84 – Streamer League and Beyond (4)

The game ‘One of Thousands’ can be said to be the most popular game among the current generation of online games.

As evidence of Thousand’s popularity, Thousand’s professional league could be said to be the highest level among all professional leagues in all games.

In addition, the average of players active in Thousand’s professional league has been leveled upward to the point where it cannot be compared to other games!

As the level of players in the professional league was so high, each club was showing more interest in the tactics or strategies using them rather than the physicality of each player itself.

In any case, if a player is playing in the first division, it means that his or her physical strength is somewhat complete, so training the players would not have any effect.

As such, for professional clubs and players, intention is as important as tactics or strategy.

A mysterious phenomenon that appears when concentration exceeds limits or the assimilation rate for virtual reality exceeds 100%!

Even if they were professional athletes, the gap between those who could skillfully handle thoughts and those who could barely handle them was truly enormous.

To put it to the extreme, even if there is a difference of one or two levels in physical strength, the difference can be made up if one can use more skillful thinking!

And going one step further, it would not be an exaggeration to say that a player who could use the ‘realm of thought’, the highest level of thought, was qualified to reign at the top of the professional league.

Although it consumes an enormous amount of willpower, at the moment when the willpower is unleashed, it is possible to fight against three players of equal skill at the same time!

However, if there was a downside to the technology called Mind Area, it was that it was so difficult to use that its users were extremely limited.

Even if you look at the entire professional league in Korea right now, there are no more than ten people who speak the realm of thought!

Of course, each club tried their best to increase the number of speakers in the realm of thought by any means necessary, but they were met with failure time and time again.

However, a surprise update was made within Thousand recently.

[Urgent Notice]

[From now on, in the world inside ‘One of Thousands’, it will be possible to use a technique called ‘Realm of Thought’!]

[The ‘Area of Thought’ column will be added to the status window of some players who meet certain conditions!]

This is none other than an update that states that the game called Thousands will officially support a technology called the Realm of Thought!

General players who did not know much about the concept or area reacted to this announcement as if it was something out of the blue, but the reactions of professional league clubs and players were somewhat different.

When they saw this notice, they were literally turned upside down.

The fact that the realm of thought will be officially recognized at the system level in the future means that the current game meta itself will change rapidly.

The Raiders, one of the professional clubs in the first division and Chunhwa’s affiliated club.

In the club’s conference room, all of the Raiders’ main players, including the club’s current manager, were gathered.

It was none other than to talk about various things, including this emergency update of ‘Thousands.’

“… The realm of thought has been incorporated as part of the formal system… “

The Raiders’ coach, sitting in the middle of the conference room, tapped his desk and muttered.

“Hyunseong, what do you think about this incident?”

“Well. First of all, I also gathered information from various fields, and my friends said this. “I heard that after the realm of thought was officially incorporated into the system, it became much easier to use it than before?”


The director frowned at that response from the man called Hyeonseong.

The fact that it has become much easier to use the mental domain than before means that the difficulty level of learning the mental domain has also gone down significantly compared to the past.

In other words, in the past, only a very small number of players even in the first division league could use the realm of thought, but from now on, a significant number of players will be able to use the realm of thought.

Of course, no matter how much the difficulty level is lowered, there will still be only a very small number of people who can master the realm of thought.

“Then, Cheonhwa, what about you?”

When the director asked Cheonhwa her question, she answered with a calm expression.

“Well. I’ve been busy practicing on my own lately, so I just found out that there was such an update. So I don’t have anything to say.”

In response to Cheonhwa’s vague response, Hyeonseong looked at her and started to laugh.

“Oh, by the way, I heard that you recently participated in a streamer league and got ripped off by a streamer. No matter how much I let my guard down, isn’t it a bit too much for a professional athlete to be robbed by a streamer?”

“… What? Let your guard down?”

“No, that’s right. Also, when I looked into it, I heard that the streamer was a kid who had just taken the placement test? How on earth do you have to let your guard down to get robbed by a streamer who just took the placement test? Huh?”

Of course, Hyeonseong was saying these words to provoke Cheonhwa.

Because the relationship between the two people who were fighting for the ace position in the club was not very good, even if it was empty words.

If Cheonhwa were to hear these words from Hyeonseong in normal times, she would never remain still.

Cheonhwa, who has great pride in his skills her, never quietly ignores provocations.

But today’s Cheonhwa was different.

Because right now, she was looking at Hyeonseong, who was provoking her from the front, with a nonchalant expression.

“… Yeah, I was caught off guard. “It’s not completely wrong.”

