81 – Streamer League and Beyond (1)

In essence, players who face each other in event matches rarely show their full potential.

This is because in competitions such as event matches, there is no benefit whatsoever whether you win or lose.

That’s why most of the players in these event matches just pretend to fight each other instead of being serious.

Of course, most event matches are fights with quite a lot to see on the outside, since they fight using very flashy skills with the viewers’ eyes in mind.

However, there was no way the viewers would not have known that the players were just roughly fighting without any passion for the fight.

The duel that people really want is a fight where each side brings out everything they have and fights it out.

In that sense, the duel currently taking place between Eugene and Cheonhwa was the duel they truly wanted.

Blows struck solely to kill each other, without any vague action!

A feast of unique skills that are rarely shown outside of professional matches!

Crucially, it also includes the development of the realm of thought, which is known to be extremely rare, even for professional players in the first division!

The event match between Eugene and Chunhwa was a spectacular match in itself that perfectly met people’s expectations.

[I’m an industry insider, but the match between Soma and Cheonhwa just now was so crazy hahathe industry is completely turned upside down now haha]

– As stated in the title, please state in advance that you are an industry worker

Actually, I wasn’t expecting much from the event match between Soma and Cheonhwa

That’s because Chunhwa is known to be the type of person who plays haphazardly even in professional games if he thinks they are not up to his level.

So, just looking at it, since it is an event match, it looks like Chunhwa will fight roughly and come down… I was thinking something like this and watched the game lol

I started off by just using my unique skills without thinking about what would happen later, but I really didn’t know that I would be able to use the area as well haha

Thanks to this, it’s a holiday today, and all the team’s analysts came out to analyze Chunhwa’s unique skills and areas. LOL

Ah, life sucks really haha

For reference, this post is written after saying that you are going to the bathroom to poop, so please do not post thoughts or anything like that.

I’m planning on deleting it on my own in a little while.

Recommended: 349 / Not recommended: 21

-Isn’t this a scam? I pressed the button 10 times while running the VPN. LOL

– Articles that talk nonsense like this are definitely trashed haha

– At first glance, it looks like it was written by a bastard lying around at home, but I’ll give it a try just in case ㅇㅇ

– If this bastard is in a related industry, then I am a 1st division pro gamer haha

– But after reading the text carefully, it doesn’t seem like there’s a remote possibility that he’s an official. LOL Still, it seems like he knows what the area is.

– What is the territory, you idiot

-ㄴ Are you really saying that the fact that Cheonhwa made a huge number of mandala-shaped flowers bloom on his back his is his territory his his

– I heard somewhere that if you evolve your unique skill to the end, you can influence the surrounding environment.

– ㄴ What is this again hahaunique skill affects the surrounding environment hahais this a devil fruit awakening? Haha

– I don’t know anything else, but it’s clear that most of the people making comments at this time are people who really don’t know anything haha

[But is it true that this update was really done because of Soma?]

– Is it true that a system update message was posted the moment Soma used the technique that temporarily changes the surrounding environment while fighting Cheonhwa?

According to a source I know personally, it’s all because of Soma?

Before Soma appeared, there was no concept of updates in this shit game, but after Soma appeared, the game was finally updated.

I think this is all thanks to Soma ㄹㅇ

Recommended: 18 / Not recommended: 45

– I’m very aggressive. LOL

– ㄴ ㄹㅇ LOL I know it’s aggro, but I was so angry that I had no choice but to leave a comment LOL

– Wow… Shavui… Soma is so merciful… They say wow because they can’t play any more games…

– ㄴ Idiot Concept ㄹㅇ ㅆㅅㅌㅊ LOL

– Fucking Soma, Soma is an all-purpose cheat? Huh?

– Common sense dictates that the publishers will update the game because of Soma? Huh?

– The intelligent evil Somakaim disguised as the bastard Somappa who wrote the article. LOL

Currently, the most talked about topic on community sites is the event match between Soma and Chunhwa, and the emergency update announcement for ‘Thousand’ that suddenly occurred while their event match was taking place!

However, the management only said, ‘We will make another announcement later,’ and did not make any official statement about this update.

Even if you go to the official website of ‘Thousands’, there is only an unidentified phrase saying [■■■■ Has been applied to the game.] And no other mention!

