79 – Cheonhwa (5)

Holy sword Altina.

It is a sacred object given to this earth by the Heavenly God as proof of its love for humans, and at the same time, it is one of the most powerful Noble Phantasms that Eugene knows.

And Altina was a sword that could never be realized even with Eugene’s unique skill his, [Sword Master].

This is because the holy sword Altina was endowed with three powers that could never be reproduced by human power.

Among the three powers inherent in Altina, the name of the power Eugene just used is [Light of Destruction].

The power itself that reproduces the power of the distant past, when the Heavenly God divided heaven and earth and established the boundary.

Therefore, [Death Light] Was a technique that could produce the most powerful firepower among the means available to Eugene.

This is true even if the current Holy Sword Altina is a deteriorated copy that was temporarily realized within Eugene’s mental world due to the [Festival of the Sword].

The [Light of Destruction] That Eugene just used with the cloned Holy Sword Altina will not be even half of the power of the original.

However, at the same time, firepower that was only half that of the original was sufficient to deal with Cheonhwa.

Kwaa aa alright~!

A clear golden light, as if made from starlight, splits the world in half.

The place where the blade of light directly touched was completely erased from the world, and even if it did not touch the starlight, it was not unaffected.

The rooftop of the skyscraper where Eugene and Cheonhwa were standing just moments ago completely collapsed, and all the windows of the nearby building were completely shattered.


With a creepy sound, the skyscraper slowly begins to bend forward.

The aftermath of the battle that had occurred on the rooftop so far had not been overcome, and the building itself was about to collapse.

However, Eugene had absolutely no intention of doing a free fall experiment from this height.

[Owner of the Sword – Bankrupt Sword Mogley]


A great sword suddenly rises from the ground and pierces the side of the skyscraper that Moglei is about to collapse.

It was an attack that was not strange at all even if the building was split in two, but funny enough, the skyscraper stopped falling forward once it was penetrated by the Mogley.

The sight of a building over a kilometer tall collapsing, or Eugene erecting the building without any hesitation, were all so spectacular that Sia was left speechless.

To be honest, it was ridiculous.

Even though it is a story in a virtual reality game, is this really something that can be achieved with human power?

Over the past week, she had gone through extreme training under Eugene and was confident that she had become incredibly strong, but it was impossible for her to achieve this kind of destruction!

‘When you were training with me… You really were watching a lot… ‘

Around that time, Sia was thinking about that while looking at Eugene with her blank face.

“… Oh my, is the time already limited?”

Eugene, who was swinging Altina from the top of the throne, suddenly realized that the reality of Altina he was holding was fading away.

Even though less than 30 seconds had passed since the area was opened, the duration of [Fight of the Sword] Had already ended.

Even so, the consumption of intent to expand the domain is enormous, and as if that were not enough, since Altina was fully embodied and her powers were unleashed, it would not be unreasonable for [Festival of the Sword] To run out of time.

Eugene suddenly lowers his head and looks at Altina.

The current Altina was slowly disappearing into the air, losing all her thoughts that she had made up who she was.


But then, a strange sound comes from her her Altina her her her.

It’s like she’s desperately trying to hold on to herself as she disappears.

And Eugene knew very well that the ‘sound’ he had just heard was not just a matter of mood.

Because, inside her, Altina had her own ego her.

[■■ ■■■.]

“I’m sorry, but I can’t fully embrace you right now.”

[■■■, ■■ ■■■■■ ■■ ■■■■.]

“I’m sorry. Let’s talk about the backlog later. There’s still work left.”

As Eugene said this with her bitter smile, Altina turned into golden powder and completely disappeared, and at the same time, [Fight of the Sword] Was also canceled.


Sia unknowingly exclaims in admiration as she sees the space distort once and then return to its original reality.

“… It’s truly amazing. You can casually cause destruction on this scale in the realm of thought that changes the environment within a virtual reality game… “What level of skill do you have?”

“Well… Regardless of the realm of thought and the scale of destruction, I think it’s even more impressive that I survived there.”

“… Yes?”

At Eugene’s words, Sia lowered her head in surprise.