As she said that, Cheonhwa had a bitter smile on her lips.

“The opponent is much stronger than me, but I didn’t recognize that and looked at the opponent, so I even made fun of him. “How pathetic a woman like me must have been in that person’s eyes.”

“… “What?”

At that moment, everyone gathered in this conference room looked surprised at Cheonhwa’s muttering to himself.

Although Cheonhwa’s personality was not that good, everyone here recognized her skills.

The fact that he knows how to expand his scope of thought in the first place is clear proof that he is a top-notch professional gamer!

Did Cheonhwa admit that she was much weaker than the streamer called Soma?

Just how skilled was the streamer called Soma that allowed her to say something like this from Cheonhwa’s her her her her?

“Wow. That friend called Soma is much stronger than you, Cheonhwa? How much skill does she have that’s why you rate her so highly?”

From noble mtl dot com

In response to her director’s curious question Her Her, Chunhwa began playing the video of the duel between herself and Yujin that day on the large monitor in her conference room.

This is because she decided that it would be more effective to convince them by showing the video herself rather than talking loudly.

“… Huh.”

“That’s completely crazy. Are those really the skills of a newbie who just took the placement test?”

And after a while, exclamations flowed from the mouths of everyone who watched the video of the duel between Eugene and Cheonhwa.

“Your physicality and reaction speed are really no joke. Even though you’re in a virtual reality game, how on earth do you make movements like that that ignore the laws of physics?”

“He is also very good at using thoughts. In order to draw thoughts, you have to concentrate your mind even lightly, but Soma emits thoughts very naturally.”

“The level of perfection of the realm of thought that Soma has implemented is truly terrifying. It goes beyond the level of covering reality with the realm of thought, and has completely reconstructed reality. The realm of thought is so strong that it is impossible to use that level of realm of thought. Is it possible?”

As the professional players gathered here were exclaiming in exclamation, the coach looked at Soma with something interesting in his eyes.

“Does anyone here know the contact information for that streamer? I’d like to have a serious conversation with that friend.”

“Huh? Director, are you planning on scouting that streamer?”

When a player asks such a question, the coach nods his head.

“That guy, when I look at him, it’s clear that he really has incredible skills. If he has that level of skill, it’s not at all surprising that he’s already made secret contact with a few clubs. In that case, we should make a point of contacting him first before he gets played by other clubs.”

In the director’s view, it was clear that the streamer named Soma had the skills to play on the world stage, beyond simply being able to play in the first division.

And it is said that a player with such great skills is an independent player who is not affiliated with any club yet.

In other words, there is a situation where the winning lottery ticket is lying on the ground without a scratch!

In this situation, not making any contact with Soma and just watching without making any contact across the river was tantamount to disqualification as the manager of a club.

However, at the director’s remark, Chunhwa, who was next to him, shook his head.

“Well, I think it might be difficult to scout Soma-sama to the club.”


“There is a rumor that Soma is a person who is very aloof from material desires. I heard that not long ago, he tried to scout Soma at Ragnarc Studio, but he refused without hesitation.”

“… What?”

The coach and other players looked very surprised at those words.

Speaking of Ragnarc Studio, isn’t it a conglomerate in name and reality that has become one of the world’s leading companies with the huge hit ‘Thousand’?

If such a large company had tried to recruit Soma, he would have been promised at least a position of manager!

But he flatly rejected that offer and said would he remain just a streamer?

“… If what you say is true, then that streamer called Soma seems to be some kind of seeker.”

As the director knows, for people like seekers, money and fame have no value.

He is the type of person who, if he decides on a path he thinks is right, walks down that path with honesty.

It is clear that the reason he chose the profession of streamer is because of his own noble beliefs that ordinary people will never understand.

It was clear that no matter how much money we tried to scout such a person, it would never work.

“But, I found a gemstone of that level, so I can’t back out like this.”

As he said that, the director’s eyes shined sharply.

“First of all, whether it works or not, I guess I should contact that friend.”

In his opinion, the streamer called Soma is a person with great talent and skills that is difficult to find even if you search the world.

Although it may not be possible to scout for the club right now, it would be possible to approach it from other directions.

“And the Olympic national team selection event to be held soon.”

The director looked alternately at Cheonhwa and Hyeonseong on either side of him and quietly opened his mouth.

“I’m thinking of recommending that friend named Soma for special selection.”

“… Yes?”

When the players around him looked surprised at those words, the coach smiled.

“If that guy’s skills are real, it would be possible to bring Korea a medal for the first time in a long time.”

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