the afternoon or evening to make up for everyone. Today's four episodes will not be less for everyone!

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