Another World’s Free and Easy Cultivator

Chapter 212: Meeting Yang Wu Brothers and Sisters for the First Time

At the end of the month, Ye Shengtian left his family and went to the Mowu Academy alone, while the three maids were temporarily left by Ye Shengtian in the mansion to accompany Yuwen Xiner. (M) Please use http://.. to access this site.

The Imperial City Demon Academy is located on the outskirts of the Imperial City. With Ye Shengtian's foot strength, it would take three or four days to walk, so Ye Shengtian bought a horse.

In less than half a day, Ye Shengtian arrived at a small town near the Mowu Academy. He saw people coming and going in this town, and it was a prosperous scene.

This town is called Xilai Town, which was not originally called this name. It was because the Mowu Academy was later relocated from the western border area of ​​the empire, which led to the economic development of this town. Therefore, the residents of the town were grateful to the Mowu Academy. Named Xilai Town.

Ye Shengtian led a horse to the door of a restaurant, and when a young man saw a guest coming, he immediately greeted him with a smile.

Ye Shengtian handed the reins to Xiao Er, who took the reins and led the horse. Without saying a word, he took the horse to the stable in the backyard.

Ye Shengtian said: "Serve with good grass and good materials, the son does not lack that little money."

"Don't worry, guest officer. The horses we have here are the best in this area." After saying that, Xiao Er led the horse and left.

Ye Shengtian walked into the restaurant, despite its plain appearance and inconspicuous appearance, the interior decoration was indeed very luxurious, comparable to that of a first-class restaurant in the imperial capital.

The layout of the restaurant remains unchanged. It is divided into upper and lower floors. The lower ones are more common people, and the upper ones are only consumed by some merchants and nobles.

"Go and greet the guests. (.Baidu search The shopkeeper of the restaurant saw Ye Shengtian who had just entered the door. Seeing that Ye Shengtian was wearing a fancy dress and looking like a nobleman, he quickly pulled a guy and said.

Xiao Er came to Ye Shengtian, bowed his body, and said, "Guest officer, the downstairs is full, and I invite the guest officer to sit upstairs."

Ye Shengtian let out a "hmm", then went upstairs with Xiao Er, found a clean table by the window and sat down.

"What do you want to eat?" the second asked.

"Every dish of your name is served." Ye Shengtian said casually.

"Okay, wait a minute, guest officer." Xiao Er happily went downstairs to prepare drinks and dishes.

At this moment, a man and a woman came up from the downstairs, the man was extremely handsome, and the woman was also very beautiful. The man looked like a swordsman, and the woman was a mage, because the two wore the swordsman's official uniform and the mage's official uniform.

The two chose to sit down at an empty table to the right of Ye Shengtian, and after instructing the second to prepare the wine and food, the two began to talk.

"Sister, in this college competition, my brother will definitely get the top three, and then he will be able to get the opportunity to enter the fourth floor of the library. Maybe he will be favored by the elders of the college, and it is not necessary to take back his direct disciple." The man solemnly said. said to the woman.

The woman nodded and said, "My sister believes that my brother can definitely defeat those nasty guys. If you think you are a noble, you will act nonsense and ignore the rules of the academy."

The men's building showed a firm look and said, "Don't worry, sister, this time at the end of the month, my brother will definitely vent his anger for you, and they won't be able to get out of bed for a month."

The woman stretched out two small fists and said fiercely: "It's only a month for them, and it will take at least four or five months to get rid of the evil spirit in my sister's heart."

Ye Shengtian understood that the man and woman were brothers and sisters, and they were also students of the Mowu Academy. It must be some noble students bullying his sister, and the sister wants to ask her brother to teach them a lesson for you.

Ye Shengtian got up and came to the table, clasped his fists and said, "Ye Shengtian wants to make friends with the next two, I don't know if I can sit here?"

"Another playboy." The younger sister muttered softly.

Although the voice was small, Ye Shengtian and his brother could hear it clearly.

His brother was a little embarrassed, and said to Ye Shengtian a little embarrassed: "I just got angry with my sister a few days ago. Brother Ye, don't take offense."

"Of course." Ye Shengtian nodded.

"Brother, please take a seat." Ye Shengtian then sat down.

"I don't know how the two of you are called?" Ye Shengtian asked the man.

The man introduced: "My name is Yang Wu, this is my sister Yang Yuqian."

"Oh, it turned out to be Brother Yang and Sister She. I heard about the academy competition just now. I guessed that the two were students of the Mowu Academy. I wonder if my guess is correct?"


"What about the competition?"

"The Magic Martial Arts Academy has a competition exchange at the end of each month, and the most attractive people are the rewards, sometimes weapons, good fighting spirit or magic secrets. If they are outstanding, some elders in the academy will take them as disciples. , that is the biggest gain.”

When Yang Wudang said the last sentence, he was very excited. It is conceivable that those elders must be saints.

"I think Brother Yang's appearance is extraordinary, and he will definitely get a good ranking in this competition."

"Of course, my brother is the No. 1 master in the intermediate grade. As long as there are no accidents, it is not easy to get the No. 1." Yang Yuqian, who has not spoken since Ye Shengtian came, interjected at this Yes, that is. "Ye Shengtian nodded and praised, he didn't want to offend a woman casually.

"By the way, how did Brother Ye come back to such a remote place?" Although Xilai Town is rich, but due to its remote location, except for the merchants in the past, the rest are all going to the Mowu Academy, and Yang Wu saw that Ye Shengtian was so young , I guess he should also go to the Mowu Academy.

"Hehe, I was just rushing to the Mowu Academy to report. There was a delay on the way, so I arrived today." Ye Shengtian said half-truth, shaking his head and sighing, pretending to be decadent.

"Hey, Brother Ye, don't worry. Although the Mowu Academy has been open for a month and no more students will be recruited, Brother Ye is in a special situation. When you arrive at the academy, talk to the admissions teacher. I don't think the teacher is unsympathetic." Yang Wu saw Ye Shengtian. I was a little worried, so I said comfortably.

After a while, Xiao Er brought the two people's food and drinks. Because Ye Shengtian's name was high, Ye Shengtian asked Xiao Er to remove the wine and food that Yang Wu called as a reward. Dao Gongzi is really generous.

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