94 – Nightfall DLC Public Broadcast, Reaction (2)

At this point, Eugene has definitely reached the peak among those who play the game ‘Nightfall’.

This is because in the past, Eugene had a head-to-head fight with Sia, who was said to be the most skilled among streamers playing ‘Nightfall,’ and as a result, he won with an overwhelming skill difference.

Eugene’s overwhelming physical strength and spectacular swordsmanship that even the most talented streamers can’t dare to imitate are enough to give him the title of swordsman. Isn’t that enough to say the least?

Although the only games Eugene has played so far are Powell Software’s ‘Nightfall’ and ‘One of Thousands’, no one can disagree that his physical ability goes beyond that of a streamer and he should be compared with professional gamers. I didn’t have it.

However, it exists in this world.

[Isn’t it a little suspicious that Powell Software is pushing Soma to that level?]

– First of all, I would like to clarify in advance that I am writing this from a neutral standpoint and not taking anyone’s side.

First of all, in my opinion, the value of his name is inflated more than his original ability. ㅇㅇ

In the past, when you had a one-on-one conversation with Ecclesia, did you just crush Ecclesia?

But Ecclesia wasn’t a streamer famous for her physicality in the first place. It’s just that she was a streamer who became famous by memorizing all the patterns of mobs with ingenious strategies rather than physical skills.

You ripped off all the streamers who reached the master tier in the streamer league?

That’s just because Soma’s unique skill is too balance-breaking.

However, on Soma broadcasts and communities, there are so many Soma dogs who post Soma and worship Soma haha

Just by looking at it, a new streamer with decent skills has become somewhat famous at Powell Software for the first time in a while.

I have a reasonable suspicion that Soma was put in his current position by pushing it more than necessary in an attempt to take advantage of this.

Well, I admit that he is a streamer with a certain level of skill, but there are a lot of people who are raising Soma’s skills these days, so it’s really annoying haha

Recommended: 38 / Not recommended: 239

The point is that there was someone who never believed what they saw with their own eyes and had unreasonable suspicions about Eugene.

– As soon as I read the title, I scrolled down without reading a single word and pressed down first. ㅇㅇ

– Powell Software is pushing Soma too much lol. What is this guy’s brain official? LOL

– There was also an article saying that Nightfall sales have increased significantly thanks to Soma’s pioneering of the Nightfall hidden route. What kind of bullshit is this? LOL

– In the streamer league, use your unique skills to tear others apart;; So, did Cheonhwa lose to Soma using his unique skills

– In an interview after the league ended, Chunhwa even clearly confirmed that he lost due to skill difference haha

Naturally, the majority of community users simply responded with absurdity to these conspiracy theory comments.

However, that did not mean that all comments were friendly toward Eugene.

– I don’t know anything else, but it’s true that Powell Software is pushing Soma too much haha. The general director himself appeared on the broadcast for the first DLC release haha

– To be honest, I don’t understand why people hate Soma so much haha. Even if you go to the professional league, there are so many people with similar physiques to Soma haha

– Actually, this broadcast seems to have a bit of a Suzaku smell. Like the writer said, it is also a fact that Powell Software pushes Soma too much

It was no different than that, taking advantage of this opportunity, people who had always felt disapproval toward Eugene sneaked out!

But in fact, they were jealous of Eugene.

They felt really dissatisfied with the fact that a company called Powell Software was paying so much attention to a new streamer who had only debuted for a couple of months at most.

However, Powell Software had some idea that such opinions would gradually emerge from the community site.

Because a nail that sticks out in a way that is noticeable to other people is something that in and of itself feels disapproving.

Therefore, the countermeasure they came up with was truly simple.

– The fuck is up!!!

– What popped up? Please tell me, really

– Powell Software released a DLC demo pack to commemorate the broadcast of Somajwa hahaand both the regular version and the special version for broadcast haha

It was like that.

The solution presented by Powell Software was none other than issuing a lame statement.

From noble mtl dot com

That’s right, I released the demo version of the Nightfall DLC that Eugene was playing just now!

Of course, the amount of this DLC was not much compared to the main game, so there were not many sections that people could actually play.

So, roughly, the amount of time after defeating the ‘Demons of Chaos’ until just before meeting Yuria!

However, at the same time, it was enough to overturn some of the currently formed malicious public opinion.

[Review of playing the Nightfall DLC demo version…Fact]

– I heard that Powell Software released the DLC demo version, so I quickly downloaded it and played it.

It wasn’t the regular version either, but I received a version that had been completely reorganized by Powell Software for Somajwa’s broadcast.

The duration of play is approximately 1 hour?

