91 – Nightfall DLC – World Premiere (7)

-And!!! Yuria, why are you here? LOL

– Let’s go and give Yuria a treat from Soma who cheated on her!!! Haha

– I’m a girl, but no matter how I look at this, I think it’s true that Soma oppa did something wrong. If it were real, I’d be right in the middle of it lol

– I’m a girl (rattling)

– ㄴ A 17-year-old high school girl who has served in the military speaks ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ

– Honestly, this is Soma’s fault haha. It’s natural to get upset if you praise another woman in front of your current girlfriend… For reference, this is my homeroom teacher’s actual experience haha

– Actual experience (unpublished)

– Haha

The moment Yuria appeared, the chat window literally exploded.

This is because many of the viewers currently watching the broadcast have experience watching Eugene’s Nightfall Hidden Route Strategy broadcast in some way.

Crucially, there was no one here who did not know what Yuria said to Eugene at the very end of the hidden route strategy broadcast.

This is because Yuria, who treats players coldly and coldly in Nightfall, keeps an iron wall behind them no matter what they do, and mercilessly draws her sword and kills anyone who crosses the line, the only person she calls ‘master’ is Eugene.

So right now, all the viewers were looking at Eugene and Yuria with really interesting eyes.

Since ancient times, there has been nothing in this world that is as exciting as a sexual fight.

The moment Yuria appears on the broadcast, the number of viewers watching Eugene’s broadcast increases by a whopping 10%!

She is now the manager of Eugene’s broadcast, and for Winter, who was managing the broadcast, she couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed.

“… Yuria?”

Meanwhile, Eugene’s mind temporarily froze at the sight of Yuria suddenly appearing on the other side of her.

But for a moment, as she just looked at Yuria, who was giving her a pouty look, all kinds of thoughts passed through her head.

Why on earth is he coming out of there? I haven’t taken Yuria out even once since I logged into the game?

But did Yuria hear everything I just said?

If I heard it, what should I say?

Even if it weren’t for that, I think she would be a little upset that I set up a date with her and cheated on her for a few days… ?

These arrogant thoughts ran through Eugene’s head, and the next moment, he felt something absurd about himself.

In fact, if you look at it strictly, Eugene and Yuria are just a master-slave relationship and have no personal relationship at all.

Well, there was a time when Yuria confessed to Eugene, but Eugene didn’t give her any response.

But now why do you feel like you’re the one who criticized your ex-girlfriend to your current girlfriend?

No matter how much I think about it, I don’t think I did anything wrong.

“You’re right. Master, you have done nothing wrong. And at this moment, I am a crazy woman who is holding on to my master’s tail for no reason. Right?”


“Ha… At this point I must admit that I knew nothing about my master. “The master didn’t even know that he liked juniors who looked like that.”

“… Hmm?”

At that moment, Yujin felt something strange about Yuria’s words about her.

“It is a holy sword of light imbued with golden starlight… You are truly a worthy junior. Well, men might like a shiny sword more than a practical sword that specializes in killing gods.”

Just now, Yuria was talking to Altina as if she was seeing her for the first time in her life.

But, it was something strange.

Because Yuria has met Altina twice so far.

‘When fighting Cheonhwa, when the [Festival of Swords] Was held, and when Altina was implemented as a demonstration behind the Thousand’s server.’

When she held the [She is the Battle of the Sword], She summoned herself and Altina at the same time and told them not to use dual swords, and when we met at the back of the server, she even had a private conversation with them.

But suddenly, Yuria was acting like she was seeing Altina for the first time today.

Is it just a whim? Or is she some sort of protest that she can never acknowledge Altina?

‘No, that can’t be.’

Eugene focused her thoughts on her own eyes and slowly observed Yuria in front of her.

“Oh my, master. “Men and women are different, so it’s a bit embarrassing for you to stare at me like that.”

Looking at Yuria, who spoke in a voice that did not feel the slightest sense of shame, Eugene quietly opened her mouth.

“… Right. “You are Yuria, but at the same time you are not Yuria.”

As Eugene said those words, the chat window soon became filled with question marks.

– ? Yuria Nunna is actually fake?

-It’s not? No matter how I look at it, Yuria is Nunna?

– Oh my… Anyway, it’s pretty, but why should I really judge it as a fake?

– ㄴ As I said, my eyes are pretty, so let’s talk under the assumption that you are innocent!!

– Haha

Although viewers watching her broadcast she may not know, in the past, Eugene had met someone who looked exactly like Yuria, but at the same time, she could not be said to be the same person.

‘The boss of the DLC, another Yuria that the Demon King was carrying around!’

It was like that.

Not long ago, while playing the unfinished DLC to measure the Demon King’s specifications at the request of Powell Software, he had the experience of witnessing Yuria next to the Demon King.

No, beyond just witnessing another Yuria, didn’t you also see a funny scene where she and the real Yuria were arguing with each other?

Therefore, Eugene could be sure.

The fact that the Yuria in front of him was not the Yuria he knew, but another Yuria who had become a subordinate of the Demon King.