From noble mtl dot com

However, due to a series of events, it was none other than the production staff of ‘Thousands’ and the company’s management who felt the most crazy and excited.

“… I would like to apologize for the unfortunate incident of calling people here on a holiday. However, I decided that I could not simply cover up this situation and move on.”

Headquarters of ‘Ragnak Studio’, the developer of ‘One of the Thousand’.

Currently, in the conference room of the headquarters, almost all employees related to the game were gathered, including the general director, the production staff of Thousands, the management team commonly referred to as ‘GM’, and even the company president.

“Everyone. You will know that you can use a technique called intention not only in our ‘Thousands’ but also in almost all virtual reality games.”

Almost everyone gathered in the conference room nodded their heads at the words of the director who played the role of moderator.

Naturally, the production team of ‘Thousands’ knew very well what the phenomenon people called ‘idea’ was.

Although it is not included in the original game’s regular system, it is a kind of bug that arose due to the special nature of being in a virtual reality game that embodies human imagination!

However, the production team of ‘Thousands’ did not feel the need to ban it, even though they were well aware that a significant number of users, including professional gamers, used it.

This is because intention is a phenomenon that only appears when a player with a fairly high level of skill focuses his mind to the extreme.

Of course, since it was not a system created with the game company’s intention, they did not bother to publicize the fact that a phenomenon called ‘intention’ existed.

“And some of the professional gamers who can use thoughts can use a technology called ‘thought field’ that allows them to materialize their images in virtual reality. It is a highly difficult technique that overwrites the surrounding environment with one’s own image and creates a space that is absolutely advantageous to oneself.”

The director explains this and shows a video of some players developing their own areas of thought in a professional game.

“But even if you embody your image in virtual reality, it cannot affect the ‘Thousand’ system. This is because the realm of thought can only temporarily change the surrounding environment and has no power to reconstruct the fundamental environment itself.”

As he said that, the director sighed without even realizing it.

“… I was thinking. So, until a few hours ago now.”

This time, the director shows a scene of an event match between Eugene and Cheonhwa on the data screen.

On the screen, Cheonhwa unfolds his realm of thought, the Taejanggye Mandala (胎藏界曼茶羅), with a confident appearance.

But even for a moment, the realm of her thoughts is shattered by her thoughts, and soon Eugene unfolds the [Fight of the Sword].

A huge and majestic throne.

Swords that circle around the throne and show off their masters.

And the appearance of Eugene standing in the middle of the throne and dominating.

Looking at Eugene reflected on the screen, the people gathered here felt as if their hearts were pounding for some reason.

To be honest, unlike the other players’ areas of thought, which I only thought of as flashy or cool, Eugene’s [Fight of the Sword] Somehow gave the viewer the feeling of their blood boiling.

“This is a scene from an event match between professional gamer Chunhwa and streamer Soma that took place earlier. And as you have seen, Soma has developed his realm of thought. And, at that moment-”

Here, the director gulped down his throat and swallowed it.

Because what I had to say from now on sounded like crazy nonsense even when I thought about it.

“The moment Soma opened his realm of thought, some of the systems in the game were forcibly modified. And it’s happening so fast that we can’t take any action.”



At the director’s words, everyone gathered in the conference room kept their mouths shut.

It’s not because I don’t know anything, but because I know very well how absurd what the director is saying is.

“… By any chance, was the technology known as the realm of thought a technology that could have some impact on the system that makes up the game?”

In response to the president’s question, the director shakes his head left and right.

“No. It’s not like that. In the first place, if the technology called Yinyeom had been such a dangerous technology, we would never have allowed its use.”

“But I heard that the phenomenon called thought can temporarily distort the laws of physics in the game a little bit?”

“That is true, but the distortion of the laws of physics due to thoughts is only a temporary phenomenon. In calculations, more than 10,000 people would have to act simultaneously to modify the system itself through the power of thought. In fact, it is unrealistic.”

The president ends up questioning the director’s answer as if he doesn’t understand something.

“But I heard that part of the system was modified due to the realm of thought unleashed by that streamer called Soma? Then how do you explain that?”

“As a result of running the simulation several times so far, it is impossible and should not happen based on common sense for just one human being to interfere with the system with the power of thought. But… “

And at this point, the director sighed softly.

“It seems that Soma-sama was a monster that went far beyond our common sense.”

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