And what I felt while playing this version was that it was really simple

Soma… I’m sorry for believing what non-believers say about their jealousy towards you…

Somajwa, you were the best GOAT of this era…

Recommended: 132 / Not recommended: 56

– No shit, so where on earth is the review of the DLC?

– ㄴ ㄹㅇ I also posted a post. Maybe I clicked on it by mistake, but I went back and came back. LOL

– Haha, I sympathize with you. Haha, I just played the DLC demo and my feelings are exactly the same as this haha

– When I watched it on air, it seemed like it was nothing, but the difficulty level in the demo version was crazy hahaIt’s not at a level that a human can beat haha

– If the level of difficulty is this high, it’s okay even if Powell Software sucks Somajwa. LOL

– I am asked if I am dying for the 20th time by these demons of chaos haha

It is none other than the special demo version of the DLC distributed by Powell Software, which had a level of difficulty that was beyond imagination!

We didn’t really know it when we saw it on air, but when we played the demo version, everyone felt it for themselves.

And as this fact gradually became widely known, those who were talking about Eugene receiving preferential treatment from Powell Software soon all shut their mouths and quietly disappeared.

When the situation got to this point, it couldn’t happen unless everyone acknowledged it.

The fact that Eugene is being treated like that by Powell Software is only natural!

At a time when the internet world was in an uproar over Eugene.

There was one person who was playing this Nightfall DLC without paying any attention to such a fuss.




Dozens of magic bullets were fired from completely unexpected directions, causing the skulls of all the ‘demons of chaos’ to shatter and fall to the floor.

Considering the fact that the’Demon of Chaos’is a monster created by Powell Software to kill Eugene, his skills are truly incredible!

However, Sia, the person who killed the ‘Demon of Chaos’, bit her lip as if she was dissatisfied with something.

“… It’s not enough. “This is just not enough.”

At first glance, it may seem that Sia’s skills are very great, but Sia herself knew it well.

In the first place, being able to defeat the ‘Demons of Chaos’ just moments ago was nothing more than the result of using the Mind Realm [Death Blade].

In the end, her current skills she was nothing more than something that fell short of Eugene, who could be said to be her teacher her.

Of course, as she trained under Eugene, her skills improved greatly compared to before, but that alone was not enough.

To be more precise, these skills alone were not enough to stand next to Eugene.

At the time of the streamer league, Sia’s presence was not of much help to Eugene.

When Eugene had an event match with Cheonhwa, instead of being helpful, she was reduced to being a burden to him.

… I hated that.

Sia hated being like a burden to Eugene anymore.

She also wanted to stand proudly next to Eugene.

No matter how bad she is, shouldn’t she be at least as good as Yuria to be qualified to stay by his side?

She wanted to ask Eugene to train her again, but he was currently busy with several broadcasting schedules.

In the end, there was only one means for the current Shia to choose.

After Sia finished the demo version of Nightfall, she picked up her smartphone, hesitated for a while, and then called someone.


And before she could hear three tones, someone answered her phone.

“Sister, it’s me.”

[… ] ] Sia? Is it really you?]

And that someone spoke in a chattering voice, as if he was surprised that Sia had called him.

[But what on earth is going on? Are you calling me all the time? I thought you would never call me again in your life.]

“Okay, I actually want to ask her sister for one thing.”

[… ] ] Ask? You? To me?]


If it had been Sia before her, she wouldn’t have asked for this even if she had to die, but the current Sia was a little different.

The current Sia truly wanted something, and she was willing to pay any price for it.

Even if it means bowing down to her her older sister her her her, whom she has had to feel jealous and inferior to all her life her her her.

“Let me train. “I want to become much stronger than I am now.”

[Hmm? Why all of a sudden? You hated asking me for favors more than dying.]


Sia didn’t answer that question until the end, but she still had a rough idea of the reason.

The reason Sia is bending over her pride to make this request is because she has found something more precious than her pride.

And, judging from Sia’s recent actions, the reason she is acting like this is none other than-

[Okay, whatever. Good. It’s her her one and only sister her’s her request her her, and there’s nothing I can’t grant.]

As she answered, she willingly gave an answer to her sister.

[Instead, I would like to receive something in return from you.]

“… Cost? “What is it?”

[Well, actually, it’s really no big deal. It’s simple.]

As she says this, Xia’s older sister, Cheonhwa, opens her mouth in a truly casual tone.

[Give me Soma’s phone number.]

“… “What?”

[Actually, I’ve recently developed some personal interest in Soma. So, I’d like to meet you in person later. Can you give me your phone number?]

The moment she heard those words, Sia’s mind turned completely white.

Because for her, just having a sword following her rival Ran Yu-jin, was enough.

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