“Hmm… You guessed the answer faster than I thought. I see that you don’t even know that women don’t like men who are too quick to notice, so I guess you’re still the same.”

Yuria slightly lifted the hem of her skirt and bowed to Eugene in a polite manner.

“Nice to meet you. I am Yuria, who was once the guardian of the Holy Sword, but she has now been reduced to a faithful servant of the Demon King.”

– Yuria Nunna is the devil’s subordinate?

– Ah, now that I think about it, the DLC boss was Somajwa haha. So, Yuria was also implemented as Somajwa’s subordinate haha

– Well, Yuria Nunna is no longer a character in Nightfall, but rather a mascot of Somajwa haha

– ㄴ ㄹㅇ haha

“But why do you call me master? Wasn’t your master the demon king, the master of this world?”

In response to Eugene’s words, Yuria snapped her fingers.


At the same time, the thin string that connected Eugene and Yuria begins to catch her eye.

“… “This.”

And Eugene opened her eyes wide when she saw the string.

Because I had a memory of seeing that string once in the past.

“That’s right. This can be said to be the tie that connects the master-servant relationship between my master and me. Although it is weak, as long as this connection exists between us, you can also be said to be my master.”


And while saying that, Yuria pulled out her sword that was tied to her waist and pointed it at Eugene.

“… Of course, even if you are my master, I have no intention of not doing my duty.”

“… Your duty?”

Yuria responds immediately to Eugene’s muttering her.

“Excluding all intruders who approach my master, the Demon King. That is the new duty entrusted to me now that I am no longer the guardian of the Holy Sword.”

I was wondering why Yuria suddenly revealed herself, and was it because of this?

She was the gatekeeper and executioner of this place.

If Eugene tries to move forward, she will probably cut him down without a moment’s hesitation.

Even though she was pretending not to be like that on the outside, even at this moment, Yuria was showing her subtly selfish side towards him.

“So, if I don’t move forward, they won’t attack me?”

From noble mtl dot com

“If you act like that. However, the master I know doesn’t seem to be the type of person to back down in situations like this.”

Hearing those words from Yuria, who seemed to understand Eugene’s personality very well, he smiled bitterly without even realizing it.

It seemed like Yuria in front of him was truly determined to fight him.


As Eugene steps in front of her, holding her Altina in her hand, Yuria opens her mouth in a somewhat indifferent tone.

“… Now that I think about it, you’re still holding your hand, junior. Since a while ago, you have not let go of her hand even for a single moment.”

And at that moment, Yuria’s vitality swells greatly.

“Is it possible that you really like your junior that much? Instead of taking me out, you’re going to fight with your junior in this battle!”

Looking at Yuria’s clearly upset appearance, Eugene let out a quiet sigh.

To be honest, he didn’t particularly want to fight with Yuria.

He knew very well that the Yuria in front of him was not the Yuria he knew, and that she was nothing more than an enemy, but he still had no desire to fight.

In the end, there was only one option for Eugene in this situation.


When Eugene waves his hand in the air, a crack appears in the space and a sword appears.

And as soon as the sword appears in reality, it changes into the shape of a beautiful woman.

“… Master?”

She was none other than Yuria.

Not Yuria, the devil’s servant, but the original Yuria, whom Eugene cheated on after he promised to date her.

She looked around once, and then seemed to understand the situation and gave Eugene a grim look.

“…Ha. That’s a bit shameless. You made a date with me, but there was no news for several days, and now you’ve summoned me to a place like this. Why are you planning on spewing out nonsense about this Being a date place?

But that was then.


Yuria of this world, who was quietly watching this scene from far away, swung her sword towards us and struck.

The power of that slash was so strong that the entire scenery in the area where they were standing was blown away in an instant!

However, there was no need for Eugene to use her hand.

“… What is this?”

Yuria, who had been nagging Eugene, suddenly summoned her holy sword and blocked the blow.

“Hey, junior. I’m sorry, but I’m planning on killing that guy, right? So get out of there. If you don’t want to get caught up and die together.”

When this world’s Yuria spoke as if she did not recognize her true self her, the real Yuria’s expression her her became distorted.

“… Killing whom? Who?”

“Have your ears been clogged? I think you clearly said you were going to kill the man standing next to you.”

To Yuria’s curious answer over there, it was Yuria… Jinria’s expression changes again.

The angry expression on Eugene’s face just now had disappeared.

Yuria was now looking at the other Yuria with an extremely expressionless face.

“So, you’re going to kill the master I serve in front of my eyes?”


At that moment, an incredible amount of murderousness begins to surge from Yuria, who has an expressionless face.

“If you can, try it somewhere. Of course, as long as you don’t die before me!”

That is clear evidence that Yuria is so crazy that she can’t even think about dating Eugene!

And as Eugene watched the two Yuria, she nodded her head.

It was because his plan worked so well that it was truly excellent.

After all, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

And when dealing with Yuria, Yuria was perfect.

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