And there, above the broken sword that Eugene had plunged into the building, was the figure of Cheonhwa, breathing heavily.

“It’s really surprising. How on earth did you survive? Even if I were in that situation, I’m not confident I would survive…”

If she were to be hit directly by the [Destructive Heavenly Light] Fired by Eugene just now, even if she were an evil spirit, she would definitely be killed in one hit.

How on earth can Cheonhwa survive, having received such a powerful technique head-on?

And Eugene was able to find the answer to the problem without difficulty.

“For a split second, did she use the realm of her thoughts that remained like a fragment of her her reality her as her her shield her her?”

Eugene laughed in amusement as he looked at the crushed and distorted mandala located behind the painting.

Let’s admit it.

Even in the eyes of the picky Eugene, Cheonhwa was a person of great ability that is hard to find.

Not only did he casually learn martial arts that were said to have been created exclusively for virtual reality games, but the physicality and instantaneous judgment ability he showed in the battle with Eugene just now were at a very high level.

If Cheonhwa had been summoned to this world instead of Eugene, it was clear that she would have become stronger at a much faster rate than Eugene.

Perhaps, it is possible that Eugene caught the demon lord that took 20 years to catch in a shorter period of time.

However, that is just a what if.

Eugene is a warrior with experience fighting all kinds of demons over a period of 20 years.

No matter how talented Cheonhwa was, she could never match Yujin, who had gone through countless battles as a warrior in this world.

“But… No matter how I look at it, it looks like they plan to continue. Even though it looks like the winner or loser has already been decided.”

Even though the distance was hundreds of meters away, Yujin clearly saw what state Cheonhwa was in.

Although Cheonhwa succeeded in preventing [Destruction Cheonlight], That did not mean that she suffered no damage in the process.

Her entire body was covered in burns as a result of exposure to high-calorie energy, and it was impossible to find any parts of her that were not fractured, and there was no trace of where her left hand had gone.

An injury that leaves you unable to move properly unless you forcibly inject vitality into your body.

But even after receiving such an injury, Chunhwa still did not give up.

No, on the contrary, I look at him with a face that is even more passionate than before.

Even though this is a world in a virtual reality game, it does not mean that no pain is felt.

Especially when you become a professional gamer, you often set the pain sensation level to a fairly high value in order to move your avatar with a more delicate sense.

Of course, that in no way meant that I felt the same level of shame as reality.

However, even taking that into account, the pain that Cheonhwa must be currently feeling must be quite significant.

Even though he was experiencing such pain, Eugene felt happy that Cheonhwa was looking at him without any intimidation.

That’s why.

[Master of the Sword – Holy Sword Omega]

Even though he cannot use the realm of thought, he still faces Heaven with the maximum power he can produce.

Because that was the greatest courtesy that Eugene could show towards Cheonhwa.


When Yuria is summoned to Eugene’s her side, Eugene cautiously opens his mouth to her.

“That’s right, I want to do my best this time. So Yuria, I hope you’ll cooperate as well.”

“… Do you mean cooperation?”

But that was then.

When she asked herself to cooperate, Yuria’s lips turned up in a pout.

“Well, it’s not that difficult to help the master… But before that, let’s go over one thing.”

“… “What on earth?”

When Yu-jin was wondering about Yu-Ria’s somehow crooked appearance, Yu-Ria crossed her arms and opened her mouth as if she didn’t like something about her.

“So, who is that bitch from earlier?”

“… That bitch?”

“Don’t think of it as a joke. As I watched her quietly, I saw that they were having a very affectionate conversation with each other… As she was secretly watching, she became very upset.”

Naturally, Eugene had no idea what Yuria was talking about.

She just said that the only people she met were Xia and Chunhwa, and she’s accusing me of what I did wrong?

“…Ha, you’re making me into a bad woman in the end. Do I really have to mention that bitch out of my mouth?”

While saying that, Yuria looks at Eugene with cold eyes.

“…Did you say Altina, the name of that holy sword? So, I’m asking what kind of nonsense was going on between my master and that holy sword?”

“… What?”

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